Thor: Love and Thunder
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Thor: Love and Thunder

1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 32.19% from 1515 total ratings

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Rated 11 Jul 2022
Silly and cheesy enough that it just worked for me. I did legitimately feel heartbroken when I needed to though, and all of the scenes with Gorr felt perfectly creepy and dreadful. Bale was damn good as the character. Some jokes outstayed their welcome and the story is very by-the-numbers, but as a whole, I had a great time. It’s was beautifully shot, really well acted and emotionally satisfying. I personally loved the ending. It’s a dumb movie. You’re either on board or you aren’t. I was!⚡️
Rated 08 Jul 2022
Sure it has a bit too much humor and an inconsistent tone, but it was Another Classic Thor Adventure. Gorr was really great but I am a little confused as to why an all powerful wish granter wasn't mentioned in some certain previous films 🤷‍♂️. A bit too simple of a plot device. If I think too much about it I like it less, but for now it was fine. Let's have less goats in the next one though.
Rated 08 Jul 2022
Marvel has replaced its "movies are too long with not enough going on" problem with a "movies are too short with too much going on" problem. Thor: Love and Thunder is a prime example of this - there's clearly a different movie somewhere in the edit bay that has better pacing and fewer wild shifts in tone. For all my gripes, this is a fun comic book romp. The cast does well, the humor is goofy but lands more often than not, and aside from frustrating decisions, it's a solid, fun ride.
Rated 03 Sep 2022
Thor: Love and Thunder suffers from Waititi's worst instincts. Ragnarok's freshness allowed some of these to get a pass, but this entry demonstrates how painfully tired this franchise is becoming. Waititi & Robinson seem determined to squash any climactic spectacle, leaving an oddly paced film full of ill-timed jokes and exposition that rushes through things we want to see and lingers when we want to move on. The Guardians of the Galaxy looked wrong. Bale & Crowe were the highlight.
Rated 06 Jul 2022
A bit of a mixed bag. As a comedy it's a silly, brisk, vibrant and occasionally hilarious adventure, but the flip side to this is that the dramatic beats feel tonally off and rushed. Is it too much to ask for a silly spaceviking adventure without cancer treatment being a subplot? Loved the screaming goats though.
Rated 09 Jul 2022
There's a delicate line between action and comedy. "Ragnarok" handled it perfectly; this one didn't. All the joking around gets tiresome (except the goats, which got a laugh out of me every time) and remove all the stakes from the action, leaving it feeling perfunctory. That said, the visuals are great.
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Very silly but with the dramatic bits landed better than I feared. It'll be an acquired taste, but I liked it.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
Has its moments, but this is surprisingly lifeless for this combination of talent and story potential, especially considering how much fun Ragnarok was. At least Bale manages to light up the screen and make his villain more memorable than the standard disposable Marvel antagonist.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
A mad film; its tone is all over the place, but this is largely lots of fun and very watchable. I'm probably being lenient because I've got a lot of goodwill for these things at the moment, but what the hell. Extra points for gratuitous use of Guns N' Roses.
Rated 07 Jul 2022
It was an average addition to MCU... with a lot of failed attempts at jokes.
Rated 09 Jul 2022
Not as good as Ragnarok, but less will do. Bale's best performance for years!
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Still mostly good! It struggles when compared to Ragnarok, which is still superior in almost every way, and the darker elements do not really blend with the broader elements at all making for some WILD clashing. And sometimes it’s a little too broad - those goats were awful. But it is still mostly funny, the dramatic beats do often land, it looks nicer than Ragnarok (outside of the butt-ugly Mandalorian screen shots), and Bale’s villain is really cool and effective.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
Christian Bale was by far the best part of the film. They wasted no time giving us Gorr's tragic origin story. The first act featuring Thor and the Guardians was a misfire but then it picks up from there. Hemsworth was likable this time around but in my mind was not as great as previous times. Something felt off. Perhaps it was the cringiness of some of the jokes that made it feel incomplete tonally in comparison to the others.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
* I definitly had a great time in the theater, but, the script just didn’t hold up. Too many things that didn’t make sense and that went by so quick. But the goats and jealous axe were just too good. I loled every single time they did something. Bale’s performance was wasted on such a goofy movie, he was really good, and the Zeus scenes were also fun, but overall, lacks behind Ragnarok. Oh, and I hate it when love wins over everything..
Rated 14 Jul 2022
Overall funny,way too silly in places,but the finale was really great.As a MCU fanboy I want to give 70 points.Maybe when I watched it the second time. Edit: Just saw it the second time and I have to set my score down to 50.In fact my least favourite MCU Movie
Rated 03 Oct 2022
The Thor movies since the second installment have felt insular, a sort of detached part of the Marvel universe where the world is even more fantastic than genetically altered superheros, aliens, and sentient robots. And since Waititi's involvement, they've also contained their own light hearted, comic book touch. This one isn't a disappointment, it's fun and funny, yet it contains one of the same failings that most of this phase has, it feels like Marvel has lost its vision of a bigger picture.
Rated 13 Sep 2022
Waste of Christian Bale. At least they tried to inject some more chemistry with Portman, but it's still lacking. Tessa Thompson was underutilized but it didn't seem like she was much interested anyway. The whole plot with the kids just felt pointless. This was a filler MCU film catering to 6 second memes. At least Guns N' Roses got paid. Fav scene: theater troupe reenacting previous events.
Rated 07 Jul 2022
Definitely had quite a few funny moments in this one, but it didn't really hit close to the comedy of Ragnarok. Plot seems to come out of nowhere, especially with Jane's story, but it's overall quite uplifting and an ok Marvel movie.
Rated 07 Jul 2022
Much messier in execution compared to Thor: Ragnarok, but the humour and style of Taika Watiti keeps it going strong and Russell Crowe was a highlight in this. Good use of music too.
Rated 08 Jul 2022
Thor's Lovely Bumder doesn't disappoint
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Sometimes I really like something, and then the I go on the internet where I find out everyone hated it for millions of reasons. I thought it was great and my only real complaint is that Eternity should have been voiced by Kumail Nanjiani.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
90% of Waititi's attempts at humor (& there's alot) fail for me so I did not enjoy the first half of this which plays like an SNL parody. He's so desperate for laughs, he even tries to pull them out of Stage 4 cancer. But its increasingly non-comedic character moments are moving & its unpredictability saved it. I do find all the GNR love more proof of how hypocritical & self-serving Woke types are. Where are the SJWs now? A black kid loving Axl? Go listen to "One In A Million", Woke Waititi fans
Rated 13 Jul 2022
This is far more by-the-numbers than Ragnarok—a disappointment given Waititi’s track record. But his humour continues to bolster what would’ve been painfully ordinary, and Hemsworth continues to smash the timing while remaining true to his original character. Throw in Christian Bale hamming it up slathered in terrifying makeup? There are much worse Marvel outings you could embark upon.
Rated 16 Jul 2022
I chose to turn off my usual film critic brain and the film was all the better for it. Christian Bale really was fantastic, Gorr was equal parts creepy and clownlike, a perfect villain. The ending on the beach felt really satisfying, Waititi is at his best showing us the minds of children and the scenes with the kids in really had a special energy. I liked the way the comedy was always a constant, we laugh through our greatest difficulties, sometimes it was a little much though.
Rated 16 Jul 2022
My ass was clenched every time Gorr was on screen because I was praying that they wouldn't make him quip. They didn't, his "jokes" were demonstrating how unhinged he was. They let him breathe, be serious, and be memorable. Bale is so wonderful. The rest of the movie is standard for the MCU but this is what I want from them. Fun story, some laughs, some cool action, even some great cinematography at times (mostly with Gorr) and some heart (mostly with Gorr), which I was scared wouldn't exist.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
Pointless, but worth watching for Bale alone.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
There’s levity that is unabashedly hammy, great soundtrack, some of the best visuals in MCU to date (Multiverse of Madness has nothing on this) and HEART. The drama maybe was little limp and there were slight pacing and tonal issues. And the Valkyrie was completely redundant. But dear lord some of the “gotcha” moments were godly. Best Thor movie, albeit not perfect.
Rated 30 Jul 2022
I had friends texting me hate threats before I even saw it but, it’s just fine. Like ZAZ films reincarnate - not every joke lands, but they’re doing it damn well trying. Is it stupid? Arguably. Is it overlong? Indubitably. Did I appreciate the kid fight and Shadoworld battle? Hell to the yeah, and the actors seem to know what they signed up for.
Rated 07 Aug 2022
Absolutely vapid, any emotional moments are rushed or crowded by lackluster jokes. The film is as shallow as a puddle, and any action scene is just an orgy of colors, because they spent all the budget on getting Hemsworth ripped, so they couldn't afford a fight choreographer
Rated 09 Aug 2022
Christian Bale 100/100 but the rest was really really bad
Rated 17 Aug 2022
I got what I wanted out of a Ragnarok 2. It's still funny and I loved the music once again. While the story has its weaknesses, I think Gorr, aided by Bale's performance, is much better than the average boring Marvel villain.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
It’s a significantly inferior film to ‘Ragnarok’, but certainly not without some charm. Bale is great, visually it all pops nicely and I really liked the final act. Ragnarok proved the MCU can support genuine comedy films, but the balance in L&T isn’t quite right and too many skits don’t quite land right or feel too detrimental to the Thor character. Fun, but flawed.
Rated 13 Sep 2022
Not a fan of the pivot to unscripted comedy for Thor personally. I know people loved Ragnarok but it's not for me, it feels like a weaker GotG
Rated 15 Sep 2022
i'm down with the silliness, but the general tone of the film doesn't quite jive with the story arc, which was actually quite sad. this emotional dissonance (which seems to be waititi's trademark) brings the movie down. Marvel seems to be running out of ideas and rapidly depleting characters. portman's transformation seems to be totally wasted as a side story.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
Taika Waititi tries to recapture the irreverent fun of 'Thor: Ragnarok,' but his lightness registers more like indifference.
Rated 09 Jul 2022
as with "Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness", I would rate this "Good" for a movie, but not "Good for a Marvel movie". Light and silly but never hilarious.
Rated 02 Dec 2022
Just could not find the right tone. We have the comedic acting of Thor/Chris Hemsworth serving in super sharp contrast to a fantastic Gorr/Christian Bale, easily the most frightening villain I can think of in Marvel. A whole bunch of woke nods throughout that seem to just get in the way of a decent story. And with Natalie Portman's cancer arc, you really should have opted for a different director and a different tone for the entire film.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
The first half perhaps showcases the worst of Marvel's comedic tendencies,a juvenile joke every couple of seconds that hinders the story and the character development.Every character can't be a silly joke machine,at the end of the day that just doesn't make any sense.The second half picks up with some great visuals and Bale's wonderfully creepy performance providing tons of fun but ultimately this is a pretty dissapointing outing from the same team that brought us one of the MCU's best,Ragnarok.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
The comedy material is just outright embarrassing, but this also has its share of sloppy slapdash action and sluggish storytelling. That said, this isn’t without some small pleasures. Christian Bale gives a compelling turn as the God Butcher, and even though the visuals are CGI’d within in an inch of their life, some of it does pop. But don’t take those allowances as any kind of half-hearted endorsement; this is still just as boring as any other MCU entry.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
I laughed, which is about all I hope for in the few of these movies I see. Here, the wild shifts in tone feel a bit like if somebody told Jerry Lewis to make a holocaust film. Then I remember that Taika put himself in a holocaust film, and it all fits together. But I'm left with questions: are we really joking about stage 4 cancer? Am I not supposed to be scarred by this creeper terrorizing children? Are we really going from goat rainbows to the death of god(s)?
Rated 14 Jul 2022
Thor: Love And Thunder is unfortunately a movie that Taika Waititi got out of control. Prolonged, meaningless, and so many boring dialogues undermine the story that should have been full of energy. Except for a few good sequences, I only remember dozens of cringe scenes. Big disappointment after Ragnarok. (Cinemaximum Metrogarden - 07/14/2022)
Rated 17 Jul 2022
Remember Thor: Ragnarok when Taika Waititi was actually funny?
Rated 18 Jul 2022
Another classic Thor adventure. Straddling the 80/85 line. There are elements here that I really dug, and still some others that kinda won't stop picking at me. I can talk myself into loving this but it wouldn't be genuine at the moment. Bale is mostly masterful and Gorr is a "villain" I wish I could see more of. Valkyrie is one of the more compelling MCU side-heroes to me. Both end credits scenes are tantalizing. But there's something about this whole package that holds it back in comparison.
Rated 20 Jul 2022
The negative reception that this film is getting makes it pretty clear to me that I don't understand what people want from these films. I thought this was a light and amusing bit of entertainment that avoided quite a few of the annoying tropes that these MCU films have fallen into. I guess people like the annoying tropes.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
Utterly hilarious and the goats made me laugh a lot. Just a fun movie although the dramatic elements were hit and miss. Nails the landing though.
Rated 29 Jul 2022
More of a Waititi movie than a Marvel movie and that's fine by me. Some comedy bits were plain bad, the story's pacing was weird at times, but I had a good time and that's all that matters really. Bale played Gorr to perfection. Critics are too harsh, they forget to enjoy themselves.
Rated 12 Dec 2022
Waititi made the best Thor movie and the worst. Well done.
Rated 31 Jul 2022
A spectacle indeed. Thor: Love and Thunder achieves memorable status in spite of crimes against cinema and flouting of pacing guidelines. WAY too much comedy in scene ms that didn't justify it ( and no, I'm nor referring to the cancer/hospital scene - that actually made sense to me), I certainly know if the local children in my area had been kidnapped, I wouldn't reserve room for a joke in the VERY next scene. All in all, though IT IS a fun film and maybe that's all that should matter?
Rated 08 Aug 2022
This is another fun film made by Taika Waititi. The cast seem to be having a great time here. The script has a lot of fun moments but is not as funny as the third movie in this franchise. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 09 Aug 2022
Tonally uneven, and sometimes seemingly afraid to commit to its darker themes, but I did really enjoy it for the most part.
Rated 10 Aug 2022
While it doesn't have the sneaky gravitas of RAGNAROK, Waititi's comedic touch has made it a delight to check-in on the wacky adventures of the God of Thunder. Extra points for one of the MCU's more menacing villains in recent memory.
Rated 18 Aug 2022
Unfortunately the worst part of the movie was Ms. Portman. She is a smart person in real life and believable to a degree as a scientist. (She is not the type who'll do astronomy, more like a social science type.) But as a superhero, she's just terrible. All the funny lines writers prepared died with her delivery. She's not one bit funny. She's only good at the scenes in which she's dying. Thor Foster is in the comics but I wouldn't mind a recast for Jane. (And I loved the goats)
Rated 03 Sep 2022
Love Taika! This was a good movie, loved the humor!
Rated 08 Sep 2022
Absolute shit; marvel must be STOPPED.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
For what it's worth the "comedy" at least knows when to calm down and not feel like it needs to produce a gag every second like Ragnarok did. But on the other hand, the actual drama and stakes are substantially less interesting comparatively and it feels like it's just trudging on things people have long since stopped caring about in the MCU lore. Hopefully the next movie will be a lot better if Russell Crowe's Zeus is the villain, because that pompous ass is too entertaining to let go of.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Worth seeing for an interesting Bale performance but, on the whole, I was a bit disappointed.
Rated 10 Sep 2022
Lighthearted and fun
Rated 10 Sep 2022
Bore: Flub and Blunder
Rated 10 Sep 2022
Wow, this was sloppy. CG is mucky, soundtrack is beyond lazy. Portman can't help but bring some light to the screen but it just feels like it was thrown together over a weekend by the creatives. I feel bad for the animators as usual who work insane hours for something as lazy as this.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
Probably my biggest MCU hot take, but I liked this slightly more than Ragnarok. I liked the darker moments, which worked better than I’d heard. The humor, while maybe not as many hits, were more consistent. Loved the use of color in that one scene late on the film. Bale was obviously excellent, and luckily they didn’t turn him into a joke. I’d have taken a little less of Korg though. Maybe my overall opinion will change later, but I was pleasantly surprised with this one.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
It's like two hours of eating vanilla ice cream
Rated 12 Sep 2022
It's not gonna blow your mind but Waititi has a good grasp for what actual comic books are like. There is cheesy humor that doesn't always work, but I laughed enough. There are some good "comic book panel" imagery and Bale is one of the best villains in the MCU. And that is the major shortfall. He should have been it more, we should have seen how dangerous he was, not just some aftermath shots. I still like the Waititi and Gunn versions of MCU movies more than the rest, but could have been more.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
Attempts the already uneven Marvel melody of humour, silly action, and self-seriousness while screaming a single, irreverent note at the top of its lungs. Missing children? Existence in peril? Cancer? “Hilarious,” the movie says; or rather, “Hey how about this joke instead?” Other elements are on the menu (a compelling villain, a meaningful narrative), but a few good-looking moments and a laugh or three are all this actually serves up.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
A little too jokey in some parts, but otherwise solid.
Rated 30 Jan 2024
I seem to like the odd numbered Thor films and dislike the even numbered ones (apparently not uncommon). I'm one of those grumpy middle-aged dudes who thinks the MCU post-Endgame has a worrisome identity crisis and this movie highlights some of the problems. There's too much forced comedy and quippy dialogue for such serious topics. Ragnarok was brilliant in blending genres, but this is tiring. I don't like "dumb" comic book movies, even if they're self-aware. Bale is the highlight.
Rated 17 Sep 2022
Meh. I was already getting bored with this franchise but this is the final nail in the coffin.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
It's clearly more of a comedy than it probably should have been, but I also didn't hate it. The two funniest characters are Zeus (Russell Crowe) and the axe, which is a big boon for inanimate objects. All the stuff involving children in the last act was pretty silly, but maybe just on the tolerable side.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
This must have been rushed in some form, no? Editing feels very unpolished and jagged, but not sure a smoother experience could save the PowerPoint nature of the script nor the tonal imbalance. Waititi has always had a problem with properly balancing his wacky tomfoolery with his more emotional side and no balance was achieved here. The cinematography at times is pretty striking, especially during a B/W scene but multiple identical(!) call-backs to Ragnarok makes it all feel a little lazy.
Rated 19 Sep 2022
More like Thor: Guns 'N' Roses, amirite? This appears to be a very divisive movie but I had a lot of fun with it myself. It's extremely silly, more so than Ragnarok, but while I expected that from Waititi, there's a tender heart here that I wasn't expecting. Throw in an effective Bale as the antagonist and this was a far more enjoyable adventure than the reviews had led me to believe. The best non Spidey MCU movie since Endgame, though that's not a high bar to clear.
Rated 20 Sep 2022
It's a fun romp, but the more serious and dramatic parts do feel a bit out of place.
Rated 20 Sep 2022
After the first two films, they decided to change the film's route to another way. Obviously, they couldn't manage to make a serious Thor franchise but finally, they stopped caring so much about themselves and let the comedy elements be more distinctive at all. Maybe this one is a cringy movie for some, but if you like to have fun, you can get what you wish for.
Rated 21 Sep 2022
Feels like a failed attempt of a parody with jokes so cringeworthy that it becomes almost painful to watch.
Rated 04 Jul 2022
Em seu segundo filme para a saga, Waititi repete essa aproximação mais lúdica do mundo de Thor e é muito feliz nisso. Sua fantasia tem uma característica que poderíamos julgar lamentavelmente superada pela indústria: ela conta com a dissimulação da direção de arte, do figurino, da maquiagem, das cores práticas e da iluminação no lugar do fotorrealismo das imagens gráficas.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
2022'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 151. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) @TaikaWaititi seviyorsanız, 80'ler 90'lar ruhunuza işlemişse, @thorofficial #Ragnarok'u da sevdiyseniz bu filmden mutsuz ayrılmanız imkansız. Yazın en eğlenceli filmi bence.
Rated 21 Jun 2023
Between What We Do in the Shadows, Thor Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit, I never doubted Taika Waititi's vision for an instant. So when Love & Thunder's introduction of Mighty Thor and exceptional villain performance were almost entirely overshadowed by clumsy dialogue, poorly-timed gags, outdated & nauseatingly overused memes and a pathological aversion to any degree of tonal consistency, I was with many in the global audience who weren't sure what we were supposed to do with what we just witnessed.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
Love and Thunder introduces too many elements to the convoluted MCU without bothering to properly explain or integrating them. Stuff is mostly happening in order to tell a story that isn't really there. Might have been a solid movie if it was half an hour longer to flesh out the plot without adding more questionable stuff.
Rated 04 Jul 2023
Not good. Seems like a joke. What happened to the normally brilliant Taika?
Rated 07 Nov 2022
Just the right amount of serious for a movie like this. Christian Bale does a killer Toni Wirtanen impression.
Rated 10 Oct 2022
eng; [thor: love and thunder]; thor und seine ex freundin wollen den nekromantischen gottestöter besiegen - und schleichen sich sogar in den rat der götter ein.; (zuviel flache selbstironie);
Rated 16 Jul 2022
I feel like marvel is creating/killing off too many characters.
Rated 09 Oct 2022
It had its moments but I couldn't understand Jane Foster's arc of becoming the Mighty Thor. It feels all too sudden...
Rated 22 Jul 2022
Very comic book, colourful, likeable, ridiculous and amusing but nothing much more than that. The choose love message feels a bit cheesy.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
Love & Thunder continues that same Waititi flare & energy that revitalized the Thor character with Ragnarok, unfortunately…this isn’t nearly as good. The slapstick energy is increasingly more obnoxious, which lead to some really stupid sequences & characters. A lot of this feels kind of choppy, and Portman’s inclusion as Lady Thor is pretty anticlimactic, but she is a fine addition overall. This is an entertaining movie, but I would be hard pressed to say this is an actual good movie.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
May actually have its high watermark predecessor beat in terms of structure and economy: a well-rounded, emotionally involving story, with Waititi’s eccentric sensibilities and sense of humour expertly woven in. Ticks the boxes of an MCU entry, but finds creative ways to stage familiar ideas; a refreshingly dialed down climactic boom crash works exceptionally well, casting off the usual hectic noisescape. If Bale's villian seems underutilised, it’s a minor flaw in an otherwise pretty great film.
Rated 17 May 2024
Massively better than expected, based on its reputation. Silly and dumb and decently fun.
Rated 27 Sep 2022
Has some funny moments, mostly at the beginning, but not enough to overcome the awful exposition, mind-numbing plot, garbage CGI battles
Rated 27 Jul 2022
too quippy. If you're going to have a god butcher maybe show some god butchering....
Rated 29 Jul 2022
It's not nearly up to the level of Ragnarok. It struggles too much trying to deliver all of the necessary(?) exposition and Waititi's humor can really get lost in the film's scrambling to hit all its plot points - kind of shocking considering how little plot there actually is. Still, it does get some things right: Bale makes a great God Butcher, the emotional heart is very much present in Thor/Jane's relationship, and the visuals of the Shadow Realm are fantastic and unique.
Rated 29 Sep 2022
Surprisingly, I liked it alright. Goofy as shit, the humor is very hit or miss, but it has actual pathos and looks quite nice at moments.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
Rated 07 Aug 2022
It's really good at the beginning and really good at the end and the middle and the middle kinda... sags a bit. It's got too much broad humor in ratio to adventure, but a fair amount of the adventure is also kinda... basic? Not bad, just... standard. And the "all gods are bastards" aspect is executed in a really sloppy way that's probably hurtful to some of the cultures that cameo and weakens the main plot - why should we care about Gorr killing "innocent gods" if they're all dipshits anyway?
Rated 09 Mar 2023
The film successfully balances the superhero genre with humor, emotion, and depth, creating a well-rounded and enjoyable viewing experience. The set pieces are grand, the performances are strong, and the villain is compelling, making it one of Marvel’s strongest films.
Rated 03 Sep 2022
It follows the previous Thor effort, lots of laughs, uninspired rock songs ,decent character story but unlike Ragnarok everything seems slightly worse. It's probably because unlike Loki, Jane doesn't have other movies of character development so her return feels unneeded. The movie dabbles in a lot of stories but doesn't really get far as there is a constant need for HEY ACTION and moving on. Another movie that should have been a TV show for Marvel. Donate to cancer research, Marvel.
Rated 21 Dec 2022
Who wrote this, an 11 years old kid? Overused pre 2000's rock songs, unnecessary amount of Guns'n Roses, unfunny jokes and terrible acting.
Rated 14 Dec 2022
I was kinda tired when I went to the theater for this one, yet this film definitely kept boring me to sleep. Some refreshing Marvel stuff, but a weaker output than expected. Impression may benefit from a rewatch, but I have no drive for it.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Extremely disjointed and doesn't hold the heavier moments very well (at all) but... that's not why I watch a Marvel OR a Waititi movie. Pretty fun stuff most of the time.
Rated 10 Nov 2022
Amusing in places, but wouldn’t say this did anything particularly new or interesting.
Rated 02 Oct 2022
Initially gave this a 7.1. Far too generous. 6.3 is still more than it deserves but that's where I'm putting it. This is another while grading on the "taken pretty lightly superhero fare" scale. I enjoy Waititi as a director, and although there was as always a lot of silliness it's got some fun and the cheese wasn't too too thick for the most part. Saw it on the big screen which helped it.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
So bad.
Rated 30 Apr 2024
Not a great movie.


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