

1h 59m
In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the mob wants to 'close the loop' by transporting back Joe's future self. (imdb)
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1h 59m
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Avg Percentile 56.34% from 7823 total ratings

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Rated 29 Sep 2012
Back to the Future promised hoverboards in 30 years. 30 years later, Looper promises hover-cycles in 30 years. GUYS. Let's be real. Not gonna happen. That being said, the wireless ear bud technology, that's going to be here in time for Christmas next year. In summary: I'm a hover-vehicle pessimist, but an ear bud optimist.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
There's a lot to love about 'Looper': That the sci-fi world is fascinating. That Johnson cares about his characters. And that he takes the story in unforeseen directions, in terms of both genre elements and plotting. Two trumps are how slickly it's made and the quality of most of the acting (young Gagnon is Oscar-worthy, Gordon-Levitt does an uncanny Bruce impression). It isn't nearly as intelligent as 'Primer' but, as explicated in the diner scene, Johnson wishes to keep things simple.
Rated 11 Apr 2015
If I said I didn't enjoy Looper, my future self would come back in time to shoot me, then watch Predestination on my plasma TV. First he'd wonder "who the hell still has a plasma TV?" Then he'd realize that he was a man who used to be a woman who was a man who loved that woman. Man. I think Lieutenant Worf put it best when he said, "There is the theory of the Moebius, a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop." Wait... Didn't I already use that quote on another Criticker review!?
Rated 16 Oct 2012
Rian Johnson embarks with 'Looper' on a nigh impossible journey as all of us who've seen 'Signs' and 'Field of Dreams' know that it is nearly impossible to make a good movie that involves corn fields. Johnson does create an interesting universe and a (for the most time) fascinating plot. But unfortunately the ending leaves one with a foul taste of M. Night in the mouth. Anywho: Swallow the disappointment and enjoy the cool scenes. And Jeff Daniels' Oscar-worthy performance....
Rated 01 Oct 2012
There's a great film lurking within LOOPER, and there are definitely places where it becomes one: the hedonism of the Loopers out on the town, a montage of 30 years of dissolution, violence, and redemption, crackling action scenes, a tense breakfast between a man and his older self--and then there are the clunky lines, the underdeveloped ideas, the wobbly ending, Paul fucking Dano--it adds up to an uneven experience with good performances (though Emily Blunt is miscast) and solid handling.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
The lesson taught by this movie is that the best thing that a father (or substitute father) can do for the future of his family and himself, no matter how much of a reformed character he may imagine himself to be, is sacrifice himself, literally and figuratively, fade utterly into the background, preferably leaving behind a pot of gold for mother and child to enjoy, thereby achieving the only redemption possible for whatever immoralities he needed to commit to accrue it in the first place.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
An exercise in style that mostly goes above its pulpy roots to create a thought provoking and entertaining tale of personal identity and the cause and effect of choices. It's dark, dreary and occasionally violent but with a strong emotional core that prevents it from being too cynical or doom-saying. Questions do arise about possible changes in timelines that are never adequately addressed creating some sense of confusion that is hand-waved by telling us not to worry about it.But it's all in fun
Rated 09 Oct 2012
Too many things bugged me about both the premise and execution to really embrace this movie. The main issue being that I simply couldn't care less about the main protagonist's present as well as future. Refreshing to see a original action-thriller in a world of sequels and comicbook adaptations though.
Rated 01 Oct 2012
Rian Johnson seems to have combined 12 Monkeys, Inception, and M. Night Shyamalan for what is a thoroughly entertaining film. However, the film's time travel logic is weak, with certain "features" being used rather randomly. Ultimately I don't think the film made a lasting impression on me in any sense. But, I guess it is a relatively accessible, fun time travel action flick. I'm glad it exists. Maybe it could be utilized as a gateway drug.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
Though it managed a couple of impactful moments (Willis murdering kids?!), Looper is pretty much just a fun action/time-travel flick, with only the slightest weak whisper of poignancy. I'm not sure the super-power stuff did anything other than ruin believability of an already stretched plot.
Rated 30 Sep 2012
Fine filmmaking. A tense and original work with fascinating veins of moral gray running through it that doesn't let its love for geeky sci-fi time travel theory overwhelm the humans at the center of it all. Oh, and Pierce Gagnon gives what might be just about the best performance I've ever seen from an actor that young.
Rated 28 Sep 2022
Obviously writer/director Rian Johnson is doing a mashup of his Blade Runner & Se7en influences. The world building is interesting, although as time travel is hard to write about it leaves a great deal of questions (for example, why not just send the future targets to the middle of an ocean or an explosion in the past?). The human drama of the single mother is okay and God that kid is creepy. Recommended, although as always, I wish someone asked JGL to tone it down a little.
Rated 17 Oct 2012
Like any movie with time travel as a central concept the plot leaves itself open for being picked apart, & believe me you could do that if you wanted to. But it's not worth it, since "Looper" delivers on pretty much every level. It's brilliantly shot, supurbly performed, with a solid screenplay, it totally defies its bland, uninspired trailer. It could've been longer, deeper & more complex, but I get the feeling the studio would only let Johnson go so far! Highly recommended.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
An enjoyable, smart and well put together sci-fi. Although it is by no means perfect (anything involving time travel generally introduces troublesome aspects), it gets more than enough right to make it worth watching. The premise and setting is effective, a grimly believable version of a possible future, and the casting works well, although I found some of Gordon-Levitt's Willis-esque mannerisms disconcerting. Some decent action and a few twists take it outside of the sci-fi norm.
Rated 04 Nov 2012
(2nd viewing) Johnson seems like a clever individual, or at least clever enough to play upon his audience's reluctance in "deciphering straw-shaped diagrams that fry your brain", granting him free reign to deliver what seems to be a flawlessly executed story. When held up to scrutiny, the latter unfortunately starts falling apart, leaving its colorful array of characters and fascinating dystopian setting helpless in keeping this boat afloat.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
It's a smart script, and it works in spite of the numerous logical flaws (Johnson doesn't seem to understand his own timelines, which is a bit disappointing, but forgivable (this isn't Primer, after all, and he is no Shane Carruth (for better or worse))), although I feel the third act relies way too much on the kid to the detriment of the main plot thrust. Visually it's unremarkable and overloads on lens-flares, but Johnson paces it out nicely, with long, thoughtful silences.
Rated 24 Dec 2012
A cool premise that never really lives up to its full potential. This 'The Terminator' meets 'Eternal Sunshine' might've been better off without the 'Carrie' elements, and Blunt seems pretty miscast. Still, it's an enjoyable, high-profile sci-fi flick with some interesting ideas. More like this, please.
Rated 23 Oct 2012
Starring Slavoj Zizek as the guy who runs the town and JGL as Bruce Wills. The hype kind of killed it for me too - it's really cool but not outstanding...
Rated 10 Dec 2012
Could have been so, so much more with a more nuanced and experienced director at the helm. The cinematography also doesn't help. Some scenes are extremely eye-rolling-inducing. On the good side: Emily Blunt! Nice VFX! Creepy and annoying kid!
Rated 01 Jan 2013
Applies a moralist bent to that old "going back in time to kill Hitler" canard, in a manner of speaking, but arguably cops out of following this idea's implications through. Still, brainy enough to remain engaging even as it approaches a more blood-soaked, action-y climax. I would've enjoyed more examination of the economically barren dystopia that made the job of looper appealing, or of the shifting consequences present action has on future self, but the film does well with what it has.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Requires you to discard everything you have read or believe about time travel and adopt the film's often confused science. Levitt and Willis really look nothing alike yet they are both able to sell the performance. It's quite interesting to see both on screen at the same time playing off each other. Conceptually there's a lot of weak parts here but the cinematography and weird head space this film gets you into more than makes up for that. Also, fuck the trailer and its spoilers.
Rated 15 Oct 2012
I remember watching the trailer and not being ineterested at all. Turns out my initial judgement was completely off base. Fantastic sci-fi and very clever. Doesn't bother wasting too much time on explaining the time travel and side steps the question masterfully. Expertly crafted and surely of the years best. Also, Gordon-Levitt is fantastic.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
So Levitt's face make-up doesn't really work, but otherwise this is a largely satisfying time travel adventure about breaking generational cycles of violence and wrong-doing. Johnson manages to keep the audience guessing, and the noirish sensibility offers plenty of intriguing visuals. The conclusion presents a somewhat troubling solution to the problem, but I can partly forgive that because the ending actually inspires further thought about solving the problem of breaking the cycle.
Rated 08 Jan 2013
I personally don't talk to a lot of people who liked this movie. I loved it! I know time travel is a very used plot in movies and often leads to problems story-wise, but I found Looper to be very smart, elegant, stylish, and quite entertaining. It's mostly well-acted, especially Segan and Willis. Johnson is a good director and I'm excited for his future projects.
Rated 18 Oct 2012
I'm getting sick of all these so-close-but-no-cigar movies that I end up really liking but can't love for a variety of reasons. Looper is good, often times great, but the loose ends and the divergent telekinetic third act really didn't cut it for me. I love the cyberpunk feel, the environment, the action and acting, it's all outstanding, but the story isn't crafty enough for me to fall head over heels. Still, cool movie overall.
Rated 29 Sep 2013
My only problem with the movie is that if you're going to throw out the rules of time travel and let things slide, then they probably should have kissed.
Rated 30 Sep 2012
Looper is a bright star within genre blending. By mixing together many different elements, Johnson succeeds in bringing new life to time-travel sci-fi. He keeps the rules simple to avoid paradoxes stealing the spotlight away from the characters and the story told. Looper is stylistically in the top of its class and all the main performances are high up there as well. I won't spoil the plot, but I will tell you this: Looper will stick with you and make you contemplate its deeper meaning for days.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
The underlying concept is cool, but they misused it. Once JGL shacks up on the farm, the movie slows to a rhythmic standstill as characters we don't have any reason to care about expound upon their backstories. The nifty time-travel conceit is not enough to completely salvage the dull, heavy-handed characterization.
Rated 01 Oct 2012
Really impressive story. Johnson has established himself as a director to watch. Looper deftly moves between humor, drama, and unapologetic violence. One of the year's best.
Rated 03 Nov 2012
A boring and poorly written film. It starts reasonably well, but most of the movie is just people on a farm sitting around doing nothing, with a scene stolen straight from X-Men 3. Couple of bursts of violence but overall the whole film looks and feels very low-budget and none of the characters seem worth caring about. The same people who liked Drive (2011) will probably like this film. If you found Drive as boring as I did, stay away from Looper.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
Even by science fiction standards, suspension of disbelief is required as time travel logic doesn't seem to be at work here. But Looper, despite some pacing and conceptual issues, still manages to be an above average sci-fi flick largely due to its mostly convincing semi-dystopian world, commendable lead performances, and smart storytelling that knows how to take its time.
Rated 13 Jun 2013
good movie
Rated 04 Nov 2012
A high octane action movie with a plausible sci-fi backdrop. Rian Johnson is a very promising director as the movie does not push anything to an extreme and it twists and turns quite smoothly. Also the soundtrack meshes with the movie flawlessly, it was a joy to watch it on cinema.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
I loved almost all of Looper. The characters are well defined and acted. The visual style and world the building are near perfect. But I had huge issues with the time travel logic. If you can put that aside it is one of the best of the year, but I could not.
Rated 05 Oct 2012
A well executed thought-provoking sci-fi film with some very powerful moral themes. It has many flaws which include numerous plot holes and a strange third act which can get borderline silly but in the end I remained effected and inspired. I really wish the film went into greater depth in regards to the future but it remains great with what it decided to cover. Numerous quibbles aside it is a refreshingly original film and one of the better sci-fi in the last decade.
Rated 13 Mar 2013
Basically, it's Bruce Willis as a time traveling child killer. Like most timebending films, the internal logic doesn't quite hold up under intense scrutiny, but this is still an enjoyable action flick with some smart writing and solid performances from the four leads (including the kid). It slows down a little too much on the farm though, and the CGI/prosthetics on JGL's face to make him look more like Bruce Willis was pretty distracting, bordering on uncanny valley territory.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
Looper certainly tried to be new and innovative, but the premise just never seemed to bloom the way it should have. JGL and Emily Blunt had good chemistry, but even that didn't have enough power to save Looper from being just another action flick. At times it attempted to be stylish, unique and thrilling, but there were a few noticeable plot holes along the way.
Rated 11 Oct 2012
Be prepared for a hell of lot of sudden plot twists, gigantic suspension of disbelief, and story/sci-fi elements that are mentioned then totally ignored. This is a film that is trying to be smart -- keyword is trying. An unsatisfying film, despite some good performances, writing, and action here and there.
Rated 08 Nov 2012
The best SciFi flick I've seen in quite some time
Rated 08 Oct 2012
Just another example how sci-fi movie can be both capturing and thought-provoking. The best sc-fi for me this year. Rian Johnson is persuasive enough to follow him in the future.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Second best time travel movie featuring Bruce Willis and not by much. Deserves some credit for its originality and how it handles time travel. You could probably find some plot holes in the time travel but there is a conversation where somebody says, "We could sit at this diner all day and discuss how time travel works and make diagrams with straws, but we don't have time for that." Perfect explanation for time travel in a film.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
Paul Blart 3 material.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
A really well done and smart time travel movie.
Rated 07 Oct 2012
So, I heard great things about this movie and some really negative things about it. In my own opinion, I thought it was incredible in some ways but then again it was WAY too long. A little bit here and there could have been cut and kept the film in good shape. I thought that Willis and Gordon-Levitt were an awesome pair, Emily Blunt and Piper Perabo were smoldering on the screen and Jeff Daniels was a really cool choice as a bad guy. The story was cool and it had neat guns, so I call that a win.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
The script was interesting--I would say even inspired--but it hinged on one thing: an emotional connection. That emotional connection was unfortunately strangely absent throughout the entire film. I can't tell if it was the cast or the director, but the whole spectacle came off so abhorrently wooden that the smart ideas underlying the script were hard to look at without some degree of disappointment.
Rated 01 Oct 2012
Primer may have the lasso on perfecting the 'literal-ness' when it comes to time-travel flicks, but Looper makes a strong case for the most enjoyable. Wonderful performances highlight a completely unique story that has a 3rd act that simply wows. Rian Johnson scores big with his uncanny attention to his characters paired with a wildly entertaining narrative.
Rated 16 Oct 2012
Like many, I found Looper overhyped. I saw a high-concept but trashy action film with a few good surprises in terms of plot structure but many hollow and severely underwritten characters. None of the 3 leads do or say anything original, they just follow action stereotypes to the letter. The only emotional connection comes through Emily Blunt's performance. And all the plot holes and shrugged away loose ends are almost as annoying as JGL's fake mouth is distracting. Only halfway decent sci-fi.
Rated 01 Oct 2012
I like what Looper tries, and its initial concept is strong, but it only leaves me wanting more exploration of said concept. Instead it veers off into horror movie spooky kid stuff. The real killer was the ending: a cop-out of emotional closure rather than anything clever. The whole point of a time travel movie is to set my brain loose, not walk out with people telling me "it's just a movie, don't think too hard"
Rated 02 Sep 2015
An early, crucial sequence of Looper shows an old man (Frank Brennan) on the run while his younger self (Paul Dano) is being tortured -- suddenly, his past is altered so that messages appear written on his arm in long-healed scars, and his fingers, facial features and limbs disappear as his memory is rewritten to give him a life of 30 years as a mangled basket case.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
The best science fiction film to come along in years thanks to a brilliant screenplay from Rian Johnson. Somehow manages the impossible feat of making a time travel story that doesn't have plot holes by embracing the paradoxes. Johnson also shows growth as a director, with superb direction and a series of set-pieces that grow in intensity as the story builds to a stunning conclusion.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
Pretty good, but doesn't really feature anything way-above-average to distinguish it. I kept trying to predict a "big time-travel twist" that never came. Instead it's just a pretty straightforward sci-fi action plot. There's a very forced romance subplot, and a subplot of "some people in the future have telekinesis for some reason" which adds nothing to the movie but an opportunity for a couple cool effects shots. More akin to something like Source Code than something like 12 Monkeys.
Rated 20 Aug 2021
Rated 22 Apr 2013
I don't care if the idea is brilliant, the acting good, with great setting and high production value. In the end, this film just isn't very nerve-wrecking, so it just becomes a time-jumping film, where you say ooh and aah every time something strange happens.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
This kinda stuff just never clicks with me. Too many holes, questions, logical lapses. Like, why don't the future loopers get sent back for somebody ELSE to kill, rather than their past selves? Wouldn't that be a little easier? Why is it that the loopers have to know they're about to kill their future selves? Why, etc. I didn't like INCEPTION, either, for much the same reason--it felt like a gimmick that was just arbitrarily toying with the audience. JGL is really good, though.
Rated 04 Jan 2022
The third act makes up for a lackluster first half.
Rated 27 Oct 2012
Rian Johnson took a stab at a comedy with "The Brothers Bloom" and it wasn't that hot, now he changes genre once again for a sci-fi movie and hits it pretty well. It's a great sci-fi movie that creates its own little world without over explaining everything or holding your hand. This was a good movie, but the only reason it wasn't great was the predictable and uninspired ending.
Rated 17 Nov 2012
Despite falling into some common time travel movie traps it's still an exciting movie. The first half, in particular, is very well structured with a mix of tension, good action and great characters. Things start to get overcomplicated but never enough to undermine it. Credit to whoever did the makeup job on JGL, it's an uncanny resemblance to Willis.
Rated 27 Sep 2012
Very impressed! Great sci-fi action/drama/thriller! One of my favorite movies of 2012!
Rated 27 Jul 2013
Good film.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
Maybe not as good as Primer, but pretty damn good nonetheless.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
'Looper' is a great film that turns into a satisfactory film. Rian Johnson sets the stage for a thrilling suspenseful past vs. future chase that devolves into a bit of a slog once the focus shifts from the Willis-Levitt story to the mother-child-farm story. Still, 'Looper' is well-acted, smart, bloody, and full of more ideas than it can sort out properly. It may not be the classic it could have been, but it is an entertaining time-travel thriller.
Rated 12 Oct 2012
My PSI was 91, I don't get it. Every twist and turn is too friggin' predictable!
Rated 16 Dec 2012
A surprisingly interesting movie. The movie has a original idea and the story is interesting. The best lines of the movie "I dont want to talk about time travel shit. If we start talking about it, we are gonna be here all day. Making diagrams with straws. It doesnt matter. I hurt myself, it changes your body." Overall a very interesting concept handled well for a action flick. Well paced enjoyable.
Rated 25 Nov 2012
I enjoyed this movie a lot. Ya'll watch it.
Rated 13 Nov 2012
Starts off very promising with a highly imaginative and entertaining first half, but during the second half it seems to run out of ideas, veers off into cliché territory, and seems to forget what it was about in the first place.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
I like the scenery and the story. Pretty good movie.
Rated 18 Oct 2012
So much more than I expected, but then again, it's not flawless. The beginning is pretty kliche and the world of Looper just kind of get thrown in your face. But when the movie starts for real it's a fantastic ride with interesting plot turns, and emotionally crafted characters we all understand and sympathize with, even though they brutally bend some moral limits on the way. How long would you go to save yourself, or the ones you care about?
Rated 14 Jan 2020
A slick film that kind of distracts and even (jokingly) blames viewers who feel the need to slow down and ask some questions about what's going on. It feels a bit heavy on exposition and light on character and mood.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
A Rian Johnson time travel script should at least be the most spectacular trainwreck ever, but honestly by the last 30-40 minutes I was just waiting for it to end. Feels like something I'd look back on more fondly if I had actually watched it back in 2012 (tho I do remember seeing like 30 minutes of it back then)
Rated 12 Jan 2013
The little things about this film impressed me more than anything else: the Judas allegory, the Rainmaker foreshadowing, the use of Raygun Gothic and western imagery as knowing nods to the audience as to the nature of the film. I haven't seen a cyberpunk story in recent memory that so ably engaged the viewer in the conflict, created a cogently-built world, and sold the transformations of its characters so well. Also, that Gagnon kid has one creepy presence.
Rated 27 Jan 2018
Time travel is always stupid, always.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
Looper has the best use of time travel in a film since 12 Monkeys by very far. A very straight forward, stylistically concise, wonderful and daring sci-fi noir. The cast is also very good, featuring a Bruce Willis who finally looks like an old man. Is there anyone who doesn't love JGL at this point?
Rated 20 Mar 2013
I love Rian Johnson primarily for Brick so I may have had my expectations too high. Wished the film explored the world it had built rather than focusing on the overly wrought emotional stuff.
Rated 10 Oct 2012
Set in a wonderfully believable future (rare for many sci-fi's), 'Looper' keeps an astoundingly good pace, phasing between exciting action scenes and more meandering narratives. The time travel element is handled as it should be (ignored and not fully understood). The film perhaps wasn't as ambitious as it could have been, but maybe it's exactly that understatement that makes this film all the more enjoyable.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
I really like sci-fi and this was an ok movie with a decent plot and decent acting... overall decent but it will not stick in my memory and it won't come out in discussions about great sci-fi movies.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
I really liked this. As far as Sci-fi's go I haven't seen a better one since Inception. The acting is good, the setting is interesting (although more time could have been spent on it), but Johnson really puts the story first. This had a lot of potential to be a mess, but Johnson presents it with care. Two hours well spent.
Rated 01 Mar 2019
Just as clever and inventive as you'd expect from the guys who made Brick
Rated 12 Oct 2012
JGL's makeup was flawless, that was just really nicely done. I loved that the film didn't focus on the specifics of the time travel, just that it happens in the future, albeit illegaly. Oh, and damn! The child actor was EXCELLENT!
Rated 29 Sep 2012
Refreshingly original. Great performances by JGL and Bruce Willis. Even the kid was a great actor. This could have been very cheesy, and very messy, but the story remains focused and believable. I love when I actually CAN NOT predict where the movie is going to go next.
Rated 18 Oct 2021
Good ending
Rated 05 Oct 2012
A lot of things fell too short, some got dealt with a little too elaborately considering how equally important everyone/everything seems to be in the end...and the overall timing/editing was a little off. And the utter convienence of the time travelling rules took some getting used to. Pretty awesome movie, though. Glad to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt continuing to impress me with his talent and versatility. I wonder, though, if Paul Dano gets tired of his own overacting, too...
Rated 01 Jun 2022
Bruce Willis is not acting here he is just a watcher due to his medical condition.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
with its dystopian future, time travel and designer drugs, looper is another throwback to the gritty sci-fis of the 80s. the story is not terribly groundbreaking, but the execution is nice. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's pretty good playing Willis, and Willis is always excellent as a bad ass motherfucker.
Rated 04 Oct 2012
Probably one of the best sci-fi's I've watched this year, and definitely in my Top 5 for films I've watched in the theatre. Joseph and Bruce play past and future Joe brilliantly -- I wasn't big on Levitt before but now I'm definitely sold. Really enjoyed the subtle cyberpunky touches to the setting, and that some aspects of it -- like the vagrants -- are left entirely up to the viewer's imagination.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
A great premise marred by shaky execution towards the second half. The logistics behind the time travel mechanism don't ever seem to fully coalesce, but they are still treated thoughtfully enough that I'm able to give the film some leeway. The moral ambivalence in pro-/antagonist 'Joe' is a welcome addition for contemporary blockbusters, and the fatalistic tone is great. But, just one question: why did this turn into 'X-Men' in the last 1/3 of the film? Blah.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
Lopper starts with a cool confidence but stumbles halfway through and never manages to fully recover. In the end it's a fun action film that throws out a risky and controversial conflict but doesn't seem interested on expanding on it beyond a surface level.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
I grow happy when a movie comes as close to this one to meeting my very lofting (probably impossible to touch) expectations. Credit goes for Johnson for creating a third distinct world through writing and direction, and JGL and Willis for leading a cadre of great actors doing some great acting. I have a few nitpicky complaints and can find a few plot holes (just like what I find in nearly all time travel films) but this is truly a great sci-fi/drama.
Rated 31 Dec 2012
one amazing scene, in which paul dano's older self slowly disintegrates before our eyes as the younger self is decimated, is alone in the way it trembles with real anxiety....
Rated 30 Sep 2012
Seriously good film. Quite different from what I expected, but in the best way possible. I love time travel movies, & this one managed to still show me something new. My biggest problem with the film is the lack of development with the main character. It felt like Joseph Gordon-Levitt was just doing his best Bruce Willis impersonation, and not the other way around at all. I thought Emily Blunt was excellent. The writing and direction is fantastic. I loved this film and I highly recommend it.
Rated 06 Jul 2021
This really shouldn't be as entertaining as it is. While the concept is interesting, it's also nonsensical. The acting isn't particularly good nor particularly bad, but neither Gordon-Levitt nor Willis seem to put much of their considerable talents into this film. Yet the heart of the direction and its focus on the characters makes this film enjoyable. When so many genre films are far more interested in epic scope and gigantic set pieces, this quieter film adequately walks s a different path.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
/drools over everything
Rated 29 Sep 2012
Doesn't reach its full potential until the third act, but when it hits, it's a very interesting sci-fi action film with some unexpected, well-implemented sentimentality. Those very human moments are what I'll remember the film for, which is good, because some other parts of it kind of fall apart.
Rated 14 Mar 2020
Messy use of time travel, had some interesting ideas. Weak ending.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
This is an outstanding movie. The script is top notch, the movie keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives another great performance, he is one of the most interesting actors working today. The supporting cast is also excellent with Emily Blunt and Bruce Willis being a couple of examples. The director Rian Johnson creates an interesting and exciting world and this movie shows he is extremely talented.
Rated 28 Sep 2012
The design is brilliant, and Johnson directs every scene with plenty of talent -- the horizontal travellings and pan shots he used to build tension in Brick are back --, but Looper kind of misses the point when the gruesome sci-fi structure steps out and an emotional superhero parade comes in. Still, this is very entertaining.
Rated 21 May 2021
Another entertaining piece for the ones those who wanna enjoy without thinking a lot.
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Why not just loop them over a volcano?
Rated 05 Dec 2012
Liked this more than I would have ever thought. JGL does an impersonation of Bruno so uncanny that I am convinced he should be given all parts a 30-something Willis would have been offered today. I'm not afraid to say I'm not quite sure I got of all it, and even some of the stuff I got I didn't quite like, but I didn't really care. This is a movie the likes of which there needs to be more of,at least until the internet starts whining that there are too many intelligent original action flicks.
Rated 11 Apr 2020
Looper is a very good movie that is simply too buried by upfront exposition and dumb final act plotting to be called truly great. It is still one of the most interesting sci-fi presmises of the 2010's and one I will likely return to in spite of the flaws.
Rated 21 Nov 2012
A movie about timetravel written and directed by a 10-year-old. Keep an eye out for his cameo as a child prodigy with telekinetic powers.


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