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Avg Percentile 46.98% from 4213 total ratings

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Rated 20 Sep 2011
Its dedication to realism and its broad narrative may put off those who wanted entertainment or deep character connection. But it excels at doing what it set out to do: creating an honest and intense depiction of an epidemic. The pacing matches the reality it portrays; relentlessly fast as the world panics, sinking into a gentler beat as the world begins to return to normalcy. Convincing, wonderfully acted, and brilliantly directed.
Rated 08 Jan 2012
Very decent let's-crack-open-the-skull-of-Gwyneth-Paltrow movie. Unfortunately it has to many stories to tell and therefore end up loosing it's focus. It could easily have bennefitted from cutting out e.g. the Cotillard part. Nice cinematography and for once I wasn't extremely annoyed by Soderbergh's usually irritating, jazzy soundtrack.
Rated 10 Sep 2011
A very interesting and technically proficient movie that feels more than a little bloodless. As an objective chronicle of what might happen in the event of a contemporary worldwide plague, it excels. As a thriller, it falters; I occasionally felt nervous, but never true dread. At creating characters who you care about the fates of, it fails. Jude Law is the only one who's more than a blank cipher, which is ironic since his subplot feels tacked on perpendicular to the rest of the story.
Rated 11 Sep 2011
I think this does a fantastic job of portraying epidemics and it makes the idea of germs very creepy. Somebody coughed during the film and you could tell it made some people uneasy. This really isn't a film about characters, it is about an event. This disease is the main character. Similar to the disaster films of the 70's, it is packed full of stars but no great characters. I liked Kate Winslet's performance though.
Rated 14 Sep 2011
A hypochondriac's nightmare! It does a tremendous job creating an atmosphere for a believable and realistic epidemic; but there's limited narrative outside of 'this is what would happen.' Damon's is the only character that we're given time to empathize with, making the scenes he and his daughter appear in the film's strongest. Still, where the film fails to connect with the audience emotionally, it emphatically promotes paranoia and will have everyone nervously reaching for the hand sanitizer.
Rated 10 Oct 2011
A very well developed movie, it takes epidemic movies and redefines how we view them. Contagion centers around the paranoia of those dealing with the disease. It does not become a Zombie flick, it tells the story of a disease that evolves, the trials and tribulations of trying to keep the panic to a minimum, all the while searching for a vaccine. Solid cast, Matt Damon and Laurence Fishburne were the particular stand outs, but the entire cast had a role to play and they all nailed it.
Rated 22 Mar 2020
Crazy documentary. I love how nonplussed Matt Damon is.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
An Idealistic story about love and death with one simple message; WASH YOUR HANDS!
Rated 02 Feb 2020
criticker avarage is so low. anyway, I gave +5 for Wuhan.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
Had me glued from pretty much the first second! The whole thing is very engrossing & at times genuinely unsettling. The movie is brilliantly anchored by Damon, but largely every one of the all-star cast are supurb. I thought the pacing was great also, helped by the hugely effective musical score that is at its best during the 'linking' scenes. The scientific realism, & multiple characters might frustrate some looking for big thrills or a character study, but here Soderbergh nails it.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
The first half: mostly brilliant. Necessary precautions, pre-apocalyptic mass behavior: fascinating. Some suggest that Soderbergh neglects to make us invest emotionally but I disagree. Decenteredness (a bird's-eye view, so to speak...) is essential. Covering the proceedings from multiple relevant perspectives, effectfully mimicking a docudrama after the fact, seems the way to go. In fact, the collage ought to have been even more fine-grained, even more (de-)focused, excluding e.g. Law's blogger.
Rated 01 Mar 2012
Somewhat oddly, perhaps, the word that comes to mind is "sterile". Another of the globalised, decentralised examinations presently in vogue with directors such as Soderbergh, Gaghan and Winterbottom, usually filmed in a refined digital format and evincing a clean, cool aesthetic. In this case, the clinical approach is not ineffective (although it is all rather too predictable). This viewer, however, cannot help comparing it unfavourably with von Trier's far wilder and more horrifying EPIDEMIC.
Rated 21 Sep 2011
The big name cast is initially distracting, like watching a smarter, but duller Towering Inferno. When 1 of them dies it surprises 4 about a second, but since the script doesn't allow 4 much characterization there's little emotional heft 2 any of it. That's b/c the film's mostly a primer on a nightmarish scenario. Clearly a lot of research has been done, but Soderbergh's direction is so tempered& even-keeled that what theoretically would be cause 4 alarm never seems like more than food 4 thought
Rated 24 Feb 2012
What a tense and unsettling movie. I thought it was wonderful but I don't know if I could watch it again. I watched with 5 other people and we were all glued to our seats throughout the entire film.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
There's a lot to like here, from the smart screenplay to the tight editing, but what I liked the most is the warmth most of the characters are infused with, which is a nice touch contrasting with all the dread and sadness the movie is full of.
Rated 29 Oct 2011
Soderbergh treads some old ground filmatically, though he does it fairly well. I loved its balanced portrayal of the characters, but unfortunately few characters are engaging and it often seems like a waste of the cast. It had a hold of my interest, and at times it was gripping, but at other times I just wanted to throw Jude Law's character into a river for being such an insufferable, smug asshole. Overall I enjoyed it, but if I'm honest I'll have forgotten about it completely by next year.
Rated 18 Mar 2020
holy moly. we're inside the movie, in the middle of the story!!!
Rated 10 Jul 2020
I felt this was a perfect time to watch this again. It's best asset is how well it actually portrays fear and thought in comparison to what is going on in the real world. It keeps it engaging, yet creepy. It's a little too over crowded with respectful actors, but it doesn't stop it from being a decently connected arch despite all it's different viewpoints, that it actually feels complete by the end of it. Damon and Winslet are also great, so a solid film.
Rated 14 Jan 2012
Well-made and very thoroughly researched thriller. It reminded me of 1970s-era relentlessly grim near-future sci-fi like The Andromeda Strain. Some of the many plot strands could have been dropped (never thought I'd say a film would be better with less Marion Cotillard). It's also lacks any real emotional connection to the characters or the usual twists and tensions associated with thrillers, but I don't think the film set out with those goals in mind. Excellent for what it is.
Rated 12 Sep 2011
An interesting attempt at depicting the reaction to a worldwide contagious virus without a cure. While Soderbergh underlines the chaos, the hard work, the underhandedness, the profiteering, and the family, the film never seems to connect at a human level. Everything is distant, and with so little time spent with each character (Cotillard disappears for what seems like more than half the movie), the opportunity to connect and empathize is lost amid the movement from one hot spot to the next.
Rated 15 Sep 2011
Ever watched a movie about a foregone conclusion and been bored by it? I have.
Rated 21 Sep 2011
Soderbergh still has the skills to ratchet up tension while keeping the technical jargon to a minimum and hold my attention in the process. Having said that, the cast didn't exactly stand out and the characters weren't particularly interesting, even though they're supposed to play key parts in the occurrence of such an event. They help advance the story though replacing them with a less stellar cast (cf. 'United 93') might've have aided the film considerably. Good, could've been better.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
the "ruthless procedural" some went batty about is hinted at in those briskly edited, wordless sequences that bookend the film, but there's too much hollywood silliness shoehorned in here, and not in a way that seems like effective juxtaposition. it ends up feeling like one of those late period soderberghs that floats in limbo between his two modes, which is a shame 'cause his piss palette has never felt more appropriate.
Rated 17 Oct 2011
Pretty delightful biological disaster movie. Despite the strong Soderbergh's desire to leave cinema world, he stayed and made a solid, credible story about human weakness and imperfectness caused by uncontrolled and non-stop devastation of the nature. P.S very effective propaganda of clean, washed hands always and everywhere!
Rated 05 Jun 2020
Its characterizations are largely superficial and predictable, but compensated with topical realism, acute social drama, and renewed significance a decade after its release. Constant development, unfolding as incessantly as the 24-hour news cycle, as bottomless as the abyss of (mis)information. My millennial brain finds it quite engaging.
Rated 05 Jul 2015
Steven Soderbergh's Contagion is quite a thrill ride. Its portrayal of a worldwide near-apocalyptic epidemic is exciting and very sobering, almost making me never want to touch another doorknob again. This is largely a result of the movie's multiple storylines that intersect in very good places. The large ensemble cast can get a little unwieldy at times, but in general this is a very well-crafted film that provokes thought almost as much as it entertains.
Rated 14 Mar 2019
This exploration of a what an epidemic might look like in reality suffers from being overstuffed with too many characters. Maybe it's my own interests but I always want to see movies like this focus on the science. My own personal criticisms aside, this movie just works as intended, it is sometimes horrifying in its implications and never backs down from the reality woven from it's story.
Rated 21 Dec 2011
Soderbergh excels in this kind of fragmented story telling, I think this one is even better than Traffic. The movie seems to have an agenda of justifying the alarmist approach during SARS and Avian Flu outbreaks, but as the viral outbreaks are really the greatest danger against the modern world, I think this movie shows why such harsh actions are necessary. It is surprisingly hard-core in its approach, trying to keep things as real as possible without alienating the audience.
Rated 02 Jan 2012
Hey, that's Gwyneth Paltr----ow, ohhhw, ohhhhhh...
Rated 21 Mar 2020
very well done aesthetic choices with a smart use of digital photography. watched this for no reason in particular
Rated 12 Jan 2012
Compelling, if not quite fleshed out take on the social panic epidemic film. The large cast is very well used, creating compelling storylines that merge well into the overarching narrative. Instead of being focused on the personal it uses the stories to examine the social bonds that get created and broken by stress, luck and external pressures. What it lacks, however, is a resolution with any sort of punch. The film just dissipates, telling us what happens as if under an obligation to do so.
Rated 12 May 2020
I watched this for the first time during the covid-19 pandemic, so that shapes my view. I think the intercutting stories helped present more slice-of-life than narrative, which I'm ok with. What really got me was just how spot on a lot of this was. The only thing they really got wrong is that the guy trying to make a buck peddling fake cures doesn't get arrested in real life, he just gets to continue being President.
Rated 10 Apr 2022
Why did Gwyneth Paltrow not simply use her Goop Lab to create a cure?
Rated 08 Sep 2011
Contagion is more of an interesting chronicle of an epidemic than it is a study on how it effects people's lives. Some plot points are atonal to the unsensational nature of the film and the entire Jude Law subplot feels like it either needed to be fleshed out or removed entirely. Its a strong film with an appropriately foreboding tone, but it's otherwise forgettable and the pacing is sometimes off. It needs to decide: is it more preoccupied with the disease, or the victims? Score is not a grade.
Rated 23 May 2020
Frightening. The attempts to let the layman in on the workings of pandemic response were just a hair heavy handed (explaining to the audience instead of explaining it to a fellow expert in a way we can understand are different things). Also, Alex Jones and Jude Law look nothing alike. This is a horrible miscasting, almost derailing the movie. But seriously, irony abound that Gwyneth Paltrow was in this given her beliefs in homeopathic woo.
Rated 22 Nov 2012
I was surprised how much I was enjoying this in the first half, before the tension starts to fade and you begin to realise the umpteen sub-plots (seriously, could writer Scott Z. Burns not decide what to include so just threw it all in??) are going absolutely nowhere. Bizarrely decides to avoid any kind of a climax too: a real "That's it??" when the final credits roll. The ensemble cast move pays off though, with recognisable faces helping you to remember who's who amongst the madness.
Rated 30 Mar 2020
I watched this movie in the middle of the COVID pandemic and was like watching a horror movie, probably the worst horror, incredible interesting and well done, but as people always says reality surpasses fiction because although the virus was worse in the movie than the COVID in reality people are worse which is really scary
Rated 26 Mar 2014
A movie done in a competent way, just not the way I'm very fond of. With its reportage style storytelling it trades focus and personal angle for the sweeping perspective and the naturalistic matter-of-factness of a deadly outbreak. It's probably more authentic that way but equally less involving. The talented ensemble cast does a good job of holding it all together in spite of pretty jarring musical score.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
It's a strong story, that's propelled by relatively shallow characters that are only pulled off because almost all of the actors are very good (in fact the worst actor is Gwyneth Paltrow and she gets killed off pretty early). It's definitely worth watching and entertaining enough to keep you interested, but it's probably not going to blow you away.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
The only thing that's really wrong with the film is the inclusion of Marion Cotillard's subplot, which feels redundant and unnecessary. Yet there's also nothing spectacular about it, none of the characters really grab you, too much of the real drama happens off screen. Damon comes close but just isn't given enough to work with.
Rated 18 Sep 2012
A very enjoyable and realistic look at what an outbreak of this kind would likely look like, but nothing that really stays with you. Although some of the performances are very good (Kate Winslet and Matt Damon are highlights), but many characters don't have enough to do (Seriously, why are Cranston and Hawkes even in this). It really does do a great job of capturing the pure fear a situation like this would cause.
Rated 19 Sep 2011
This is the best movie of the year -so far- (Sept. 18), although there's a lot yet to come out and many I haven't seen yet. The film follows its very deliberate pacing as it chronicles the spread of a new disease through the eyes of a handful of individuals all somewhat connected. Acting, writing and directing are all top notch here with a cool score driving everything along. I have to say though, this is the most chilling movie I've seen since Threads, and that's saying a lot.
Rated 29 Mar 2020
Beyond its time by 9 years :)))
Rated 11 Dec 2020
If had watched before Covid -19 I probably say Not that Hot but when you watch it in a pandemic situtation It impacts deeply
Rated 27 Sep 2011
Working with an ensemble cast, directing from a thoughtful script, blending in a minimalist filmmaking; Steven Soderbergh makes sure Contagion is as close to reality as possible; and a tense, thrilling and occasionally shocking commentary on the impermanence of this world despite all the medical and technological advancements the humankind likes to be proud of. Fortunately, we have Soderbergh to give us nice a little shake-up, reminding us of the not-so-infallible nature of life.
Rated 28 Sep 2011
I'm going to feel self-conscious about touching my face for a while.
Rated 01 Oct 2011
I applaud the grounded approach to how a global pandemic might transpire; this film could comfortably fit in the "docudrama" category. But juggling multiple story lines in its tight pacing and constantly shifting viewpoints makes it hard to find any "heart" to latch onto. But not all films have to be character-rich and emotionally-driven. This one succeeds instead with flawed humans facing a monumental disaster, determined medical professionals, and the trials and triumphs of science.
Rated 03 Oct 2011
There are bits here and there where it really drives the concept home, but during other parts it's too driven at its realism to be what one would hope. The bottom line is that a virus breaks out, people get sick, but there's not too much beyond that. if this had come out closer to the 2009 scare it could have made some serious waves, but everyone's over that now and were back to not washing our hands after going to the bathroom.
Rated 11 Oct 2011
It's not bad, but it suffers from a major problem of having too many characters. None end up feeling whole, all of them feel just like parts of characters, a few traits without a personality to latch onto. I liked the way a lot of events that seemed very important during the moment they happened were allowed to evaporate and make you feel like these events that happen to a single person don't actually matter in the grand scheme of things.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
I was going to make a pun... but looking the word in the English dictionary I found that it doesn't seem to have that derivate meaning it has in Spanish... I'll try. Aseptic, in Spanish, is used also refering something "neutral, cold, without passion". With that in mind... isn't a bit ironic a movie about a contagion is that aseptic? It's not exactly 'bad', it's realistic, close to documentary... but couldn't this script still be that realistic and also emotive and deep? I'm sure it could.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Rated 25 Oct 2011
This was a very disappointing sit-through.
Rated 26 Oct 2011
Whilst I admire the thought and attention to detail involved in making this admittedly ambitious a sprawling project of a movie, it's still very dry and attempts to shoehorn in human interest and drama don't really come off as anything other than cursory. A magnificent ensemble cast wring about as much tension and drama as they can, but in the end when your most important character is a virus, injecting a little personality can prove difficult. Well worth a watch, but don't expect to blown away.
Rated 27 Oct 2011
the story was really nice, but i couldnt connect to any character and the documentary side had so many holes/mistakes in it, that i just cant like the movie
Rated 29 Mar 2020
Top badass moment? If everyone was vegan it wouldn't have happened. This movie feels quite lacklustre; it starts off well but then the tension just dissipates. The characters have as much depth as Donald Trump's knowledge of viruses. Matt Damon is as useful as a toilet paper face mask, Jude Law as annoying as a panic buying shopper, and they kill off Kate Winslet before she’s even had a chance to undress! Never going to happen anyway, so unrealistic. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 02 Nov 2011
Too clinical for the viewer to ever be truly engaged with the scenario that's presented, and the Marion Cotillard/Jude Law subplots felt tacked on. There's a great sense of culminating doom that fizzles out in the last half hour which left me unsatisfied. However I still appreciate the realism and how the film never seems to talk down to you. I'm going to feel self-conscious about touching my face for a while.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Rated 28 Mar 2020
A lot of people are watching Outbreak due to COVID-19...but I implore you - watch Contagion instead, which is practically a play-by-play of the Coronavirus. It doesn't really have a narrative, but at this point, it's just plain educational.
Rated 10 Apr 2019
Contagion keeps the audience on the edge of it's seat throughout. The star power behind this film does a good job of turning a boiler-plate thriller into something more exciting and thoughtful. The movie follows a variety of characters through a very real crisis. Jude Law's performance as a blogger who might have too much power to bend the masses was especially prescient. I love seeing Elliot Gould get work. Damon's fantastic portrayal of a concerned father who's already lost so much was great.
Rated 28 Nov 2011
An outstanding achievement by Soderbergh, to make a virusfilm so interesting. Avoiding clichés, Contagion has eye for detail, splendid cinematography and an excellent cast to capture the attention of the audience. It doesn't really work as a thriller, but is an amazing study of what an outbreak can do to people and societies.
Rated 03 Dec 2011
An appealingly sober, realistic and complex approach to the pandemic nightmare, that unfortunately gets foiled by an utter lack of suspense through and through and too many characters with too little to do.
Rated 28 Mar 2012
Effective in its scariness and as slick a production as you would expect from Soderbergh, however the director goes so far in his quest for realism and objectivity through multiple perspectives, that the result is an emotionless and newsreel-like drone of footage. There's not a single character you can invest in or care much about, which is quite an achievement for a disaster film. Although there is some mild tension and good acting, the film is a pretty flat ride which overstays its welcome.
Rated 12 Dec 2011
Not a straight-forward story, instead just plays out events and tells it from different viewpoints. Everyone trying to do their best but not always perceived well by others. I applaud the honest nature of it and the risk to step out of the comfort zone of many audiences.
Rated 12 Dec 2011
first 10 minutes is brilliant but then it`s one of the flattest told pandemic stories ever... empathy to characters is below zero...millions of people die, all star cast gets sick, dies, even lovely Paltrow gets an autopsy before our eyes and we feel nothing at the way can somebody tell me what happened to Cotillard`s story???
Rated 14 Oct 2014
The film is simply trying too many things. It's telling the personal stories of the people affected by the disease, showing the events from the doctors' and researchers' point of view and questioning the ethics of drug companies. Sadly it fails in every section, making it an incoherent and ultimately disappointing experience.
Rated 12 Mar 2020
Pretty relevant right now huh.
Rated 13 Apr 2020
This is like a spot-on prophecy of the current COVID-19 crisis. The single thing that wouldn't be realistic is the teenager who would choose to play U2's All I Want Is You.
Rated 06 Feb 2021
I had seen this one before, but it somehow proves to be prophetic. It has really good pacing and has an ensemble cast that doesn't really stand out (in a good way). It obviously feels more relevant than ever and does a great job of heightening the tension by lingering on objects and items that people have touched.
Rated 02 Jun 2021
well uh this has aged interestingly
Rated 20 Dec 2011
Starts out good but at about the halfway point it becomes tedious and unnecessary. The ending was beyond terrible and pretty uncreative and boring. Some of the subplots are unneeded and when your movie already seems too long, hit the edit bay, Steven. Has a great soundtrack by Cliff Martinez who is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
Rated 20 Dec 2011
Queasy, unsettling drama is an emotional powerhouse, thanks largely to an unsensational, intelligent screenplay which focuses more on government's attempts to quash the plague, than on trite farewell scenes. An array of stars all contribute great performances (with Damon and especially Winslet standing out), and Soderbergh shows his expertise at following multiple story threads without causing confusion, while indulging in wild colour schemes and eccentric camera angles, a signature trademark!
Rated 20 Dec 2011
A masterclass in pacing and editing, with vivid, well-drawn and well-acted characters. The rising sense of doom and overall narrative arc is impeccably controlled. The score is brilliant. Even the science jargon rings true. The best Soderbergh I've seen, and one of the best films of the year.
Rated 21 Dec 2011
Why is Demetri Martin in this? You work for the CDC? No you don't. Get the fuck out.
Rated 14 Mar 2012
More like a TV movie rather than a 2 hour film. I would like to say there some good bits in it but its all been done before and been done better. Watchable, nothing more.
Rated 10 Feb 2012
I'm a total sucker for this type of story and Contagion didn't disappoint thanks to the great production values and strong cast. Feels really grounded, the presentation is sober (though a bit too sterile at times), and it covers a wide area of elements. Maybe a bit too wide, giving most characters only a limited amount of screentime and a lack of conflicts. Still, I got exactly what I wanted. Goodie! Wonderful soundtrack by Cliff Martinez as well.
Rated 21 Oct 2018
Spending some time on bureaucracy and human selfishness was a nice touch on what I felt was a tired subgenre of film. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. You're thrown into scenes rather than a flowing movie structure, which I enjoyed a lot for this type of movie and added some immersion
Rated 24 Feb 2020
As others have written, this was tense but didn't really have any relatable characters besides Matt Damon as the everyman. Everyone else is scientific and does their job, which is great for realism but doesn't do much to make the movie more than a what-if documentary. Funny how diseases/zombie outbreaks always come from China in western films. Fav scene: everyone storming the pharmacy.
Rated 24 Sep 2020
Ha ha! Like this kinda shit could ever really happen! *shifty eyes emoji*
Rated 30 Dec 2011
A genuine waste of some quality actors. Should have been more focused rather than spread so thin. Generally unsatisfying movie with a cutesy finale to show everybody how it all went down.
Rated 10 Mar 2012
I actually thought this was pretty good. It could have been better though. All the plot lines move in a dizzying fashion and the film could have benefited from a bit more development. I absolutely hated the wannabee Trent Reznor score that I found way too intrusive. The acting is good in the limited capacity and the film raises some very interesting topics. What I liked most though was the realism of this film.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
A typically Soderbergh movie with a somehow transcendenting score. I really loved the sound which created a futuristic and emotionally cold (something I found in most Soderbergh movies up ahead the Solaris remake) atmosphere. A very good Sci-Fi thriller.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
We've seen just about everything "Contagion" has to offer. Wolfgang Petersen's "Outbreak" has merely been updated into a more current, thought-provoking, and less action-oriented thriller. An all-star cast elevates an otherwise standard affair. Soderbergh's film is still effective and engrossing. It keeps you interested until the very end. Even if the characters are a tad thin, the film raises some big questions and satisfies as an entertaining little ride.
Rated 13 Dec 2019
This is a solid thriller with a large cast of stars, a clear and engaging story told via multiple plot threads, and an admirably realistic aura to the proceedings. Are there perhaps a few too many plot threads? Yes ... a couple of threads fall off with no real resolution. Did we need Jude Law's character? No ... he's the one real false note. Do either of these points really matter? No ... this is the kind of movie I wish they made more of.
Rated 09 Jan 2012
Don't listen to naysayers, this is the best Soderbergh has managed to come up with for some time.
Rated 05 Feb 2012
It does what it does well enough, everyone's fine and the plot is easy to follow... somewhat clichéd at times, but watchable. But that's all it is. There's no passion or vision to it, it's just a bland, forgettable film. It's hard to imagine this making anyone's list of favorites. Nothing about it stands out (Cliff Martinez does provide a nice score). I maintain that I've yet to see a bad movie from Soderbergh but it's disappointing to see him deliver such an uninspired product.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
It really predicted 2020. That alone is crazy.
Rated 13 Feb 2013
This is your typical clean-cut, dry to the bone Steven Soderbergh thriller. Inoffensive with nothing exciting to offer except good presentation and good acting.
Rated 14 Mar 2020
Has the feeling of looking at a pandemic from the rear-view, which in the middle of COVID-19 soothes the nerves somewhat. It shows professionals doing their job, and getting on with it while millions are dying. That's very dutiful from all sides, filmmakers included, but my favorite micro-drama involves the bat - with subtle electronic music progression the balance of our eco-system is addressed and seen as fragile. It's warning enough to make you feel uneasy after all.
Rated 02 Jan 2021
In this film, we follow the lightning-fast spread of a deadly virus. Death follows a few days after infection. As this pandemic grows, the entire medical world is in an uproar to find a cure and to quell the panic among the people. On the other hand, we see the people fighting for their survival and caring for their loved ones. An overall picture of a community that is completely collapsed by this airborne virus.
Rated 04 Apr 2020
Seeing this during a pandemic is like watching Titanic while on a cruise ship. It makes it poignant, but not necessarily better.
Rated 30 Apr 2020
Not sure why people told me this was accurate. The CDC employee doing contact tracing when thousands around her are infected? The WHO scientist testing the vaccine on herself and just like that it's safe for everyone?? The multiple perspective angle failed too, resulting in undeveloped characters that couldn't be redeemed by all the acting talent.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
Steven Soderbergh's version of Outbreak is actually quite great! Contagion's story doesn't develop too many of the characters, but at the same time, you want to keep watching to see what happens to them, and for the story of course. Directing and writing are both really good and so is the superb cast. Entertaining and gripping, and even chilling and realistic at times. Very well-made.
Rated 15 Sep 2011
A 21st century Outbreak with the stylistic swiftness of The Social Network. With the exception of Jude Law's paranoid blogger character, the film doesn't do anything new with the premise but I still enjoyed it.
Rated 19 Sep 2011
Contagion presents the perfect blend of underexplored greatness and needlessly explored blandness as it follows the exploits of a needlessly large ensemble cast surrounding the outbreak of a deadly new disease.
Rated 30 Sep 2011
One day you're married to gwyneth paltrow and then pop goes the weasel.
Rated 21 Oct 2011
21 Ekim 2011, Kanyon, mel ile & Contagion, Hollywood oyunculari ile Hollywood'un kaliplari disinda yapilmis bir toplum & iktidar ve haliyle de sistem elestirisi. Senaryo biraz daginik ama Soderbergh'in yeni bir seyler deneme cesaretini seviyorum.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
Less audience infecting than expected.
Rated 12 Dec 2011
a little boring, a little interesting. So a little of both means mediocre
Rated 19 Dec 2011
Old idea, new process!
Rated 24 Dec 2011
Many well known names wasted on something without substance. After first ten minutes, plot loses focus and make more angles than it can chew (only to put cast into).


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