The Raid 2
The Raid 2
Your probable score
The Raid 2

The Raid 2

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
2h 30m
Only a short time after the first raid, Rama goes undercover with the thugs of Jakarta and plans to bring down the syndicate and uncover the corruption within his police force. (imdb)

The Raid 2

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
2h 30m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 64.48% from 1586 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 29 Jan 2019
I can't fault Evans for what he was trying to do here. The first movie had the plot of a turkey sandwich with copious amounts of fighting to give it some gerth, so as a filmmaker, it's only natural he try to tell a more robust story in his sequel. The issue is, that kick ass choreography was "The Raid"s only strength, and it was so good that the movie itself became kick ass, now there's a mediocre plot watering it down, and call me simple, but I just came for the pencak silat.
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Fans of the first film will be pleased that this too features some great scenes of people getting the shit kicked out of them (or punched, shot, slashed, stabbed, battered, hammered, etc). The fast-paced, often frenzied, bouts of violence are deftly handled and always coherent, and quite brutal. Perhaps the running time is overly generous, and the focus on the actual characters is slight, but this is superior, exciting action cinema.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
Indonesian supercop Rama viciously mutilates and murders dozens and dozens of bad dudes, in a dazzling array of fight scenes absolutely drenched in gore. If the film has a single flaw, it's the 150 minute run time...the scale of violence on display is so immense, it can feel exhausting to watch it continuing to unfold for so long. By the end, the viewer is left feeling as drained as Rama himself: battered, breathless, and dripping with enough fake blood to make Bruce Campbell proud. Amazing.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
People Rama Beats Up: 6 bad guys from the backseat of a car, 15 criminals in a toilet stall, 20 people in a warehouse, a baseball assassin, 10 corrupt cops in a kitchen, 50(?) dudes in a prison yard (in the rain!). Probably half of Jakarta actually.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
I appreciate making this sequel much larger in scope and not just a simple rehash, even though the 'undercover cop used as a pawn' crime thriller parts take up huge chunks of time and are tonally different from the ridiculously crazy and impressive fight scenes. The grittiness and mercilessness of everything makes for quite a dark ride sometimes. If only the story wasn't a mix of things we've seen so often before. Best action movie of 2014 for sure, but not really a fun one.
Rated 04 Apr 2014
Wow. What a sequel - this is how to do a martial arts movie! Uwais' fighting skills are incomparable. I'm apprehensive about some of the violence.. but most of the time it's all in good fun. Evans' film language is confident, and the ante is upped by adding more locations, with many a wild setpiece, and a colorful cast of memorable characters sport machetes, baseball bats, shotguns, uzis, broken bottles and whatnot. The crazy, energetic action is even buttressed by a pretty decent gangster saga.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
Certainly has its entertaining fight scenes, but being less of a taut, claustrophobic film like its predecessor was and more of a sprawling, lengthy action film makes this feel much less inspired and more similar to other mediocre action flicks. This is filled with story and plot progression, but hardly any characterisation (oh, the protagonist has a wife and kids, huh). The action really is terrific and gory, but the rest of the film is not worth it.
Rated 10 Sep 2014
There was a plot here apparently, I dunno, I wasn't paying attention, but make no mistake "The Raid 2" is a work of genius. The cinematography and choreography are insane. Mrs Okkervil said "this movie is horrible" after being subjected to two hours of ultra-violence, and thus bumped it up a Tier all on her own.
Rated 19 Aug 2014
The Raid hit that objective, indisputable yardstick of action-film perfection: It was exactly 96 minutes long. This one's 150, and I'm pretty sure exactly 54 minutes are made up of plot. It may be a good plot, but all it does is to make the whole thing disjointed; we get either a decent undercover drama interrupted by (in that context) unrealistic fight scenes, or a brilliant fight scene annoyingly interrupted by drama. So, The Raid 2 is exactly 96/150=64% as good as the first film.
Rated 02 Aug 2014
With its far more gripping narrative and ambitious examination of greater themes, Berandal is anything but a naked cash grab. In that regard, the film plays like a worthy companion piece to Elite Squad 2 - not as unapologetically political, yet equally determined in its depiction of blackmail, betrayal and corruption. And the climactic kitchen showdown is arguably the greatest fight scene ever committed to celluloid, a pulse-pounding ballet of blistering choreography and jaw-dropping intensity.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
Did you like the fights in the first one but want another hour of intricate but unoriginal and tedious exposition? Then this is the film for you. All in all I enjoyed it for what it was, and despite the narrative being rather bloated it was spaced out enough that it wasn't a big issue. Still kind of bothered by the fascist undertones, but there a bit less of that here.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
A surprising film which goes beyond the first both in scope and beautiful human carnage. The cold clinical feel of the shots, hyper violence, and atmosphere pays homage to Miike as well as Korean cinema. This also has some of the most long detailed action sequences ever seen on film. The plot itself is your typical underworld scenario but with some rather vicious twists. The multiple interesting location settings, actors (with a few Miike regulars), and amazing cinematography elevates this.
Rated 21 Jun 2014
Contains a lot of backstory and plot that are ultimately a waste that only serves to extend the running time. But once that's out of the way and the film gets down to muscular men beating 7 shades of sh*t out of each other in imaginative ways then this owns. Nobody is watching this for story, they're watching for superbly choreographed violence, and that's exactly what this sequel delivers. It just spends a bit too much time trying to develop a story instead of getting to ass-kicking ASAP.
Rated 19 Apr 2014
The first film is an unbridled masterpiece of martial arts action. There's almost no plot, and the fights resonate with brutality and impact. The core characters meant something to me in spite of their minimal story guidance. This film has way more plot, way more characterization, and way more violence, and somehow feels lesser for it. Still a very worthy film in the genre for a few excellent set pieces, but it's sorta a "Die Harder" situation IMO.
Rated 19 Apr 2014
Still has fantastic action that can't be beat but it's also bloated down with uninteresting plot that just goes on and on with me not not caring about it at all. JUST SHUT UP AND PUNCH SOMEONE!
Rated 15 Apr 2014
Compared to the first movie, the fights are twice as good but the story and acting are twice as bad, so it's a weird trade off. I liked this more than the first overall, but I kinda wished there was more fighting/bloodshed/death/gore and less story/melodrama. It's fun seeing hundreds of people dying on the big screen, though. I like it when people die. People suck. Fuck 'em.
Rated 21 Apr 2015
Gareth Evans seems to think that the reason we liked The Raid 1 wasn't the straight forward plot we got out of the way in minutes, but instead that one scene where a cop betrays the other cops. Well, get ready for a ride of betrayal. Between every amazingly shot and choreographed fight scene, there are 20 long minutes of a gang member betraying another gang member. This could have been an amazing action flick if they cut it down by 40 minutes.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
Who is fighting whom and why? "A symphony of violence," yes, and it's incredibly well-orchestrated to boot, but I simply didn't care. The first film felt urgent and almost necessary, but this entry feels bombastic and ugly.
Rated 15 Nov 2014
I admit I had some doubts with the sequel's concept, but making The Raid 2 a Yakuza flick with incredible martial arts choreography and editing turned out amazing. Throughout the entire film there's a cynical, hostile feeling of dread that could become weary, were it not for the fantastic fight scenes. While the story could be plucked out from a weak Beat Takeshi flick, it more than does its job to hook you in; but, if anything, it leaves you wanting to see more of the secondary characters.
Rated 15 Nov 2014
What I enjoyed most about the first Raid was how grounded it was in realit--ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaahahaha. I'm sorry, did I almost call a movie about a single guy neck-crunching his way up & down 30 floors of chaos 'grounded in reality'? Still, despite the fact the movie was desperately trying to remain gritty, the director just had to go and introduce anime mini-boss fighter twins Ms. Hammers and Batboy. I couldn't help but die a little inside.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
The fight scenes and cinematography are the only reasons to watch this. It expands the universe of the first movie and the results are half cooked. It is way too long and becomes extremely repetitive. The boss fights are pretty slick, because that's when it goes back to the basics of the first movie. There's too much meandering and the story that's threaded between the brutality isn't fresh enough to warrant all the time devoted to it. Despite this, I'll probably watch a third.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
Allows its hero to degenerate into a psychopath but does not treat this as strange.
Rated 21 Jul 2014
I'm not sure I've ever seen a sequel that so significantly improves upon the first installment. The two biggest issues I had with the first -- the pointless plot and repetitive combat -- are completely fixed and then-some. It reminded me of those Johnny Wadd (or Brock Landers, if you will) porn films, with a stock plot and periodic hardcore porn. This film is the action equivalent, with dicks getting punched instead of sucked. Good ending, too.
Rated 09 Jul 2014
An undercover cop trying to NOT TO FREAK OUT/BRING DOWN every dirty cop in Jakarta. This is pure mayhem. Yeah, probably the most violent thing ever, but still a sequel that tries not to expand. It SLAUGHTERS the previous (amazing siege-y, Carpenter-esque) one. Evans goes smooth, but it all looks familiar and strange -- Safe Haven, the best (and only worth your time) V/H/S segment proves he's a man of fast thrills. Better than some films that attempted that, though -- like Elite Squad 2.
Rated 09 Jul 2014
Holy fucking shit, I didn't think they could improve on the first one but they did. This film took a very different narrative approach from its predecessor, but it was incredibly effective and by far one of the best action/crime/thriller movies I have seen in a long time. Also, major props to the cinematographer, this was so gorgeously shot I couldn't even handle it.
Rated 01 Jul 2014
At first, I thought the plot was too thin and perfunctory, but now I dig how archetypal it is, and the bold style and colorful cast of baddies give it the impression of an especially violent comic-book film. But it's not thoughtless, and the keener awareness of brutality's dehumanizing effects, as Rama gradually becomes worse than the monsters which he's fighting against, is one of the most significant improvements over the first film. Needless to say, the action is astounding.
Rated 29 Jun 2014
I love that It snows for exactly 1 day in Jakarta. Blindsides itself with generic mob banter with nothing we haven't already seen in the Sopranos, dragging the run time out to 2.5 hours. Still, the fight scene's are top notch but it wasn't the well oiled, glorifyingly violent machine Redemption was.
Rated 09 May 2014
Like the first 'The Raid: Redemption' but with plot. Maybe a bit too much plot. Oh, and it's too long. However, you can't take away that the fight scenes might be the most hectic and inventive of all time.
Rated 27 Jun 2015
Whereas the first movie brought a lot to the lockdown style action movie, it's sequel brings hardly anything new to the undercover cop genre. It's way too long, has too many characters and subplots, I hated the abruptness of the ending, but I do love the martial arts, acting, set design, and despite it's run time, the pacing does it some justice.
Rated 17 Feb 2015
The Godfather but with martial arts.
Rated 05 Jan 2015
The Raid 2 shows how to implement great martial arts into a crime thriller.
Rated 29 Dec 2014
Following one guy beating up half of Jakarta proves to be entertaining enough. Could have done without the gratuitous violence. And the generic plot.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
Dumb. The action scenes are okay, if that's your bag.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
The John Woo meets Park Chan-wook meets Tarantino meets Friedkin meets meets John Carpenter meets Andrew Lau meets every other Hong Kong director ever -style is a bit incoherent but guess what, the drama works on almost every front. Some unnecessarily grim sleaze between the punching but I didn't find it offensive, just a bit distracting. Everything else mostly worked in unison. Sure the pace & structure are all over the place but I honestly stopped giving a shit after the 1st fight scene.
Rated 18 Oct 2014
Far worse than the first one, as it's way too slow and long for an action movie. Still, quite entertaining at its best.
Rated 09 Oct 2014
Really unfortunate that it can't stand up to how good it's predecessor was. Most of the action in this film is martial arts fist fighting stuff, which is fine, but really not my thing. The plot was boring. Replace the fights with gunfights and I'd probably add another 2 points or so.
Rated 28 Aug 2014
Evans knows how to shoot action, but his style is doggedly mechanical. His relentlessness has been compared to John Woo, but he lacks Woo's poetry and inventiveness. The more elaborate story is simply window dressing because the character's motivation remains the same: he just has to survive. There is no higher stake internally, even though the forces around him are considerably bigger. It's obviously good, but the original was more compelling and honest in its brutal directness.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
Dissappointed, should have dropped the dialouges and the "story". And i couldnt stop thinking why on earth all the enemies would attack one by one in every single fight?
Rated 09 Aug 2014
Like Hyams in 2012 and Refn in 2013, Evans seems to have made a decision to be much more aesthetically audacious than previously, in terms of colour, composition, camera movement, sound and the depiction of violence. Unlike Hyams and Refn, he has in other ways remained firmly within generic convention, in terms of narrative, themes, the invincibility of the protagonist, attackers who arrive in serial procession, etc. The film thus gives the viewer much pleasure within its own artistic limits.
Rated 03 Aug 2014
I loved the video-gamey "mid bosses," and the action scenes absolutely deliver. I also liked the use of 'Koso and Eka as proxies for Rama. But this film feels noticeably inferior to its predecessor. Evans simply doesn't understand pacing (yet), and 150 minutes feels WAY too long for this kind of film. The script's habit of mentioning characters without showing them onscreen only exacerbates this. The film still has quite a lot to enjoy, but Evans has a way to go before he really nails his craft.
Rated 26 Jul 2014
More of a movie than the first with a better script and a plot that stretches a little more than just a few sentences. The relentless action is incredible, once again, but the runtime is a little unnecessary. The foley artists must have used fields of cabbage for the countless bones broken.
Rated 22 Jul 2014
I didn't think it was as good as the first movie. The added complexities to the plot and the additional "character development" somehow made it... worse. More blood, less talk, me happy.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
A real film of two halves. Every non-action scene (i.e. the first hour) is dull as dishwater and the characters have no personalities. But once the action starts for real, about halfway in, it's a perfectly-paced crescendo of gripping fight scenes (and one car chase) which demonstrate technical brilliance and each is one step faster, longer, gorier and more intense than the last. This bloody whirlwind is ALMOST enough to make the film an instant genre classic. But Iko Uwais lacks any charisma...
Rated 18 Jul 2014
Raiding my refrigerator is more exciting than this sequel. Yes, the fights were intense and graphically violent. Yes, some of the sets were cool and the amount of extras worked into the fight choreography was impressive... but what the heck was up with that plot? It was terrible, a very over used idea of going under cover to bring down a group of thugs...
Rated 26 Jun 2014
What would have otherwise been a pretty cool action flick, ruined by shaky cam.
Rated 26 Jun 2014
Probably the most brutal movie I've ever seen (a case can be made for Battle Royale). Face blown off with a shotgun? check. Death by face burning? check. Stabbings, blunt trama, executions, check. The cinematography is masterful; it's so good that you take note during fight scenes so intense your stomach is way up in your chest.
Rated 10 May 2014
Holy shit, holy shit holy shit holyshit. Highly awesome, if you liked the first one you will adore this. If if you haven't seen the first one and like action then go watch it. Then this. Now. Right now.
Rated 22 Apr 2014
Immediately after the end of REDEMPTION, Rama (Iko Uwais) is sent undercover, ultimately becoming an enforcer in the Jakarta mob, with the goal of rooting out police corruption. Much violence ensues. The set pieces are brilliantly choreographed, brutal and prolonged almost beyond belief. It's smoothly directed and lushly shot. It would be a masterpiece, if it weren't for the tiresomely predictable plot, which mostly just helps push the running time to 150 minutes (though it's rarely boring).
Rated 15 Apr 2014
sweet jesus
Rated 14 Apr 2014
Installment 2 is longer, more story-driven, and more complex; but its primary pleasures remain those same ones that made its predecessor so appealing: the visceral, relentless and utterly impeccable fight scenes, the choreography almost unbelievable perfect, the bloodshed draw-a-breath shocking, the sequences building and building and building until you realise you haven't blinked in six minutes..
Rated 13 Apr 2014
Dare I say it's even better than the first movie? It might be less compact and contained than the first movie, but the action scenes are just as solid as ever. There are some creative hitmen with a variety of signature weapons, and this movie even manages to juggle hand-to-hand fight scenes (these in the largest quantity), gunfighting, and car chases handily. It's very violent, very realistic-looking, and about all you need if you're looking for pure action.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
Gareth Evans is back to solve Jakarta's overpopulation problem with his eighties-esque body count! Really, these are genre pictures, but within the confines of the formula you can really see an effort to do everything well. I'm pretty sure this sequel is better than the first.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
The Raid 2 takes everything that was good about the first film (the action, cinematography) and makes it bigger & better, but it also takes everything that was awful and makes it SO much worse. Whilst its predecessor can be forgiven for it's minimal story & character development in favour of focusing on the action, here half of the unbearable running time is devoted to the piss poor exposition & large number of underdeveloped major characters. Still, it has the best action scenes since Ong Bak 2
Rated 13 Apr 2014
How do you improve on some of the greatest martial arts action ever filmed? If I knew, I'd be Gareth Evans, but I'm not. I wish I was though, because what Evans has done here is create one of the grittiest, hardest, most thrilling action films ever AND topped in every conceivable way this sequel's predecessor. Though the plot needs some tailoring, the action is a rush, the cinematography as innovative as it gets, and the plot and drama more than adequate. Hours later, my heart is still pounding.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Heavy, dense, and in need of a much shorter cut.
Rated 01 May 2021
An almost perfect action martial arts film. I have no idea how this ties into the original Raid, but the fight scenes alone are enough for me. Saw it in theaters with friends and on the way back we just kept repeating, "He left the bat in the wall."
Rated 08 Jan 2019
The story fails to hold itself up and is on occasion even silly, but it's all worth it for the final action sequence. The gruesome kitchen duel is especially riveting.
Rated 24 Oct 2018
Not quite the original, but still delivers more intense action and cinematic genius.
Rated 19 Oct 2018
It has a bit more plot than it really needs to in the first half but GODFUCKINGDAMN I love few things more than the last 40 minutes of this movie.
Rated 25 Aug 2018
Brevity is the soul of wit, Gareth. I mean, there's nothing wrong with saving all your movie's best stuff for the last half hour, just don't make it two and a fucking half hours long. Alternate, between dope fight scene and boring dialogue scene, otherwise what kind of pace are you gonna end up with? Fights are pretty dope though, let's be honest.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Although its high-energy plot and over-the-top violence may play better with genre aficionados, The Raid 2 definitely delivers more of everything audiences loved about its predecessor.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
A beautifully crafted crescendo until the last second. Amazing fights, amazing build-up, amazing sound effects and musics.
Rated 07 Dec 2017
Beautifully choreographed violence alongside a fairly standard but still engaging tale of going undercover to fight corruption.
Rated 10 Jun 2017
Honey Badger: The Movie just needs more daring escapes and testicle gnashing.
Rated 19 May 2017
One of the best action movies ever made.This movie really isn't like any other,every single action set-piece in here is so beautifully crafted and so meticulously planned-out that you really can't do anything but applaud it for it's brilliance.It knows as well that you came here not for the plot but the awesome fight scenes so it makes sure it delivers an action scene pretty much every 10 minutes or so.Oh and the kitchen fight in this's a piece of art.
Rated 27 Apr 2017
Film is like a kettle boiling over. The final act is a marathon of catharsis
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Great choreography and a daring attempt to stray away from the tight plot and setting of the first installment that pays off in by far the most intense fighting sequence of the decade.
Rated 21 Jan 2017
Compared to "The Raid: Redemption", "The Raid 2" is a longer, more complex affair. That does detract a little bit from its potency but it's still quite fascinating. Gareth Evans proves his directorial mastery once more: the fight scenes are exquisite and, in addition to that, we also get a truly phenomenal car chase this time around. The number of awe-inspiring, fist-pumping moments is still high and the more ambitious premise is welcome albeit not as surprisingly magical as the first one's.
Rated 31 Oct 2016
No John Wick lawls.
Rated 26 Apr 2016
2 1/2 hours and I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel like it but it's worth it if you know what you're getting into.
Rated 22 Apr 2016
The Raid 2 is stylish and violent, featuring some of the most interesting martial arts villains I've seen in a long while. My personal favorite is Alicia 'Hammer Girl', played by Julie Estelle. I've never seen a pair of claw hammers wielded so expertly. Magnificent! #Netflix
Rated 30 Mar 2016
Wer Action Filme gewohnt ist, der kann damit umgehen, alle anderen werden über Kopfschmerzen stöhnen nach dem Abspann. Diejenigen aber, die wie ich auf der Suche nach dem grössten Action Epos aller Zeiten sind, haben es hiermit gefunden!(...) (Dazu haben wir für euch die besten Cop Thriller des World Cinema gesammelt. Auf der Seite unserer Videothek
Rated 29 Feb 2016
Like first one wasn't overrated enough.
Rated 09 Feb 2016
Very good.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
The Raid 2 is a slow and menacing film, punctuated by moments of brief, explosive action. It's a daring break from its prequel but yet another successful martial arts endeavour from Gareth Evans.
Rated 11 Jul 2015
It seems The Raid people have learnt a lot from the first film. This is slicker, more professional, larger in scope, better paced while equally brutal and exciting.
Rated 07 Jun 2015
The 1st film had a simple but great idea 4 a string of virtually uninterrupted visceral action sequences: a SWAT team has 2 make their way up a building full of nothing-2-lose criminals. This, however, decides on something more "substantial", substituting a lot of plot & human drama (the original's least interesting feature) which turns this in2 something more akin 2 dumb 80's action flix, requiring 2 much 3rd rate story 2 get 2 the fight scenes (where guns r frequently & implausibly absent)
Rated 15 May 2015
There's a heavier focus on the story than in the first film, but make no mistake--"Berandal" by no means lets up on the action, providing all of the explosive choreography and blood-pumping action you'd hope for.
Rated 07 May 2015
too long
Rated 04 Apr 2015
Bigger in scope than the original, this movie is a fantastic action film that moves by fast. A bigger plot ends up making the movie feel a little cluttered, but the set pieces are also bigger and that makes up for it
Rated 24 Jan 2015
This film is a step up from the first. Where the first one was very much contained, this one is wide open, and where the plot of the original was very simple, this one is fairly complex. The story really is just an excuse for the action scenes, but it still works. And the fight scenes really are incredible and viscerally brutal. The direction is really impressive too, and not just in the action sequences. Oh, and bonus points for use of Nine Inch Nails.
Rated 23 Jan 2015
Very disappointing sequel. First The Raid was like 20% story, 80% action, now it's the other way around. It would be fine, if Evans had a screenwriting talent that went beyond rehashing Johnnie To thrillers. Two and a half hours is way too long for something you feel you have seen before.
Rated 08 Jan 2015
Manages to be even more heart-pounding and action-packed than the first Raid, which had been the most heart-pounding, action-packed film I'd ever seen
Rated 02 Jan 2015
With even better martial arts choreography than the first film, and massive improvements in every other area, from sound & music to the plot, The Raid 2 is exactly what I THOUGHT every action film was when I was 12 - brutal, visceral, gripping in its sheer and unflinching nature and yet well rounded and soulful when it counts. I don't think I've seen a better film of this type. Real credit is due to Gareth Evans for such quick progress as a director - he has learned from the first film fast.
Rated 29 Dec 2014
Yes, the last fight scene was amazing, but I think I put too much expectation on this movie. I was expecting a bit more of originality. The plot was not anything special, some acting was bad, and some parts dragged. Not a bad action film, though.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
The convoluted plot causes dry spots amidst bigger and crazier action scenes. Get through the slow moments at the beginning and you'll be rewarded with some gigantic fights. Here's hoping Raid 3 strikes a plot balance between 1 and 2 while keeping what makes the movies so entertaining.
Rated 20 Nov 2014
The differences between this and it's predecessor come from opening up the setting. This sequel has the whole city of Jakarta to play with, and the violence takes on a whole new level. The first movie had a stunning sense of claustrophobia, this one now has a beauty to it's violence that comes from imaginative set pieces. It also has a plot now, which unfortunately drags at parts. Still, it has strong themes, and explores the world of gangsters and humanizes the minor characters well.
Rated 02 Nov 2014
A bit overlong and lacking direction in plot, but damn if this isn't the new gold standard for action scenes.
Rated 21 Oct 2014
This is a very different film than its predecessor. The narrative is much more involved and it tries to get further into the roots and pervasiveness of corruption. It does a good enough job on that end, but it's nothing particularly original. The fighting is just as amazing as the first, however. The car chase scene in particular features some of the best choreographed/shot action you've ever seen. In his limited body of work, Evans has proven himself to be among the great action directors.
Rated 27 Sep 2014
It's quite simple, The Raid 2 isn't as good as its predecessor. The Raid was unique in many ways, while the sequel is a whole different beast altogether. The more classic approach doesn't work as well as the effective style of the first Raid. Pacing is off and tedious, while the fighting is brilliant, yet again. I will be awaiting The Raid 3.
Rated 07 Sep 2014
Yes the fight scenes are fast, brutal and amazing but the plot is a little too much cliched American crime drama for my taste. It's also too long with too many plot threads following minor characters who in the grand scheme of things don't really matter or influence the story. That said the brutality is higher if a little less realistic than the first.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
At least this one had a story (and the freeway sequence is as great as you've heard) but I'm still not quite on board with this series. I found "Dredd" superior to the similar "Raid: Redemption", and Evans's contribution to the anthology "V/H/S 2" vastly better than either film in this series.
Rated 15 Aug 2014
Like the original installment, it's practically a 2½ hour fight sequence. I liked it, but I remember liking the first one more. I'm a fan of the ultra-violence, but it could have used some levity, even once. That would have been welcome. A bit too grim to be thrillingly fun.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
One of the best straight up action movies in a long time.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Holy Lord Jesus, Gareth Evans is an insanely awesome action director. So many bad ass shots. So many bad ass moments. I think I liked the first one a bit more just because of the climbing the building plot, but this one is great as well.
Rated 29 Jul 2014
Fucking mindblowing how good this is
Rated 29 Jul 2014
Incredible fight choreography and cinematography make this a fun movie to watch, but the plot is convoluted and the violence (over a lengthy two and a half hour runtime) gets extremely excessive. Still, Evans is attempting something different from the first film so that in itself is admirable.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
Stylish, innovative and spectacular action/combat scenes. Personally never fully enjoyed this genre, but that being said it's probably one of the better within its genre. If I ever end up as a gang lord, i make sure my thugs have weapons..
Rated 22 Jul 2014
Video review:
Rated 14 Jul 2014
It's The Raid, but 2. Better action, higher stakes, and more story. Still not a masterpiece, but enjoyable nonetheless.


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