Bullet Train

Bullet Train

2h 7m
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Avg Percentile 48.87% from 1472 total ratings

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Rated 06 Aug 2022
Starts off like a Guy Ritchie knock-off and ends like what Takashi Miike would try to make on a shoestring budget. The Japanese setting is about as inconsequential as its recent use in Cyberpunk 2077. And the whitewashing of the cast is a legitimate criticism. But the absurdity of a mostly-non-Asian cast in Japan did set the tone for a fun, mindless summer flick. Was satisfied catching this on Dolby Cinema.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
I find my opinion on this one pretty schizophrenic and easily swayed either way. I'll read one review about it being twisty, stylish, fun & funny and be like "that seems right," then another about it being an overstuffed and overlong mess and be like "that seems right," then another about it being a great theater experience laden with star power and be like "that seems right," then another about being a Guy Ritchie wannabe with Tarantino wannabe dialogue and be like "that seems right." So idk.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
I don't know if there's a word for these hyper condensed movies that pack at least a 10 episode story arc into basically two episodes (Smokin' Aces, anyone?). I wouldn't want 8 more hours of this so I guess it's a success in that right. I liked most of the quirkiness for the characters (not so much the lady who says "bitch" every other word, that's not a real quirk). The problem with a movie like this is the desire to subvert your expectations is nullified by the negligible background provided.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
There's absolutely no need for this to be this bloated in length, gag density, characters and colors. But maybe it's like that because without it we'd immediately recognize that the film doesn't have that much to offer. With its ironic and over the top attitude Bullet Train is kind of fun at first, but when it tries to sell us a deeper and meaningful plot while constantly throwing shit in our faces, it fails in the end. Props to Brad Pitt though.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
A Ritchie/Tarantino wannabe with an upbeat tone that tries to play it for laughs, but a script that’s nowhere near witty enough. Starts poorly, picks up a bit in the mid-section, then drags on too long and had lost my interest way before the end. There are loads of choreographed fight scenes (which quickly become tiresome), some shoddy CGI and wonky Cockney accents, and I just didn’t care about any of the characters here. Probably something I’d have enjoyed more back when I was about 12.
Rated 02 Sep 2022
every screenwriting class has that one fratty dude that only plays triple-A video games and has a can of Monster on his desk and this is the movie he wants to make.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
This movie kicks all sorts of ass. Call me immature or pretentious, but I laughed quite a bit with it. The fighting and action was all legitimately well done though. The whole thing is just a vibe. Johnson and Henry kind of made the movie for me, but all of the cast performed admirably, including the cameos. It’s not one of the best movies I’ve seen, but I throughly enjoyed it. This movie promised me a fun time. That’s what I wanted and that’s what I got.
Rated 07 Aug 2022
One of the best movie experiences I have had in the theater in a long time! The action was just stylized enough without being too cheesy, the story unfolded in some genuinely unexpected ways, and the acting/dialogue made this movie super fun! These are characters that you'll never tire of, even in the moments where it admittedly does drag. Pitt deserves another Oscar!
Rated 16 Aug 2022
Someone has seen Tarantino and Guy Ritchie, clearly. Poor imitation that lacks the style and authenticity of those films its trying to copy. Full of intentionally bad 'banter' and inane dialogue, mostly from an unbearable cockney character that comes down to little more than lol he's English, let's get him to so say 'bloody' and 'bell end' whenever we can't think of something to write. Drowning in irony and predictable repetitive jokes. Brad Pitt lifts it a bit, but it still sinks.
Rated 30 Sep 2022
Rated 11 Aug 2022
Bullet Train is ridiculously stupid in a lot of good ways. It leans so well into this cartoonish, bottle episode vibes, but doing so with fun characters and a great sandbox to let them play in. It struggles to not overly complicate itself and tied in all these storylines together, but that really doesn’t bother me that much with the type of movie this is. Leitch’s schtick isn’t perfect, but it blends well with how vibrant this movie looks & feels, and in the end, I really appreciated this.
Rated 11 Aug 2022
This movie was constant fun and fantastic action. Can't wait to see what Leitch does next.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
How many close combat fights that stop on a dime to show that “we get it it’s a movie” can you jam into one movie. Probably like 20 or so. Someone needs to stop Joey king before people start to think she’s good at acting.
Rated 26 Mar 2023
A few extra points for some great laughs. This is a bat shit crazy plot with a lot of excellent actors. It has a lot of exciting action, and the twists and turns were very unpredictable. There are many deaths and lots of mayhem, but it doesn't lose its comedic rhythm. Brad Pitt and Joey King were real standouts. Brian Henry was good too.. Not for children, but great fun for adults. I highly recommend it. I'll watch it a 2nd time soon, which I rarely do.
Rated 13 Mar 2023
0 points for the selfindulgant wink to Kill Bill. 0 points for the chest beating that the jokes are not only a wink to Tarrantino, but are in itself actually funny and well crafted. Which they are absolutely not. 0 points for the parade of stars doing their shittiest work (except from Brian Henry, but how can a scarce glimp of good acting keep this monstrosity from being a children’s play?). 0 points for giving me a great time and plenty of laughs breaking it apart in bewilderment.
Rated 08 Oct 2022
The concept is great and bursts of style are appreciated, but it really needs a tightening. The film, unlike its sleek and efficient titular train, sprawls. Brad Pitt is a charming protagonist, for the most part, and yeah - the pieces are there - but they just aren’t snappy enough. Only decent.
Rated 14 Oct 2022
Talk about one Crazy Train! *strangles Gene Shalit with a snake* Starts zany and annoying and slowly becomes zany and wild.
Rated 21 Oct 2022
Very amusing.
Rated 22 Oct 2022
Bullet Train is quite cheesy, sleekly shot, a bit shallow, and a surprisingly fun ride. The film is a tale of ransoms & hitmen, revenge & fate, and over-the-top action sequences that rely heavily on luck. Leitch directed Deadpool 2, and his stylistic instincts are very much present here...for better or worse. Pitt & Henry are great. Sanada elevates the film every time he's onscreen. King was miscast; her accent work quite bad. Beetz was underused.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
Watched it knowing full well I'd hate it but to my surprise nah I hated it. It's a pile if garbage
Rated 04 Aug 2022
Critics sure are oddly harsh about this one, they almost convinced me not to go but I still went and loved every minute of it! Like a runaway train, the movie starts slowly but the pace keeps accelerating over and over until everything comes crashing at the end. The only major negative I can think of is the whitewashing of the cast compared to the source material, but Hollywood will be Hollywood. Go and watch it with expectations of a real life cartoon and you'll have a good time, guaranteed.
Rated 05 Aug 2022
Too long, too busy and too much lousy CGI. Feels like most of the movies exclusively on Netflix.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
This is a very high 80 that could move to an 85. Do yourself the favour and give yourself to this movie because it is bonkers. Quick-witted dialogue, multiple intersecting storylines, cameos for days, all crafted by the ultra-stylish David Leitch. This movie doesn't want to teach you any lessons, it doesn't want to preach good and evil, it just wants to fill your plate with cool scenes and fun ideas, and have you gobble them down and leave the theatre satisfied. It accomplished that easily.
Rated 07 Aug 2022
It commits two related errors: it stretches what could have been a hugely entertaining 100 minute movie into over 2 hours, and dedicated way too much of that extra time to its most obnoxious character by far.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
Colorful characters and a bunch of flashbacks makes this a fun ride. Often comes off as a Guy Ritchie pastiche but it's a pretty good one.
Rated 09 Aug 2022
I mean, it is fun with some good laughs (and a great appearance from Michael Shannon), but Bullet Train needs some fat trimmed to make it feel nice and tight like other films of its kind.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
Chekov's bidet isn't a thing unfortunately. With that in mind your milage may vary.
Rated 10 Aug 2022
Well, I have to admit it has funny moments, but on the other hand it is too long with lots of not interesting, boring talkative scenes. I have even fall asleep for few minutes during first hour at cinema! And I caught myself thinking about what I will do after movie during some boring scenes as well.
Rated 14 Feb 2023
Smokin Aces on a Train Ist leider alles so möchtegern-cool, möchtegern-lustig, möchtegern-interessant, möchtegern-spannend. Man hat zwar so seine paar Lieblinge, die man nicht sterben sehen will, aber das ganze Setup wird so wenig angerissen, dass man keine wirklichen Erwartungen an Plot und Storyverlauf hat, und auch nicht wirklich eintauchen kann. Daher kann auch keine Spannung aufkommen. Der Film ist aber trotzdem ganz nett. Also diese Sachen fallen alle auf, aber sie stören nicht.
Rated 06 Feb 2023
Bullet Train fits pretty comfortably alongside 2022's plethora of awful blockbusters. It's not quite as dull as the third Fantastic Beasts film or Uncharted, nor as incompetently assembled as The Lost City (although the last act of Bullet Train exists in a disastrous CGI hellscape), but it's easily the most exasperating of the lot. Can't emphasize enough how obnoxiously eye-rolling this movie is from start-to-finish and it comes equipped with two cameos that made me want to walk into the sea.
Rated 07 Sep 2022
Failed approach at making a Ritchie/Tarantino knock-off.
Rated 14 Sep 2022
Check Leitch's portfolio and you'll know what to expect. Accredit at least 5 points to watching it in the cinema. This isn't a prequel/sequel/remake of anything and it's also not a marvel movie. So go pay for it, let the industry know this is the way.
Rated 30 Sep 2022
Let's download and watch Thomas the Tank Engine!
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Just blank your mind and enjoy the ride.
Rated 06 Oct 2022
A fizzy concoction of twisty mystery, genuine relationships (see Kimura and father; the citrus brothers), well-choreographed combat, and tanks of humour that occasionally go off the rails (the dark comedic takes on death go a bit too far at times-see The Hornet fight), all within a fun flashback-filled script framework built around Brad's bad-luck (or should I say ill-fated?) 'Bug. Loses steam in the third act though, with its shift from wild multi-party conflict to straight forward team-up.
Rated 08 Oct 2022
Oh god please stop talking I beg you. Bullet Train more like BullSHIT Train, burn. For a bigger laugh take a look at Leitch's imdb profile: "David Leitch is a billion dollar film director, actor, stuntman, writer, producer, and stunt coordinator" What a complete fucking tool
Rated 08 Oct 2022
I was well entertained,yet the film was a bit too much in places.Especially towards the end it really seemed very over the top.The cast really saves a lot with their performance.
Rated 16 Oct 2022
Hmmmmm.... fun and all: had a snappy bubblegum-tarantino-guy-richie-esque feel to it. Bonus points for the inclusion of a Pantheon of Thomas the Tank Engine Jungian Archetypes (hang on a second, was that the girl from The Kissing Booth?).
Rated 23 Oct 2022
Way better than expected.
Rated 08 Nov 2022
It's 2022 and people are still trying to make an early 00s Guy Ritchie flick?
Rated 02 Feb 2023
I find it wildly ironic that the same actor who delivered the line "How's that working out for you?" in Fight Club is the star of this too-clever-for-Tarantino episode of Seinfeld. Stop trying to make John Wick a comedy - you got it right the first time.
Rated 03 Dec 2022
It reminded me of Smokin Aces. I forgot I ever saw Smokin Aces. Smokin Aces is a terrible film. Thanks for the reminder Bullet Train. Bullet Train is better than Smokin Aces so bravo. Bullet Train is a saucer of Guy Ritchie/Quentin Tarantino cum that sat neglected on a windowsill for far too long. Obnoxious and exhausting in worst way.
Rated 05 Dec 2022
What's right here is the pacing. Naturally we have questions: why are all these people on the train, what's in the briefcase, what do they want? It's not that the answers are brilliant; it's that they're doled out a pace where your curiosity is continually being fed, and that breadcrumb trail is engaging enough to pull you to the end.
Rated 05 Dec 2022
always appreciate it when a film lets you know in the first couple of minutes that you need to stop watching it if you're not into hate-watch. I did not heed that advice this time and can't believe a film could be this vapid- not a single interesting character, line, storyline, scene... there are bits that could be interesting here but everything is so streamlined, it's like eating a leftover slice of a frozen pizza you cooked two days ago.
Rated 09 Dec 2022
For a mindless action flick it's rather good. Everything was stylized nicely. Brad Pitt of course steals the show. I wish Michael Shannon was given more to work with. He's usually better than what he showed here. Yeah there's a lot of ridiculous and over the top aspects, but honestly just sit back and have fun. There's enough clever writing to balance everything out. And the little character twist/reveal they do at the end was a nice touch.
Rated 26 Dec 2022
Mindless movie and may not have been in the right mood for it, but did not have as much fun with it as a lot of others.
Rated 23 Jan 2023
I don't know how anyone could hate this movie, but there is apparently plenty of it out there. It's a wild, stylized, Guy Ritchie-ish ride with plenty of humor, cameos, and even some wisdom to share, as throwaway as some may perceive it. I'm glad I didn't skip over this one.
Rated 04 Aug 2022
In its lowest moments, Bullet Train recalls the heartless drudgery of the mid-to-late ‘90s Tarantino boom, coasting on glib one-liners and style-for-style’s-sake action sequences. And yet, the Tarantino wannabes never had a craftsman as virtuosic as David Leitch. Bullet Train has more in common with Deadpool 2, which was much more robust than the original, but never dialed down its swaggering self-confidence to hit any deeper notes.
Rated 11 Apr 2023
It's mindless, ensemble fluff with a nice stylish sheen. Perfectly adequate. Pretty forgettable.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
* Easily 25 minutes too long, but other than that, it knows what it is, and plays at it really well. Leitch sets his style, borrowing from many before him, but adding his own taste as well. Lemon&tang are of course the stars but the whole thing is good fun. Just has to be a lil shorter.
Rated 11 Aug 2022
Opinión personal: 7 Actores: 7.5 Guión: 7 Planos/técnicas: 7 BSO: 6 Otros:7.5 Iluminación:- FX:8 Director:8 Humor:7 Vestuario:- Metraje: Total: 71
Rated 12 Aug 2022
Really messy but the pieces fit together well. Great cast, clever script (at times too clever for its own good), somewhere between Tarantino-lite and Tarantino knockoff.
Rated 12 Aug 2022
Just some good, ol' fashioned stupid fun.
Rated 01 Dec 2023
A wannabe Guy Richie /Tarantino knockoff that was just dumb, but not in a good way. The humour struck me as stupid, not funny. Also, truly obnoxious product placement.
Rated 27 Mar 2023
Many witty and fun scenes, almost as many dumb ones. Some bad accents for good measure.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
Enough style, personality, and clever story writing to keep you locked in, but not so much that the movie loses itself in it. Every interaction matters, but if you miss a detail you can still follow along.
Rated 18 Aug 2022
Not not entertaining and a okay theatre movie but couldn’t help but find myself getting more and more annoyed at the movie essentially being nothing more than winking meta texts. Here’s a celeb there’s a celeb. All about drawing people in on the off chance their fan base wants to see them. When Shannon’s character finally gets introduced you can’t help but groan because you know there’s still 30 minutes left. The future of cinema
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Wonderfully funny dumb action movie with some great gags and a good cast. Not sure why critics didn't like this one.
Rated 25 Aug 2022
Too much of everything leaves this feeling quite meaningless . It feels like it has all been done before but its fast paced colourful, ultra stylised violence might appeal to some.
Rated 16 Dec 2023
The only good thing in the movies is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the rest is really bad.
Rated 26 Mar 2023
Complete nonsense, but entertaining enough for the most part. I guess Guy Ritchie is the most obvious comparison, but this is probably worse than any(?) of his movies. Definitely not great but could do worse if you're looking for completely braindead action.
Rated 28 Aug 2022
Snowpiercer but hella fun!
Rated 28 Aug 2022
Despite several loose of attention the over all story was witty and well paced. Majority of the cast did a superb job. I also liked cameos but the last.
Rated 02 Sep 2022
This was a great popcorn movie, cast was fantastic, acting was perfect for the script loved every minute of it.
Rated 04 Sep 2022
The joke writing can be bad at points, but it's a fun action movie overall. Brad Pitt's character is definitely the strongest for me, and his jokes landed the most. Lemon and Tangerines bits mostly fell flat for our theater, only a few got laughs. Tries too hard to be stylish and it works sometimes and not others. Inconsistent but enjoyable.
Rated 17 Sep 2022
Kill Bill knock-off, poor acting, bad CGI, unrealistic story...but somehow entertaining.
Rated 27 Sep 2022
This gave me exactly what the trailer advertised and what I wanted. A collection of characters speaking with a great amount of snark. A plot with a bunch of twists, but it never gets overly confusing. Everybody was great, Brad Pitt was, of course, meant for this type of character. Action was fun, didn't rely on people just standing there shooting (and missing), like generic action movies do. Cool sense of style, Thomas the Tank Engine, a water bottle character. Great film.
Rated 27 Sep 2022
fun voyage
Rated 27 Sep 2022
Simple in plot but rich in style. Guy Ritchie/Tarantino mafia themes in Japan.
Rated 28 Sep 2022
Pleasantly ridiculous.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
good movie
Rated 30 Sep 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Many people find it to be too long, but I could do with even more of these shenanigans. All of the characters are vibrant and fun, the style is interesting (the mini stories inside the general story). It's action packed and even though a lot of the jokes didn't land for me, I found it to be funny.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Very good style and pacing, mixed with somewhat funny characters on a wild ride. An enjoyable action movie.
Rated 02 Oct 2022
Entertainment: 3. Spirit: 0.5. Sustainability: 0.5. Family: 0
Rated 18 Jun 2024
Tarantino-esque fun with less grace and cleverness. Overall enjoyable, but forgettable
Rated 18 Aug 2023
nothing deep but entertaining.
Rated 19 Feb 2023
Entertaining enough but tonally all over the place action/thriller/comedy. It's extremely messy, but interestingly so, and Pitt's performance is fun. It almost feels like a director who has many ideas about things he wants to do and tries to fit them all in one movie, for better or for worse.
Rated 26 May 2024
I'm so glad that Aaron Taylor-Johnson has gone down the route of playing the stereotypical British, cockney geezer, twatbag. Good work. Also, ‘white girl tears’ and ‘mansplaining’? What is cinema becoming?
Rated 15 Apr 2023
Very enjoyable action movie
Rated 24 Oct 2022
Too long, too many plot twists, terrible acting by Joey King when she's supposed to be acting another character. Confusing set up in which all seats are empty save two other people who also happen to be Americans despite the train being in Japan. Train employees and the two other random Americans magically disappear mid-way through and don't seem to question the lack of travelers. But other than that a fairly fun ride.
Rated 10 Apr 2024
It was fun to watch, but got kinda long by the end. Regardless of what other reviewers say though, I would say I did enjoy it and would watch again, and the last quarter wasn't too bad.
Rated 05 Jul 2023
Decent flick with lots of funky cameos by stars (does Bad Bunny have actual star quality? The answer may be yes). Basically Kill Bill set on a bullet train with much less shots of feet. A good way to pass 2 hours on a plane, train or automobile. PSI: 76
Rated 12 Nov 2022
A surprise hit for me. Great balance of action, comedy, and outright absurdity that continues to entertain throughout. Likeable and relatable characters even when they are clearly insane, each in their own ways. Lots of laughs and twists and turns.
Rated 12 Nov 2022
Started rather weak but got a lot better near the end, when the whole story got clearer finally... Loved the dark humor. Felt a bit like a Tarantino movie gone wrong (in a not so good way)
Rated 30 Nov 2022
Shame shame, what a film for 90% of it. Funny throughout and a similar feeling to lock stock,gentleman and another film. The ending was a typical stupid cringy hollywood shitshow. I wont deny that throughout the film there where several of those stupid moments but they where just cringey headturns to your mates. But the ending was so incredibly unbelievable and shit that it lowered the rating of the whole film. Should have been a 73+ if a better ending
Rated 03 Dec 2022
It's undeniably entertaining but also ridiculously over the top. You get a lot of small glimpses of back stories of which you don't get enough to care, but you do get enough to disrupt the flow repeatedly.
Rated 18 Jun 2023
A lot of style but no substance. Lots of fancy editing, action scenes, would maybe have been cool to see in the theater (and left after 90 minutes) but as it were, saw it on the small screen. This one got a lot of hype, Pitt was decent but everything else flat for me. Its a bit of a frenetic mess, not just the editing but plot wise. If this was the first movie I'd ever seen, I'd be blown away, sadly there are too many others that do what this did but . . . much better.
Rated 09 Dec 2022
Don't believe the critics, this is fun.
Rated 10 Dec 2022
Just a lot of fun with some memorable characters and solid action set pieces. Fun cameos as well.
Rated 12 Dec 2022
Some good dialogue and hefty action scenes compensate for a uninteresting plot and diffusing finale.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
Hızlı aksiyon. Speed ve Görevimiz Tehlike'nin izinden giden film, 1 grup suikastçinin trende geçirdiği aksiyonu izliyoruz. Brad Pitt'in başrolü kaptığı film, yan rollerdeki sürprizlerle renk katıyor. Ama hadi canım sende olmaz ki böyle sahneler ile kaliteyi düşürüyor. Senaryo hataları ve ölüp dirilme olayları çirkinleştiriyor. Filmin sonunda, Sandra Bullock. Erik aç insana değil, ağacı diken çiftçiye içerlenirmiş.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
GREat dialogue. well developed characters
Rated 19 Feb 2024
A strange neo Guy Ritchie movie after some kind of meditation retreat, or maybe this is Wes Anderson smoking crack. At any rate, it's some kind of godawful abomination, although it does work some of the time. I just watched it cos I went to the multiplex and would have just about watched any stupid thing so while the joke was overextended, I am not disappointed.
Rated 28 Dec 2022
Incredibly funny, well executed action and a great Brad Pitt. Fun!
Rated 28 Dec 2022
a frantic action romp with plenty to laugh at
Rated 31 Dec 2022
It was all good fun and not serious at all And not making any sense- a lot like Nobody. But I like movies that have more than this. I couldn’t care for the final third what happened to any of them.
Rated 24 Feb 2023
It's a fun movie. That is the best and worst thing to say about it.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
Stupid, light, and fun, which apparently I was in the mood for.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
This is a fun film that was a lot funnier than I was expecting it to be. Brad Pitt seems to be having a blast in the lead role and it works. The rest of the cast work well also in this movie.There are plenty of good action scenes in this film. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 11 Jan 2023
This movie is a lot of fun. There's really not much more to it than that, but that's okay.


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