X-Men: Days of Future Past
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X-Men: Days of Future Past

2h 12m
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Avg Percentile 58.47% from 5776 total ratings

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Rated 27 May 2014
Okay, this is seriously mind blowing. X-Men: Days of Future Past is extremely well written and I'm more than glad that Singer did this one too. The characters (even the underdeveloped ones) are the best part of the movie and it's one of the best X-Men movies period. Jackman is great as usual, Fassbender still excellent as ever, Lawrence does a good job for being mostly the highlight of the film, and the little bit of Quicksilver: Hilarious. Fans of the X-Men may want to tear up a bit.
Rated 26 May 2014
Going back in time and rectifying the horrible mistakes of the past seems like an appropriate plot for Singer's triumphant return to the franchise he nurtured into life, and others thoroughly molested after he left the helm.
Rated 23 May 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past is a solid return to the X-Men series for Bryan Singer. He brings back such a thorough understanding of the source material and the huge array of X-Men universe characters and all the multiple plot threads are balanced & interlinked perfectly. The entire cast is on form, in particular Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender & James McAvoy. The set pieces are superb but surprisingly it's Quicksilver who steals the show. This is definitely my favourite X-Men film to date.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
Singer slams open the door to the X-men room and screams: "What have you kids been DOING in here?! Clean up this clutter at once! And you, Brett, you little shit, go home to your parents. I'll rectify this mess if it takes me an entire fucking movie - plot holes and everything - to do so." And lo and behold he/it did.
Rated 29 May 2014
Throw Halle Berry in the garbage.
Rated 17 May 2016
Arguably the best X-Men movie yet, it tells a compelling story while effectively resetting the timeline, allowing for greater freedom in future stories. Awesome.
Rated 04 Jun 2014
A marvelous (clever, eh?) combination of the two pre-established film series universes. Fun, fast-paced and jam-packed with sweet visuals and cool ideas. Some of it is on the silly side (*cough*, Quicksilver), sure, but it's the most entertaining X-Men movie yet, beating even the gold standard set by Singer's own 'X2'. I particularly loved the sentinel attacks in the future. Also, as those who know me are well aware, the inclusion of time travel in itself goes a long way towards making me happy.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Joins the ridiculously short list of 'X-Men movies worth a damn'. It delightfully ignores all the dumb stuff from the already clunky franchise (yeah, back in your corner, The Last Stand! Eat your gruel!), it chugs along at a nice pace and Fassbender is still all kinds of dreamy. Erm, I meant awesome! Quicksilver's big scene and that post-credits reveal were personal 'I Have No Shame And I Must Giggle (Like a Fanboy)' low/high-points.
Rated 24 May 2014
A great way to tie together and essentially reboot the entire series as a whole. While this isn't nearly as slick and exciting as First Class or as powerful as X2, DoFP is still potent and plays to its strong actors (even Jackman). Regardless, the film balances action, comedy, and suspense all very well and was thrilling. I look forward to where these films head next because its seems like the creators are finally beginning to grasp how to handle adapting these great comics to film.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
This is the most frustrating kind of good movie - and make no mistake, it is very good and completely recommended - the kind that is just a couple rewrites short of being an all-time great, a genre film on the level of T2 or The Matrix or Dark Knight. There's so much good here. Huge imagination in its storytelling and visuals and action. Smart politics; great performances. But also plot holes, an unconvincing climax/denouement, and I really didn't like Quicksilver.
Rated 28 May 2014
It takes all the best aspects from previous X-Men installments and puts them into one movie making it the series' best film and, in my opinion, the strongest super hero movie since "The Dark Knight." The scope is huge, but unlike some of the more recent efforts there is strong writing and character development to complement the intense action bits. Kudos to Singer for this full-fledged, smart and perfectly paced piece of comic book brilliance.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
The best X-Men film to date. Bryan Singer returns to direct a film that cleverly blends the best of the two different X-Men film universes. Although the movie draws on bits from all of the previous X-Men films, it still stands alone as a great fun, action packed, and thought provoking comic book movie. Probably the best encapsulation of the core themes and philosophies behind the relationship between Professor X and Magneto. However, there is a great blending of other characters into the plot.
Rated 23 May 2014
Unites a scatterbrained series and the classic comic storyline while maintaining the essence of the Claremont Uncanny X-men. It deals with time traveling metaphysics and other nonsense but manages to make it work. The actors all give what is required and the new "terminator 2" like sentinels are great. Some plot inconsistencies can be excused for "comic book reasons". It's surprising how every character in this has good screentime, especially Jackman who isn't phoning it in as Wolverine yet.
Rated 25 May 2014
Remains the superhero franchise to beat. Incredibly, at number 5, these outsiders continue to kick up real-world parallels and social commentary in their wake, all while delivering some of the series' most riveting moments of human drama & some of the most amazing set-pieces you'll see anywhere - especially in its bravura introduction of a speedster that should have Avengers 2 somewhat concerned as it's hard to imagine its iteration of the character being anywhere near as thrilling or fun.
Rated 17 Jun 2014
It's nice to have Bryan Singer back at the helm (his entries have been of a notably higher quality than Ratner's), and having McAvoy and Stewart, plus Fassbender and McKellen, PLUS Hugh Jackman's most enjoyable role by far is a real payoff of Marvel's best casting decisions. The retconning and plot holes in the course of events slightly dulls the power of the film, but doesn't prevent it from being the best X-Men films (although there are higher titles to be won).
Rated 23 May 2014
Equal parts 'X-Men 4' and 'First Class Part 2' Days of Future Past is clever, well written, and beautifully acted, and while the script occasionally gets muddled it's an excellent adventure that succeeds in passing the torch from the old generation to the new. There are some plot hiccups, but they're easily overlooked, and both the young and old Xaviers and Magnetos steal the show in a film that is closer to the heart of the material then any X film before it.
Rated 24 May 2014
It's got enough great performances that it doesn't take you until the ending to realize that you just watched a two-hour retcon so that Fox can keep pumping these movies out until the end of time.
Rated 02 Aug 2014
I was worried everyone was going to get sidelined for the sake of Wolverine, but in fact it's a tremendous ensemble piece. It does what the franchise does best - tracks a group of complicated individuals who stand on different sides of a complex issue and collide against each other in blissful super heroic action. I was thrilled by it.
Rated 01 Nov 2015
X-men: Days of Future Past asks us the question, if you had the chance to go back and bang that bearably ugly half-drunk Mormon with daddy issues and an unnatural infatuation with the Little Mermaid, rather than wait two more years to lose your virginity to that exotic exchange student in your calc class, would you? Of course I would. I mean, you would. I mean, er...QUICKSILVER!
Rated 10 Apr 2021
A great return to form for both the franchise's post-The Last Stand narrative and director Bryan Singer--who wasn't quite right for a Superman picture. As a movie it's more dramatically compelling than Inception's story of a flawed hero battling inside multiple layers of his mind. That's partly to do with the allegorical themes of the X-Men, which here include not only homophobia & racism, but also political oppression. One of the better installments of the series, and a perfect message of hope.
Rated 25 May 2014
Days of Future Past is a wonderfully crafted film bolstered by the performances of McAvoy and Fassbender who once again drive this X-Men film. The film seems a bit unfocused, and it has a rushed set up, but it is filled with brilliant action sequences and enough emotion to make the film a wonderful addition to the Marvel canon. Overall, a good film that was close to being great.
Rated 12 Jul 2017
I liked it you guys! The parts of it that were good were awesome and the parts of it that were awesome were pretty good. Some of the fighting scenes could've used more fighting but other than that, that's it! I can't do this. This movie finalizes connecting the old franchise (which is dead and nobody cares about and why would we? Isn't the point of a reboot to...what's the word I'm looking for...reboot?) with the new. Two movies tying casts together so we can get rid of one. Oh my God
Rated 31 May 2014
I thought this was excellent. Consistency be damned between the two universes, this one worked and this is not the darkest timeline. It was fun seeing the old cast, but I have to admit that I was more excited when I say McAvoy and Fassbender on screen. These guys really command the screen and anytime they share any dialogue is a treat. The action sequences are great, and the story intertwines with it perfect at a consistent pace. Also, Quicksilver was awesome - hope to see him in the next one.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
There's just so little to complain about! The action's great, it looks great too, and the story is pretty solid, if peppered with the occasional hole. All the characters and cast are treated with respect by Singer and it's simply very entertaining to spend the time with them. A very well made, massively entertaining CGI-fest.
Rated 27 May 2014
I'm just going to come out and say it. Continuity be damned, I loved this flick. I love the X-Men in general, and love the relationship because Prof. X and Magneto, so anytime I get to see that play out I'm interested. But there's more to this than that... it has great action scenes and commentary, and though time travel is always risky business, it does a pretty good job with it. Probably the best X-Men since the second. But I love the core series as a whole anyway (not the Wolverine spin-offs)
Rated 20 Jun 2014
It's lacking the joyous tone that made First Class such fun, but is also devoid of the problems that plagued that movie's final act. Despite the inherent goofiness of its time-travel plot, the movie largely plays it straight and self-serious, which works in the 70s, but is a touch too dour in the dark future. Still, it's a blockbuster action film that ultimately preaches pacifism, and must be commended as such. Some truly great scenes as well, the Quicksilver sequence chief among them. Good fun.
Rated 23 May 2014
The dual timelines, with Inception-like editing, build tension to a climactic nexus that isn't some empty, gratuitous explosion, but rather a thought - a glimmer of hope in the mind of a damaged young woman. Quicksilver will be your favorite character, and Blink has such inventive moves that the filmmakers thankfully use slow-motion so we can digest their creativity. It's 70% story/acting, 30% action, but 100% entertaining throughout. My new favorite X-Men film.
Rated 26 May 2014
(2nd viewing) Can Wolverine's regenerative powers also cure cancer and whatnot ? Cause you know, maybe it'd be about time for someone to harvest his DNA and create some kind of global remedy. Clearly he hasn't heard of a little thing called 'sharing is caring'.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Just might be the best X-men film (at least tied with X2) Characters are well developed, style and setting are spot on and the story holds your attention. Now fan boys might complain about things being retconned (how is Prof. X still alive, why does Wolvie still have his adamantium claws in the future), but that shit was from X3 and The Wolverine, and X3 can fuck right off. I'm dismissing it from the universe (Origins as well, while we're on it).
Rated 27 Nov 2017
It was a good time to use the newly re-cast X-men to adapt an existing story arc, even if Hoult has an intolerable funny shaped face, Lawrence just doesn't look right in Mystique makeup, and I have a serious dislike for Page. Worth the rating for Quicksilver alone. But McAvoy and Fassbender are the important ones here (and good also), and 70's hair McAvoy is pretty friggin' awesome. A solid adaptation and probably the most true to it's story arc thus far, which might be the key to it's success.
Rated 26 May 2014
Singer is determined to make sure nobody remembers that "The Last Stand" was a thing. The retconned continuity & plot holes don't bother me; I'm comfortable with the notion of this being the "right" timeline & not worried about what happened in the other flicks. What interests me now is the in-between, '73 to the "future" (ca. 2020's). I quite enjoyed my viewing, the 3D was (almost) worth it, and though Stewart & McKellen can be a tad melodramatic, the spectacle is wonderful! You should see it!
Rated 12 Nov 2014
An enjoyable follow up to First Class, and a decent attempt at tying together the threads of the preceding films. The cast is good here, even if the number of characters means that some are given short shrift; McAvoy and Fassbender are compelling presences, and Jackman and Lawrence continue to be very watchable. The sequences involving Quicksilver were great. By no means perfect, but fine entertainment, with flashes of humour; a comic book film that remembers that it is a comic book film.
Rated 02 Jun 2014
This is definitely my favorite X- Men movie. It has drama,action, and Hugh Jackman . It also has an amazing screenplay, directing, and casting. What's not to like about this movie. Another stellar release for the summer movie collection. Jennifer Lawrence is awesome as usual, Hugh Jackman is phenomenal, Michael Fassbender was perfect, and Patrick Stewart was ( as always ) the best part of the movie.
Rated 24 May 2014
I was going to explain why this is the best of the X-Men movies but I had an epiphany. Mutants are supposed to represent the people in society who are different(gays, minorities, etc). The X-Men fight for a connection and understanding with us normies because even if we are occasionally dicks to them, we all have to deal with that. This means Magneato is special interest groups out to ban words and ruin things for normies and weirdoes alike. Fuck special interest groups.
Rated 29 May 2014
Was written to make it so that "X-Men: The Last Stand" never happened.
Rated 25 May 2014
x-men is by far Marvel's best adaption on screen. At times brilliant, and very entertaining. Fassbender, McAvoy and Jackman works great together. No more stand-alone Wolverine movies please, this is the shit we want
Rated 25 Jun 2017
This may not be the most unique and striking of the X-Men films, but it's definitely one of the best. It blends the incredibly rich and relevant themes of the first two films in the franchise with the tone of First Class, all while still having great writing, well-rounded characters, and solid performances. There's a little bit of a fight for screen time among the ensemble, but it doesn't distract from this beautifully directed and thoroughly entertaining entry in the X-Men franchise.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
R - For me, this is the greatest comic book adaptation and superhero film, apart from V For Vendetta. It really has the feel of a nutty comic story, retcons, multiple timelines, even crossovers - albeit with versions of itself. It's a time travel film that gets away with slight references to Terminator and Groundhog Day. A perfect antidote to super-serious super-hero films.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
The best of the Bryan Singer x-men films: X:men: DOFP is a very well made x-men flick with singer unique style apparent throughout. Really enjoyed the parts in the 1970's; the 70's era sentinels looked cool; their future version much less so. Peter Dinklage is great as the villainous trask and Fassbender is great as young magento. Worth checking out if you're an x-man fan.
Rated 20 May 2015
The best of the X-Men movies for sure, but it felt a bit rushed and overly ambitious.
Rated 29 May 2014
Great story, packed with action, illogical things too few and far apart to be noticed, emotions where needed and without pathetic moments... one of the best "based on comic book" movies I ever watched.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
Great special effects and some clever story telling, except for the stupid overdone sentinels. I liked the addition of Ellen Page. Jennifer Lawrence was especially marvelous. Quicksilver was an interesting addition. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were entertaining. Some nice period reconstruction. Good pacing, fun and exciting to watch, but also huge plot holes. Excellent production quality, music and sound. Worth a second viewing to catch the many subtle details.
Rated 07 Apr 2018
Singer is the man when it comes to this type of movie, he just really gets 'it'. He really seems to find the right balance of action, sci-fi, drama and humour. The cinematography is vibrant with colour and darks, and the sets and locations are interesting. The acting is once again bang on combining new and old cast, and a few new characters. Just a great flick!
Rated 24 May 2014
I loved how Wolverine, the ostensible protagonist, spends half his scenes somehow indisposed, whether by time-travel sleep, super-speed hyperawareness, PTSD about events that haven't even happened yet, or impaled on rebar and then punted into the Potomac. That was honestly brilliant. This isn't a sarcastic review. I wholeheartedly enjoyed it.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
Wolverine goes back in time to save the future by stopping Mystique from murdering a dwarf (a woefully underutilized Peter Dinklage). An overly ambitious movie that tries to cram in so much, that it feels rushed despite the 135+ minute run time. It's got some predictable, pulpy melodrama, but most of the action is really it serves to retcon the first X-Men trilogy out of existence, which is probably a pretty good idea in hindsight. No Banshee, though. Boo.
Rated 15 Oct 2014
Despite some minor flaws (more Quicksilver please) this was incredibly entertaining and well made. The large cast obviously leads to omissions and small screen time, but for the most part everyone shines.
Rated 27 May 2014
Watching all of the other installments ("Origins" included) is mandatory for this to be more than a beautifully shot action-thriller. When that is said, this is without a doubt the best in the whole franchise. Extremely clever and well acted - McAvoy is nothing short of mesmerizing. A few plotholes here and there, and somehow I don't fall head over heels for Lawrence, despite her acting skills. Still an excellent movie, but unfortunately not the final chapter... - Fantastic
Rated 24 May 2014
Bryan Singer really gets the X-Men's spirit and because of that his translations of the stories to cinema language have been very powerful. Back when I was a kid, this was one of my favourite storylines and they did justice to it. I particularly enjoyed 'Mercurial' Quicksilver characterisation. Up to now this second reboot has been really enjoyable; I was thinking to myself, the next one should be "The Age of Apocalypse" and wait for the credits to end you will see that it is.
Rated 25 May 2014
Once again, kudos to the X-Men franchise for giving us a well made movie, not just a well made superhero movie. Everyone gives solid performances in what kind of turns into a messy solution to the scattered series. Time travel as your tool to bring back dead characters and fix things that other directors made wrong is always going to seem like a cop-out/lazy strategy. Its good, its fine, its whatever.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
Nice storytelling, rich effects.
Rated 13 Jul 2014
Best of the series. Unlike the second that peaked with the first Night crawler scene, Singer spreads out the action across multiple great action sequences that demonstrate the abilities of the mutants in exciting ways. Best of all though, is that the movie is tied together with a solid plot with characters facing tough choices.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
Primarily functions as one mammoth, proud-and-loud Middle Finger to 3: The Last Stand, which is my highest praise. I'm shocked that, for the inherent deepdown silliness of the character (...hate me) and the length of time he's been doing it, Jackman still plays Wolverine with a complexity and depth of feeling that has ended up defining the (best of the) whole series. This film is also an I'm an Awesome Actor's Convention, which is yet another level of nerd heaven.
Rated 24 May 2014
A riveting X-Men film that finishes off the timeline of the previous films while resetting the story for future instalments. Extremely well paced and juggles a massive amount of characters and plot while still managing to make it coherent and easy to follow. Only caveat I can think of is that only the main four or five characters have any kind of development. That said, the rest of the mutants have their moments to shine in the action scenes.
Rated 31 May 2014
Yes! It retcons the worst of the prior X-Men films while bridging the best parts of the First Class and "original" teams! That aside, it's the most entertaining X-Men movie to date and a worthy adaptation of a fan-beloved storyline. Can we see a 1980s team face down Apocalypse?
Rated 06 Jan 2015
Easily the best X-Men film to date
Rated 03 Aug 2017
Action packed, thrilling, great to look at and full of twists and surprises, it's the best in the franchise, one of the best comic book movies and just a great movie.
Rated 26 May 2014
The story is really compelling and is definitely one of the best X-Men movie to date. I really liked the way it doesnt ignore the previous films and weaves in and out and brings all of the stories together. It was great to see past characters come back but I wish Quicksilver had a bigger part to play because those sequences were probably the best moments. Im really interested to see where they go next and hope they can keep up this momentum but this one will be hard to top!
Rated 27 May 2014
And so another "reboot". *sigh*. Time travel - the last refuge of writers out of ideas. The opening, middle and ending was a terrific homage to The Matrix - a film in which Sentinels are attacking our heros, in which one man must enter another realm to foil them, and in which at the end the Sentinels are defeated just in time.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
First Class was a lot better. Quicksilver is easily the best part of this film, and they blow his major scene far too soon, which made everything after it less great by comparison.
Rated 25 May 2014
I'm sorry, I can't hear the plotholes over the sound of how awesome this movie is. Never got the hang of exactly how the timetravel and changing the past worked. And there were just a few too many mutants in the future world; they felt like a showcase of cool powers, not like persons. But on the bright side we had a highly interesting story, told with good pacing. Great acting all around. Great direction (welcome back, Bryan!). Plenty of eyecandy. Humour. And lots and lots of awesome. And win.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
A lot to like, a lot to hate, a lot to wonder wtf they were thinking. Just because Brett Ratner ruined the sentinels doesn't mean they aren't essential to this universe and should be written out. Wasn't crazy about having Mystique play such a vital role but since Jennifer Lawrence is the hottest thing since sliced bread they had to. Needed more Fassbender, guy just owns the big screen. Super entertaining, loved Quicksilver, and I've had a few wet dreams about Tyrion's stash.
Rated 23 Jul 2014
Best X-men movie yet. Bonus point for undoing X-men 3
Rated 10 Sep 2014
X-Men Kids 2 continues the comic-book theme of writers who spell physics with an "f". Science is out the window, characters are there simply to make the audience nostalgic for older, better films in the franchise. I wonder if Hugh Jackman is as tired of playing Wolverine as I am of him watching him play Wolverine. And finally...time travel. Sigh.
Rated 27 May 2014
Remember how that Nightcrawler fight scene was in X2? There's at least 3 scenes that are just as cool throughout this movie.
Rated 28 May 2014
The best X-men yet and one of the most satisfying comic book-adaptation for a long time!
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Some plotholes and laggy parts, but overall, a solid edition to the X-Men movie canon.
Rated 05 Jul 2014
just wanted to take this opportunity to say that all the people who hate SUPERMAN RETURNS are still cunts. also, this is still pretty lovely upon rewatch.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Any movie where Richard Nixon is portrayed as a heroic soul who can change into a sexy blue chick and be at two places at once is a film that is not only historically accurate but a film that will always be dear to my heart. Instant Classic.
Rated 29 Jun 2014
Very very good movie. One of the best of the X men series. highly recommend
Rated 01 Jul 2014
May or may not require a deep knowledge of the previous X-Men films (I have seen them all but I'll be fucked if I could remember any of them except First Class) but this is definitely the best film in the series. Exciting, funny, fantastic action sequences, and enough superhero camp to not get bogged down in a probably interminable and/or slightly unnecessary amount of time travel. The highlight is the prison break sequence - and there isn't really enough of it. Bonus point for Peter Dinklage.
Rated 27 May 2014
I wanted to hate this movie (I really, really did), but it surpassed any expectations I could have had for it even if I *were* excited about it to begin with. It has all the good elements you expect (the originals Fassbender & McAvoy), and does very little to focus on the bullshit romance that dragged First Class down. Great action, great performances, and some *very* cool individual scenes (with a cool little bonus at the end). If Fox can do this, then Sony better step the fuck up with SM.
Rated 26 May 2014
I'm not really sure what I can say. I have no specific complaints yet it was all a bit forgettable and flat. The cast are phenomenal, there's a lot of fun to be had and also some great set pieces, yet I'd forgotten the majority of it as soon as I'd left the cinema. Still, Singer shows a good amount of understanding and respect to the source material, and at least it isn't Origins. Sentinels are ruined and look like plastic toys. Post-credits scene was awesome and has me psyched for Apocalypse.
Rated 02 Jun 2014
I can complain about the effect of the story, but it's a fun ride. The cast are all great and the conceit allowed us to get the best-of cast from the original trilogy and the younger crew. I'll be in theaters for the next installment. Also, Prof X. chases the dragon
Rated 25 May 2014
Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but was underwhelmed after the great buzz. Better than First Class, but far from the great first 2 flicks. The Pentagon sequence was fantastic, but there was a lot of down time throughout.
Rated 14 Dec 2014
God, I hate ranking this movie so high. Unfortunately, and for all the fucking nonsense in this film, it is by far the best of the X-Men films, nevermind the fact it was directed by a gay pedophile. And it was entertaining. The action scenes were kinda cool. If they were going to reset the franchise, I'm glad this is the way they did it. If we could get over making Wolverine the main character in every X-Men film before Jackman gets too old to play him, that'd be great.
Rated 27 May 2014
I'm unable to think of any bad parts but can't find any outstanding elements either. The cast is strong especially the members of First Class can shine again and I'm glad they put Wolverine on a smaller note after he got nearly unbearable in his solo movies. The action scenes are small and solid but the conflict the plot is based on feels too familiar after it got dragged through so many movies. Let's see if they are able to change the focus in the next one. The potential is definitely there.
Rated 24 Feb 2015
I really, really enjoyed this movie and it gives a good reason to erase all the other bullcrap that was dragging the series down the drain real fast. Not perfect, but damn good anyway.
Rated 11 Dec 2016
very good
Rated 19 Aug 2014
None of it was bad!
Rated 20 Sep 2014
really entertaining, maybe the best x-men film? that the film basically throws x-men 3 in the bin is fantastic
Rated 07 Jan 2017
Latest chapter starts with a bang, presenting an irresistibly ridiculous (and self-aware) time-travel scenario, and a genuinely fun sense of humour (personified in the usually glum Wolverine). Unfortunately the plot turns a little too self-serious at times, and the usual problems of too much of everything detract (I feel for the perpetually underutilised Berry), but the action sequences and the front and centre characters keep things watchable; bonus points for the lovely 70s movie vibe!
Rated 24 Feb 2015
I'm a sucker for superhero films, and this one didn't disappoint.
Rated 17 Feb 2015
It has already been well-established that X-Men is an allegory for the racial tensions of whenever the heck it was this series started (my guess? the 60s). The film then goes back to 1973, a moment of much civil unrest that followed the tumultuous 60s, and amidst all the booms and bangs & handsome Fassbender, it doesn't really handle the politics of the situation that well other than using it as a starting point. Still, I admire booms and bangs & handsome Fassbender.
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Only because I can't bring myself to award a superhero flick a score of 90... This is easily the best X-Men movie since X2, and even that it might trump. Bring on the era of Bryan Singer again!
Rated 21 Jun 2014
Definitely the best of the X-men series.
Rated 02 Jun 2014
I've liked most of the X-Men movies (even X-Men 3), and this is one of the best. Its time travel plot is very interesting, we get to see the original and First Class casts, and it was entertaining from beginning to end.
Rated 27 May 2014
As a way of harmonizing both the original trilogy and the prequel, Days of Future Past does an admirable job juggling complex issues. Its best strengths lie in its script and Singer's ability to focus on character before great special effects. The film gets dangerously close to treading light on action, which is often a welcome trait, but I found myself wary of of it getting dry. It holds on to the end, though. McAvoy is the MVP; jeeze that man can act.
Rated 31 May 2015
love this movie; makes me wanna be a mutant and stand up for mutant-rights
Rated 09 Jun 2014
Despite being all about a time-travel plot, and being another "Wolverine and Pals" X-men movie, it actually turned out really good. It looks like the X-men franchise may be getting back on track.
Rated 06 Jun 2014
Arguably the best one in the series to date. Loved the way it incorporated so much back story into so many characters. However, there are a few minor details that fail to line up with the other movies and comics.
Rated 28 May 2014
The best of an amazing series of films that goes back to before it all began and features the best of all the actors the series has had to offer.
Rated 25 May 2014
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD, CHARLES!" < LOL. Okay, look, Hugh Jackman is def sexy in a rugged outback kinda way, and Michael Fassbender is a total shark (that smile kills me, y'all) but I just don't care about the X-Men anymore, because unlike the X-Men, I am not special, I am not different, and neither are any of you assholes, and an X-Men movie isn't ever going to convince me otherwise, no matter how high-tech the sfx are. Got semi-drunk. Had a good time regardless.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
An exciting and worthy addition to the franchise.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
x men movies suffer from the "too many dicks on the dance floor" problematic, too many heroes, too many villains, too many subplots going around. this one does indeed keep its focus fixed, but in turn renders the most badass x-men, the wolverine into a toothless puppy. the movie belongs to lawrence (who is still adorable even in her stupid blue costume) and fassbender, whose potential is being wasted as a terrific magneto.
Rated 24 May 2014
While it was a nice waste of my time, the movie was very confusing because of the continuity. I'm also not talking about the fact that they effectively erased the other movies. I am talking about the fact that the sentinels were supposedly in production following Mystique's actions in 1973, yet they didn't actually start being used against them until after the first three x-men. They needed Roque's deleted scenes to explain the sentinels powers and actual creation after the first x-men movies.
Rated 24 May 2014
I still don't like that the by default least characterized person in these films ís now the center of the plot, by virtue of being played by a young starlet whose sweetheart status I still for the life of me do not understand. But other than that I have no legitimate complaints and quite a lot to praise. So this one gets a recommendation in my book.
Rated 28 May 2014
Entertainment: 4. Spirit: 1.5. Sustainability: 0.5. Family: 1.5
Rated 26 May 2014
Best X-Men movie yet!
Rated 12 Nov 2016
Rated 05 Jun 2014
I haven't decided whether this or 'X2' is the best of the X-Men series, but they certainly both deliver all you can ask for in an adaptation of the comic book. DoFP get both the humor and the pacing right, and the intercutting final part matches that of 'Inception'. But why is Xavier alive, and why did they cast Nicolas Hoult as Beast?


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