Godzilla vs. Kong

Godzilla vs. Kong

1h 53m
The epic next chapter in the cinematic Monsterverse pits two of the greatest icons in motion picture history against one another - the fearsome Godzilla and the mighty Kong - with humanity caught in the balance.
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Godzilla vs. Kong

1h 53m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 33.51% from 1115 total ratings

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Rated 02 Apr 2021
I am a simple man, I see the monsters I say "Yes!" But when I see humans, I say "NO!"
Rated 01 Apr 2021
Rated 03 Apr 2021
Loud, long and dull. 90 minutes of pure tedium before the faux epic showdown that basically plays like a poor man's Pacific Rim. Score is probably generous.
Rated 12 Apr 2021
I am very excited to talk about the titular battle but before I get into that I want to mention Jia, the last Iwi native from Skull Island and the newly adopted daughter of Dr. Ilene Andrews who is helping house Kong in a virtual reality captivity center funded by Monarch. Jia is deaf and has a special bond with Kong. I know you're curious about the Titan's clashing but I'd be remiss if we didn't discuss Madison Russell. She's been following a conspiracy theorist podcaster who works for Apex, oh
Rated 31 Mar 2021
This script is abysmal. It's obvious that there were 5 writers. This has the kind of dialogue that makes great actors look awful. All of the jokes and quips are so eye-roll inducing. The big fight at the end is a good bit of fun (and bumps my score up a full 10 points) but it takes 80 minutes to get there.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
I’m sorry but I need to know why a giant lizard is fighting a giant monkey, I’ll be totally lost in this thick narrative. Waited the entire movie for Kong to crush Kyle Chandler with his testicles. Blind deaf and dumb kid not giving a shit about Godzilla. A 9/11 survivor talking after a Godzilla / Kong battle survivor. When the big monsters are doing big monster stuff it’s good.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
The script is junk, it's convoluted and ridiculous and tries way too hard to explain giant monkey vs giant lizard fighting. The cast is serviceable at best, and often clunky and struggling with the writing. That being said, the CGI and cinematography at times are stunning. There are some misses, but for the most part, it's amazing to watch both the set up shots and the fight scenes themselves. If you can handle your popcorn movies with some lulls this is probably worth your time.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
I'm obviously not expecting Poetic Cinema, and indeed I've enjoyed the previous three films of this MonsterVerse, but the litany of absurdities have reached critical mass here. This movie is immeasurably fucking dumb, and the swath of concepts, characters, and plot threads being crammed into a mercifully reasonable runtime are tedious.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
There’s a solid 30 minutes of monster carnage in this. But wow is everything else just insufferable. In a franchise known for being dumb and having too many boring characters, this is somehow even worse in this regard. The first 45 minutes in particular are interminable. I can’t imagine a dumber major film being released this year - which is pretty much what I thought when I saw Kong: Skull Island, but that had the advantage of actually being fun for the more than a third of its runtime.
Rated 15 May 2021
Yes, the plot is aggressively stupid and most of the human characters could/should be replaced with a pet rock. But at least this time the movie knows it and delivers what it promises: Monster fights you can actually enjoy. Obviously a movie like this gets rid of most of what made the original movies iconic, but as long as nobody's named Martha I'll watch it once. Hope this gives Wingard some clout to do some better stuff.
Rated 17 Apr 2021
I rarely get this mad at a movie and maybe this isn't the film to throw down the gloves but this is just massively disrespectful to an audience's capacity to trust in a film, and believe to disbelieve. Every decision feels like true exploitation: This seems only to exist to dump non-printed money into its colossal monster maw and I subscribed to HBOMax so yeah, it worked. Dissolves trust in cinema which is the last thing we need.
Rated 29 Apr 2021
This movie is purely a vehicle to get to a fight or two, and it's painfully obvious with its stunted human character development and overexplanatory script. That being said, though...those fights are great. I think it's far from being the more complete package that both Gareth Edwards's Godzilla and Kong: Skull Island are, but the visual effects and firm directing of them make me forget that in the moment. Junkie XL's score is immersive too. Overall, it's really dumb, but that's what I wanted.
Rated 06 Jul 2021
This is the kind of movie CGI was made for. Anyone who wants to see the 2 monsters duke it out in ways that look visually real & even beautiful cannot complain. It takes the necessary tangents to have human characters & even bring back some humans we don't care about & give them something to do, but the genuine spectacle is there. I don't see how there will be fights that look better than this. Having said that, I did not like the outcome, but it's still kind of a brave choice to pick a winner.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
The fight scenes were awesome. Gave us a reason to hate the bad humans and like/tolerate the good ones, then let the monsters fight (usually). Some depth to learning more about their history would have been nice, but ultimately unnecessary. You know what's coming but it's still entertaining. Soundtrack is a banger. I felt for both Godzilla and Kong. Did a good job of allowing the proper winner between the two while not gimping the other, giving the "loser" a real chance to shine later.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
It's good at what you WANT the movie to be- Godzilla and Kong get lots of screentime, it's not hidden or fudged, and it looks good. But it's an action movie- so some scenes and fight moments go for what looks good over what would be practical. And for the 'sci-fi' for what some of the humans are doing (I'll spoil nothing)- there is really no 'sci' in the sci-fi, and I could've written that better. Bottom line- for a kaiju fight it looks amazing.
Rated 04 Apr 2021
Absurd, yes. Dumb? Only if it took itself seriously. This is a colossal improvement over the previous movie, which was one of the worst of the decade. A visual treat, aiming constantly to please you. I just love how it tries to be simple and naive, exactly like the old movies, and how it uses its budget to give you the best action scenes possible. The human scale is rushed, superficial, like in the 1962 version. No one is trying to fool you here. If you don't like it, blame it on yourself.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Much like the other MonsterVerse movies, Godzilla vs Kong's human elements are way more prevalent then they need to be. While slightly better, still has its moments of bogging down the film. However, when you get past that, this is fun. It gives you exactly what you want and the last 30 minutes or so are when its at its best. However like most crossover/team up events, you could probably tell how this would end before going in. Lots of unmemorable fun, but does just enough for me.
Rated 06 Apr 2021
Man, there are even more dumb human parts than in the other movies. And they are even dumber than ever before. Just the existence of a door in the most outlandish wilderness ever broke my girlfriend. BUT: the last 30 minutes are a pure delight and worth enduring everything that came before it. I am also satisfied by the answer to the movies title.
Rated 12 May 2021
Not nearly as "fun" as some people are pretending it is but it has its moments
Rated 15 Apr 2021
There are three plots in this film. Plot A, featuring Kong, Rebecca Hall, Alexander Skarsgard and Hellen Keller is pretty solid. Plot B, featuring Three Dog from Fallout 3 and the boy from Stranger Things is a complete flop. I'm pretty sure plot C with Kyle Chandler and the concierge from John Wick was completely edited out of the movie. 1 out of 3 plots good, so I'll give the film a 33%. Fourth best movie in the Godzilla trilogy. From the director of The Blair Witch and You're Next.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
This isn't a good story. Things are over explained and even a bit preposterous. I can't say I very much cared for any of the characters except for the young Jia and the hilarious Bernie Hayes. that being said, it's well directed and all of the fighting between Godzilla and Kong is very entertaining and satisfying to watch. The visual effects are subzero and so it's Junkie XL's score. Go in expecting some great fighting and you'll probably be satisfied.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
The human subplot is hilariously bad. It's mostly a snoozer until the final fight
Rated 01 May 2021
As long as the effects in a summer blockbuster deliver some jaw-dropping spectacle, I don't really care how intelligent (or in this case incredibly stupid) the script is. I mean, yeah, if I were trying to be objective, I would probably have rated this lower but my ratings are all about my level of enjoyment. And I watched this one in my home cinema after hardly having been to the cinema for over a year.
Rated 18 May 2021
Just because it isn't as terrible as the first two movies, it's still pretty goddamn weak given the premise.
Rated 05 Jun 2021
Best movie since cat woman.
Rated 09 Jul 2021
Somehow this thoroughly underwhelming reboot franchise's nosedive into utter and complete trash here culminates in an almost enjoyable albeit asinine monster brawl. Plays like a somehow even more ridicules (and possibly brain-damaged) Pacific Rim.
Rated 22 Aug 2021
Goofy fun.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
Felt like a downgrade in places to King of the Monsters. Human characters were weaker in this. There's loads of subplots that are happening at the same time and characters from the previous film are left to the side doing almost nothing at all. It looks visually great. The big fights deliver. MechaGodzilla is there but gets the short end of the stick sadly. Music is fine. It plays out exactly as you expect. It's the type of movie you're not meant to think too hard on and enjoy the ride.
Rated 14 Jun 2021
Totally watchable and fun addition to this series.
Rated 16 May 2021
If you skip all of Millie Bobby Brown's scenes... The movie still isn't good, but definitely better. Pretty much everything except the monster fights is subpar and frankly - silly.
Rated 19 Jan 2022
Very enjoyable, in both its action and its stupidity.
Rated 04 Apr 2021
If you did not stuck with the script or the ridiculous physical oddities it was more or less okay CGI animated action film. The human life was nothing in the feet of monster fight.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
I don't like all the close-ups of Godzilla's face, they're both visually and narratively weird.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
never has "let's kill robots" been more accurate
Rated 03 Aug 2021
Less plot more fights
Rated 04 Apr 2021
Godzilla vs. Kong is the least interesting film in the MonsterVerse, but it still offers some entertainment from its colourful kaiju carnage. The problem with the film lies largely with the uninspired human characters and mediocre performances from the cast barring Dennison, Hottle & (to a lesser extent) Henry. From celebrating conspiracy theorists, to pastiche villains, to a foregone conclusion; the plot offers little new. The Hollow Earth section and technological sci-fi were the best parts.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
People criticising the script are completely missing the point this flick is wonderfully, perfectly stupid. Just think about how many times they say “hollow earth”. It’s so dumb I love it. “GODZILLA IS HURTING PEOPLE AND WE DON’T KNOW WHY” hahahaha oh man. The action is great and not obscured by weather effects like in KotM. The best of this universe so far although that’s not really saying anything
Rated 02 Apr 2021
I'm sure it's super fun if you're into that stuff, I can't get over the awful writing though. Suspension of disbelief isn't very easy when people act very calm about their whole city being razed and the death toll likely being in the millions, or when Godzilla manages to find the one perfect place to dig a hole through the earth's core somehow. Fun fact: I can't tell the difference between this movie's plot and that of Batman vs Superman. And both had fun moments but were really boring.
Rated 07 Jan 2022
Alexander Skarsgård has never featured in a movie that didn't suck. Prove me wrong.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
This movie is so fucking stupid and lazy it's insane. All the super tech is stupid, the human is lame and ridiculous and there's is no way that this Kong/Conan could hold a candle to the Godzilla from the previous movies. Man, this is like a SyFy channel Asylum version of Godzilla or maybe something from Cannon Group. It did entertain on the lowest level which is to say that I spent my time cracking jokes and mocking this with my wife.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Do we really need this gobbledygook plot to get Godzilla and King Kong punching each other? The problem with all these monster movies is that someone feels the need to include human characters who do nothing but waste time that could be spent setting up the fights or the fights themselves. The monster fights end up being pretty decent for what they are but they are interrupted by long periods of boring human characters, obvious plot developments, and nonsensical motivations.
Rated 06 Apr 2021
The human subplots in these Monsterverse movies are usually weak but the one here that spends a long time following the conspiracy nuts is utterly pointless in that it could be entirely cut without any impact to the overall story. But of course GvK is all about the Monster fights and they certainly deliver and look great and that's all that matters. For me Skull Island is still the King of these monster movies, GvK is around the same level as KotM with better monster fights but a weaker plot.
Rated 13 Apr 2021
The titular relationship has more dramatic nuance than any of the human ones (mom and daughter was sweet though), which speaks both to the poor writing (needed more self-aware moments like Walter's cut-off speech) but also to the pretty satisfying way the God vs. King arc comes to a (ripped off and oozing) head (yes, the real enemy here is indeed the nonsensical sci-fi schlock that destroys us humans who make it). Fantastic monster action (the colours and camera angles and VFX are on point).
Rated 27 Jan 2022
It's basically on the same level as Pacific Rim (same neon Hong Kong fight more or less), better than King of the Monsters, and would have been improved by dropping the Millie Bobby Brown plot. I also have to agree with another reviewer who mentioned the awkwardness of a positive portrayal of a conspiracy theorist podcaster given the world we're living in right now.
Rated 12 Apr 2021
The sheer size of this made me happy that I saw it on a big screen. I'm firmly on #TeamGodzilla and, avoiding spoilers, the screenwriter(s) for this movie are very clearly wrestling fans. They presented a babyface two-out-of-three falls match that had a clear, clean winner at the end. I loved it. They've also done exactly what they needed to do which is, either capped off the Monsterverse somewhat neatly if this is the final one, or, left plenty of room to move forward with subsequent movies.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
I'm not sure how a movie under 2 hours still manages to feel bloated, but here we are. The fight scenes and CGI are fantastic, but the film is filled with so much gibberish and so many plot cliches that it distracts from the action. I suggest that for the next film they cut everyone's speaking lines (with the possibly exception of Brian Tyree Henry and Bryan Cranston's ghost), and it may actually be good.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
the writing is overdone and archetypal but almost charming. pretty good action and effects
Rated 26 Apr 2021
Basically every human character is mediocre-at-best and there are way too many of them. Like an obscene amount. Kyle Chandler is literally useless. He is there because he is the father of Stranger Things girl who is there because they want her name on the poster. This is passable because Kong was sympathetic and the fight scenes were fun.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
lizurd vs monke vs robit lizurd
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Eschews any interest in being clever and sticks with tired cliches, which makes it slightly easier watch than similar movies trying to be clever and failing like DC superheroes or Transformers. Given the low standard nowadays of its contemporaries, this is a modern day classic of dumb guy cinema.
Rated 08 May 2021
Imagine being annoyed by the stupid set-up of 2 saviours of humans having a stupid ancient rivalry, despite being stupidly stoned. Imagine forgiving everything because there's a stupid amount of explosions and action when monkey and lizard fight. Imagine stupidly cool visuals from the centre of the earth, and then a stupidly destructive final battle in a city with a stupid amount of neon lights. Yeah, that's basically this movie; I kinda like it a stupid lot.
Rated 09 May 2021
This film is what happens when you throw 500 million dollars at the CGI and 0 into the actual screenwriting. The scenes with the monkey fighting the giant lizard were pretty cool, but I could have done without everything else. Maybe I'm being too harsh; I hear this is the fourth in a 'universe' so maybe I have to watch them all to really 'get it'. But I won't so.
Rated 19 Mar 2022
Supercharged, fire and brimstone destruction sequences make this a gripping and thrilling ride, perhaps one of the best pure popcorn movies of recent years; Wingard stages his large-scale wreck-em sequences with almost as much style, grace and beauty as Edwards did in his GODZILLA – if the human characters and concerns are a little dull and convoluted, you don’t need to wait too long for another scene of gleefully vicious carnage. Beautiful “performances” from all three of the real leads.
Rated 14 May 2021
Good simple summer fare. A big monkey fights a big lizard and a bunch of cities get destroyed. Why do they never fight in wide open spaces or in the desert? Hmm, must look into that.
Rated 15 May 2021
okay movie
Rated 09 Jun 2021
MONSTERS. LOUD. FIGHTING. GREAT! Humans, plot, don't care too much despite the actors. BIG FIGHT AT THE END. OH MY GOD IT'S THAT MONSTER. RAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. End. I liked it more as it was my first film at the cinema after lockdown, but I didn't hate it.
Rated 16 Jun 2021
Amidst the typical (but weak) human story and irrational plot, the intense fight sequences and clean visual effects pack a real punch.
Rated 21 Jun 2021
Godzilla Vs. Kong is a giant action kaiju film, and doesn't focus on anything that isn't giant kaiju's. the action is at best entertaining, and at worst, makes no sense, this is is just a battle between Godzilla vs. Kong, its doesn't make very interesting drama or interesting character development, because people just come for kaiju action, and they do deliver, but that just makes every last film the same as the new one, still great, but predictable, and not very interesting. M O N K E
Rated 03 Jul 2021
This is basically the definition of a stupid popcorn flick. There is little to no story here, and what is there, is just really poorly written, but ultimately, you just want to see King Kong and Godzilla battle it out, and it delivers on that. There's really pretty visuals, and bombastic sound, and the fight scenes and locations are all really cool. But yeah, the story is garbage.
Rated 08 Jul 2021
I anticipated that one would win but not kill the other, as this franchise has only really just begun, and without spoilers, I found it a very satisfying way to leave things for now. Take it for what it is, folks.
Rated 23 Aug 2021
Disclaimer: one of my favorite kaiju flicks is Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster. Almost too stupid to love, but it's just adorable.
Rated 27 Aug 2021
The giant monsters are clearly the best part of this movie. The story is boring and the ending is unsatisfying. More scenes with the monsters fighting would have made this film better. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 01 Sep 2021
Exceedingly dumb but it passed the time nicely
Rated 08 Sep 2021
I don't understand the necessity of bringing here a comedy script. This makes no sense. The first Godzilla was scary. The monsters were an actual catastrophe. Skull Island was a mysterious place, full of terrible immense monsters. King of the monsters was OK: the end of the world was almost there when titans arose and tragedy was inevitable. But HERE? What's the point of making jokes and dumb lines? A waste: entertaining for sure, but a waste. You had one job: kept it dramatic.
Rated 14 Oct 2021
We're beginning to see diminishing returns with the franchise now, the first Godzilla movie and the Kong one were pretty solid first steps, but this is the second dud in a row. It's funny to see a Kaiju movie--a subgenre built on cheap effects--failing because it became a big, bloated mess of extremely expensive glitz with very little substance.
Rated 14 Oct 2021
Hollywood ve Japonya, sevdiği 2 kahramanı, yan yana dövüştürüyor. Filmde, 1 sahnede söz edildiği gibi 2 yaratığı dövüştüren yönetmen ve senarist, akıl ve mantık dışı 1 senaryo ile oyalıyor. Görsel efektlerin çok iyi olduğu film, oyuncuların performansı ile dibe vuruyor. En iyi oyuncular, Godzilla ve King Kong. Filmin sonunda, Transgodzilla ve Hong Kong. Ağzını cart diye yırtarım Godzilla. Kalbine öküz gibi otururum Kong.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Clunky and bloated every time is has to deal with plot mechanics -- the lame, typical studio blockbuster editing doesn't help much, despite the good cast -- but really fun when it's just lights, dust and ancient gods (and one created by ourselves that of course is going berserk) facing one another. I just wish it accepted its cheesy, kind of ridiculous but ultimately comic book-esque graphic, narrative aspects instead of this proto-scientific, human-endeavour grandeur.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
This movie is so convoluted and nonsensical, it's hard to believe that it was written by adults with internet access. Forget science, scale, or any characters making sense. The film spends most of its runtime explaining away its ridiculous plot, tech, & "science" with single lines of dialog in hopes that the audience is too confused or too worn out by the film's verbal gymnastics to care. What's worse, it also uses its bad writing to avoid giving the audience a worthy fight scene until the end.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
From the perspective of the monsters this film is incredible but from a story telling stand point it plays towards too many story telling conventions. We do get a definite winner and it makes sense to do that way for what becomes the story of ultimate redemption. The human aspects are almost entirely removable and still the film would be coherent but we need a starting vehicle for someone.
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Mostly boring with a few decentish monster fights. I dunno why they insist on all of this non-sense technobabble and garbage worldbuilding when the core appeal of this movie is the main fight, which they decided to cop out on by bringing in a really lame version of MechaGodzilla. Godzilla can work with a focus on the human drama as conveyed in the original Godzilla film itself, but when they just go through the motions of bad comedy and stereotypes relying on eyerolling dialog it's hard to care.
Rated 07 Apr 2021
As the title implies: it's big, it's dumb and it's out there.
Rated 07 Apr 2021
Took 4 attempts, but they finally did it right: Awesome and quite creative monster fights (during the day!) and useless human drama reduced to a minimum (still too much, but tolerable). It also helped that they stopped pretending these films make sense in any way.
Rated 04 Dec 2022
This film is a bit cliched and not as good as 'Kong: Skull Island' but it certainly has decent visual effects/CGI and some thrilling moments. If your a fan of fast paced monster films, or high octane disaster films, I reckon it's still worth seeing. It's pretty entertaining but not entirely great. I noticed the use of neon lights - there's a lot of neon lights in this film, which is, of course, primarily set in Asia and I guess they have a lot of those there.
Rated 25 Mar 2021
Godzilla vs Kong sets to shake the world with its massive fighting scenes and dazzling visual effect and while those succeed, it seems that the roaring rumble is stepped down by the lack of action scenes in the first two acts and the uncharted exploration of its mythology that makes Godzilla vs Kong an only substantially sizeable monster mayhem film.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
Godzilla vs. Kong is an exciting film, but it's not necessarily anything new or unbelievably unpredictable. People have been guessing for months, or even years, how this film would pan out, and they've been pretty much spot on. Doesn't make the film bad or lackluster in any way, shape, or form.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
Action packed fun with the best monster fights I've ever seen. The plot is fairly thin but who cares?
Rated 10 Jan 2022
Bad and predictable script. The fights are okay I guess, but definitely not enough to warrant a watch. The score by Junkie XL was pleasant and visually I thought it was fairly decent, but you need a lot more for a good film.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
More enjoyable than the 2014 film, with some cool actions scene towards the end. There really not much to say about it though, and it likely won’t be remembered for long after. But to be fair, there’s only so much one can do with the plot for a movie like this, so it’s about as good as one would expect.
Rated 02 Apr 2021
This movie actually starts to get its shit together in the second half.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
Rated 04 Apr 2021
Beklediğimden çok daha iyi çıktı, hayatımda seyrettiğim en yüksek tempolu filmlerden biri. Bir saniye boşu yok, görsel efektler ve ortam şahane, müzikler genel olarak ambiyansa uygun başta küçük kız olmak üzere oyunculuklar ise çok başarılı.
Rated 04 Apr 2021
Nodzilla vs. Pong. Holy burn Batman
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Mercifully has none of the draining family drama of previous entries but loses other qualities along the way. It lacks the feeling of scale and grandeur of Gareth's "Godzilla", the playful filmmaking of Kong Skull Island and the fun worldbuilding of King of the Monsters. What makes it work is a willingness to be stupid and turning Kong into the main character. Begrudgingly, I have to admit that the emotional moments between the little girl and Kong works, manipulating as it is.
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Savaş sahneleri harikaydı özellikle ses tasarımı ve görsel açıdan büyük perdede izlenmeyi hak eden bir yapım. Boş senaryo ve boş karakterler haricinde aksiyonu yüksek, şiddetli ve eğlenceli bir film. Diyalogsuz ve sadece yaratıkları içeren bir cutı harika olacaktır.
Rated 18 Mar 2024
So upsetting. I can only remember one point in the movie where I got excited. Some things are better left alone.
Rated 07 Apr 2021
They FINALLY got it right! Less stupid human drama, more giant monsters fighting. The plot is dumb as expected and the human bits do detract, but holy hell the rest of the fights more than make up for it. Didn't even feel like two hours. Edit: Upon rewatch, I think I was just blinded by the excitement. The human parts are awful as usual and take up far more time than I thought. Cut them out, and it's great.
Rated 08 Apr 2021
I don't think this strained franchise is for me, as none of the installments have quite hit the mark. For the city-smashing battles, this is worth a look; but the storyline is in shambles, the characters nothing more than functional, and there's not anything other than some impressive special effects.
Rated 08 Apr 2021
This delivers what it promises. The human stories are forgettable and packed with stuff I didn't care about, but that is typical with a Godzilla/Kong movie. The final showdown surprised me with how good it looked. Wingard's neon-city served to let us see the action better as well as looking pretty rad.
Rated 09 Apr 2021
Rated 26 Mar 2024
It's quite a visual treat, nothing more. Turn your brain off and don't think about the sci-fi or tech. I failed somewhat to follow those directions, and thus I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have.
Rated 29 Mar 2024
big monky conspiracy
Rated 13 Apr 2021
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Rated 30 May 2024
#24#, rw2, popcorn, franchise-rewatch, oldies(2) }*{ #21#, rw2, popcorn, story
Rated 14 Jan 2023
I knew the plot was going to be dumb, as one expects it from watching a movie called godzilla vs kong. But they managed to introduce more dumb elements with completely straight faces and it was pulling so much at my suspension of disbelief that it was hard to turn my brain fully off. The human characters seemed more annoying than in previous Godzilla movies, but I guess it is because they are usually parts of Kong movies.
Rated 28 Dec 2022
Exactly what it says on the tin: a big dumb action film about CGI kaiju beating each other to a pulp. Cringey dialogue, empty characters that I care nothing about and a meaningless script that gives just enough excuses for giant monsters to fight each other. The fight scenes are okay, but Pacific Rim it is not.
Rated 18 Apr 2021
This was a blast. Also a nice balance between monster fights and the human characters. The ocean fight part rocked.
Rated 04 May 2021
Rated 17 May 2021
It's just pointless garbage stuffed with special effects
Rated 08 Jul 2021
Spoiler Alert: Love wins and Hong Kong loses


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