The Social Network

The Social Network

2h 0m
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.
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The Social Network

2h 0m
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Avg Percentile 61.23% from 12570 total ratings

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Rated 01 Oct 2010
A cynical look at social relationships in the age of the internet, and how little remains between us except a pathological need to compete for dominance over money and women. It may not deserve to be compared to Citizen Kane, but The Social Network most certainly lives up to the most of the hype. Sorkin's script is outstanding, biting and poignant, and it's complimented beautifully by the eerie and gloomy mood created by Fincher and Reznor, and by Eisenberg's strong leading performance.
Rated 24 Sep 2010
A very, very good film that could have been great. The past and present are woven expertly into a witty, well-executed screenplay, Timberlake surprisingly shines as a playboy geek-god, and watching Zuckerberg's flaws destroy him is both tragic and beautiful. But Fincher's direction is subdued compared to his other films, and the scope is smaller than the generational-defining film it could have been. Plus, Erica Albright makes for a poor Rosebud.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
You might get wrapped up in the fact that Sorkin writes more for story-telling than 100% factual accuracy but if you do then you'll miss out on a superb film. More than anything The Social Network captures how ill-equipped every involved was the the explosion of Facebook. The entire cast is superb, the soundtrack is terrifyingly good and Fincher masterfully directs a film about nerds suing one another into a emotionally gripping and tension filled movie. Incredible.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
With a style reminiscent of 'Fight Club', Fincher's movie defines slick. A brisk pace and rapid-fire dialogue leave you out of breath. The story is good and Sorkin's script - which, admittedly, is problematic (Jones' character, the twins) - has exceptional highlights such as the opening scene and those between the actor trifecta of Eisenberg, Garfield and Timberlake. Garfield is best, getting the lion's share of show off moments, but Eisenberg's subtle work is as crucial to the film's success.
Rated 05 Jul 2015
In Fincher & Sorkin's world, the creation and subsequent explosion of Facebook is but the backdrop to a Shakespearean tale of friendship, social status, duplicity, self-doubt, temptation, betrayal, and the elusive prospect of redemption. Less a depiction of historical events as they occurred than a fable showing how the more our society and relationships change, the more they stay the same.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
Stylish directing, superbly paced and written, a score that fits perfectly, the low key effective use of special effects with staggeringly good performances from Eisenberg, Garfield, Timberlake and Hammer make "The Social Network" an absolutely unbelievably masterful generation breaking film. That thought provoking friend request is the perfect ending. Hell everything about this is perfect, without a doubt the best movie I have ever seen,
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Another efficient and accomplished Fincher effort, driven by some great casting and an effective score. If I have a criticism it's that I never got a sense of the scale of what I know has happened in the real world; I was waiting for a jaw-drop that didn't happen. Maybe that's because the story isn't finished. Recommended.
Rated 05 Sep 2019
I think this holds up really well, even after all these years. The editing is sharp, the music is phenomenal, and Fincher's directing is as competent as always, as is Sorkin's screenplay. It's throughly interesting and well paced. Eissenberg is really good, as is some of the supporting cast. The true story dramatized and a little stretched for better effect, and what better effect it is! I just loved everything about this. Very well made up and down!
Rated 01 Oct 2010
Re Rosebud comparisons: Kane's separation from his sled wasn't fostered by his own entitled condescension. Zuckerberg's no tragic figure; his exile from happiness is self-inflicted. In charting his success, The Social Network depicts a new breed of man, flipping the bird to the decaying, patriarchal structures of privilege denying them access (their beneficiaries embodied by Armie Hammer (twice)) only to hasten the rise of new, no less insidious structures built in their own pathological image.
Rated 22 Oct 2010
(after repeat viewings) Sorkin's excellent script - arguably the best of the last decade - pulls no punches as it reflects the zeitgeist of our times through themes of friendship, loyalty and betrayal and the performances are top notch with Garfield, giving the film its much needed heart. The score is a thing of beauty and Fincher's direction is - save for Denis Villeneuve and PTA - unmatched these days.
Rated 15 Oct 2010
Sorkin's writing - intelligent and sharp as ever - shines through the tense and ruthless direction of Fincher. Also impressive are the young ensemble and the truly original score - the best of the year? YET overall it feels a little too safe and distant to truly move and engage. The internet era may pull us apart rather than bring us together, but personified by the rather dull Zuckerberg-character the morale feels like a slap in the face rather than a punch in the stomach
Rated 14 Oct 2010
Entertaining, but never exciting. The film focuses too much on the creation of Facebook itself. This creation is, of course, intertwined with the fate of the creators; however, these fates are never fully explored and the characters are almost reduced to mere archtypes (the nerd, the friend and the businessman) - something the great acting, especially from Garfield, can do nothing about. The dialogue is poignant and the cinematography beautiful. Solid craft from Fincher, but nothing more really.
Rated 14 Oct 2010
Pretty much everyone excels on all fronts here - Sorkin; Fincher; Eisenberg, Garfield, Timberlake and company; Reznor/Ross; etc. Accuracy isn't an issue - this works great on its own as a story. Eisenberg's facial expressions alone tell us so much about his character, of which I (unfortunately) knew several people like him. The only flaws come from the narrative framing and a too quick but suitable ending. Probably the best film you could make about the founding of a website.
Rated 07 Dec 2019
This film exemplified an ethos that would define American culture & filmmaking over the next decade: that we should feel outright sympathy for the human failings of the top 1%, instead of anger at what they've done to society. Zuckerberg is characterized as creating a dystopian environment for all around him. But Fincher and Sorkin's ability to make him seem all the more human is technically astounding, if unnerving. The creepily dark mood (elevated by Trent Reznor's music) also does wonders.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
Sorkin's screenwriting is excellent, portraying a very dark, hierarchical world where status is more important than anything. This is not a movie about Facebook, but of the reality which these sad individuals inhabit. All this is channelled through the witty dark humour Sorkin flavors the dialogue with, excellent cinematography, a brilliant soundtrack and, of course, the key performances of all the young talents involved. Fincher has truly returned to form.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
A movie about Facebook defines a generation? Yes, but the movie isn't nearly about Facebook as much as it is about our culture and reliance on social media, the quest for power and the crippling need for approval to make us feel like we have a purpose. The film, brilliantly directed by David Fincher, examines our relationships and how fragile the line can be between friend and leech. Exploiting that line may in time prove to be the defining characteristic of social networking.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
Overrated but impressive nonetheless as the script, actors, editing & direction manage 2 turn people sitting at computers, having business discussions & the ins & outs of 2 lawsuits into highly absorbing drama. The film is really about the characters & they're all so interesting it's a wonder the central figure (who, given his Asperger's personality, seems 2 change not at all) is never eclipsed. Fortunately there's a beseiged friendship at the film's core 2 give all the razzle dazzle a soul.
Rated 13 Apr 2020
It's like they want me to buy into the unique genius of Facebook but I can't and it just makes the character that much more effective. Guy invents Myspace 2.0 and acts like it's the most novel concept anyone's ever had. Bro if it weren't for that top 8 nonsense Whiteboard Tom would still be the dude and you know he was chill as hell. I like how the poster could pass for an auto-generated t-shirt targeted at Mark Zuckerberg.
Rated 01 Nov 2010
Trust David Fincher to turn a story about computer geeks fucking eachother over into a tale of almost Shakespearian proportions. Add the most complete casting and a pitch perfect Reznor score, plus Sorkins writing (probably the best he's ever done), and you have what could arguably be movie of the year. Never moralizing or dumbing down the material, it's a complicated account of backstabbing friends vs. necessary business decisions, where the nicest guy in the room is also by far the dumbest.
Rated 28 Oct 2010
This is jock of a movie, it doesn't contain any fat; the usual finesse of Fincher direction, daring dialogue, non-stop jump between propagating scenes. This perfectly rounded world didn't push my buttons in any way, witty dialogue and acting juices it up but doesn't bring any food on the table. What I got from the film I already got from the tagline. Lacks raison d'être.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
This movie is the new Citizen Kane! Citizen Kane is one of those movies you can always claim to love and nobody will ever raise an eyebrow. Call it a masterpiece and people cheer you on, but say you think it's overrated and suddenly you're branded a social pariah, without anybody to talk to and no friends on facebook. This movie is the new Citizen Kane. A good movie with great acting from Eisenberg, Timberlake and especially Garfield, but vastly overrated! Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up
Rated 26 Mar 2011
(rewatch) Got a lot better after I rewatched it. Also finished the book, some blatant inaccuracies but nothing too distracting. The score is one of the best ever and it even has a typical Fincher gritty feel to everything. The cast is awesome and the writing is unbelievably good. One of those movies that people will look back on and wonder why it didn't win best picture.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
Great performances, great soundtrack and the greatest writing I've seen in a while. I've been wanting to see this for quite some time and it's definitely lived up to its hype.
Rated 13 Oct 2010
The Social Network is a film that works on almost every level. It's engaging, entertaining, well made and well acted. It's a solid package of everything required in a film coming together. It has real tension, the characters are well-developed, and while they aren't all likeable, you'll end up caring about them all. While the flashback structure of the film doesn't always work the way it should, it ultimately is a decent way to show the story, instead of just jumping forward in time.
Rated 02 Nov 2010
You might have been skeptical that a film about facebook would be so good. I knew I was. But everything is top notch: the flawless pacing, the score, the great ensemble cast, the smart rapid-fire dialogue. It's Fincher at his absolute top form.
Rated 24 Oct 2010
The ultimate biopic. "Mark Zuckerberg" is a an example not of a great human being but the destructive nature of the desire for greatness in the digital age. The American ideal of being rich, popular and brilliant remains, but the possibility of achieving it is gone. Every decision by Fincher perfectly reflects the melancholy of mediocrity that permeates us all. It's masterfully acted and shot, and it's one of the best edited films ever made. History will look on this with adulation and awe.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
Not an accurate portrayal of the origins of Facebook, nor commentary on this online medium, it's message is much more primitive: how the male strive for dominance over money, power, and women can implant jealousy, naivete, paranoia, or borderline autistic asshole-ishness in a man. Sorkin's quick-witted script - delivered by a fairly flawless cast - provides an exhilaratingly litigious ride; unfortunate that it will be misread by the same people who thought Fight Club was advocating anarchy.
Rated 14 Oct 2010
Believe the hype. This is virtuoso stuff, with filmmaking that will definitely stand the test of time. Sorkin's script is funny and moving, Fincher does a great job at keeping it steady while including his usual stylistic quirks, while Eisenberg creates a brilliantly dismissive character in Zuckerberg. The best of the year so far.
Rated 28 Nov 2019
Rewatching this in 2019, it is still amazing that this lost to the King's Speech. You know, that film no one has talked about since 2011?
Rated 23 Nov 2010
To claim that THIS MOVIE "brilliantly defines the decade", as has been claimed multiple times, is quite pompous, but you can never deny the juggernaut status that Facebook has achieved. Sorkin tells a story, rather than sticking to immutable fact, which is probably better (the factual story is interesting, it's just better in overblown narrative form), but the real brilliance behind this flick is the soundtrack. Beautiful promotion and in-film execution. Great casting and performances as well.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
Very well done and mostly very enjoyable exploration of the way in which so-called social networks may in fact be functioning anti-socially. Although in the guise of a Shakespearean (or Charles Foster Kanean) tragedy for the digital age (it should be mentioned that I have no idea to what degree the portrait presented here has been falsified), this is as much a history and a genealogy of an important aspect of this age itself. Easily this director's best work to date.
Rated 03 Oct 2010
It's hard for a film to be engaging when majority of it is spent sitting at tables, discussing lines of code and legal contracts, but 'The Social Network' makes the stakes feel so high at every moment, that you can't help but be taken by it. The characters here are all very real, flaws and all. All with their own particular motivations. Facebook could have been replaced by anything at all, but learning that these neurotic people may have inadvertently shaped a generation is almost scary.
Rated 02 May 2014
More like the socially awkward network. ZING! (Posts to Facebook, likes, takes quiz to find out what character from B.J. and the Bear I would be, sifts through countless updates from people I do not speak to in real life about things I would literally walk away from if they were being told to me in person, stalks ex-girlfriend, makes wildly uninformed and inappropriate political statement, lets everyone know I'm calling it a night, checks more statuses, regrets deletion of myspace account)
Rated 17 Oct 2010
Everyone else says that it is well written, directed and acted. I Concur! This is a fantastic film and it reminds my why Fincher is my favorite director, but this is only his fourth best film. FC, 7 and Zodiac all surpasses this. I just dont buy the thesis that he initially would invent Facebook because of a girl and the ending is a bit off. Nonetheless it is one of the best movies of 2010, a film about THE website and a must see.
Rated 01 Oct 2010
Great great acting. Amazing how something that boring could be that captivating.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
Good movie,but the way way overrated....
Rated 23 Sep 2012
"I've wasted my life"
Rated 12 Oct 2010
Highly entertaining and well written, but the unfortunate cocaine like high pacing, is somewhat damaging to the whole structure of the film. The film isn't given the time to linger, which at first is frustrating, but overall the film excels in telling the story it wants to tell. It's exciting and fresh and won't leave you in any near future. Andrew Garfield is incredibly talented.
Rated 21 Feb 2019
My boy Fincher needs to stick to the nonfiction permanently. Surprised how well this held up on rewatch.
Rated 31 Oct 2010
"The Social Network" is an epic tale of friendship, betrayal and easy money, filled with humor and dark cynicism. Sorkin's genius script has a brilliant way of maneuvering gracefully in the multiple timelines, while the dialogues are enjoyable, witty and involving (but never tiring). Fincher successfully takes this complex piece of writing and turns it into a compelling and engrossing motion picture, bolstered by superb performances as well. It's a knockout -the best film of 2010.
Rated 02 Dec 2011
This is our history now, it used to be wars now it is lawsuits. The cramped, paranoid, fast-paced style of the movie is the only thing Fincher added to this rather boring story. It is interesting at a "current events" level, but at the end of the day it is a frigging movie about a - oh no wait, two - lawsuit, man. You can't go too far with that.
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Eisenberg is very good, not shying away from the neurotic pissant angle. Its biggest fault, as often with crowd-pleasing based-on-a-true-story films, is that it sees the future way too clearly - Aaron Sorkin never can resist winking, and the more of it you watch the more gratingly repetitive and predictable it becomes. It's filled with the kind of Sorkin-patented swift-but-broad pseudo-witticisms that, as you know if you were ever a West Wing fan, work better on TV. Oh, Andrew Garfield is great.
Rated 31 Oct 2010
This hugely overrated film is tiring enough to force you to neglect its decent but sadly common messages. The first scene is already really discouraging, while the unstoppable ramble of the hero can potentially become fatal. The back-and-forth parts are rather crude and the most promising aspects of the story (e.g. the users' point of view) almost totally ignored. Thankfully, the performances of Eisenberg, Garfield & Timberlake are pretty good and the humour is working. But the film isn't. Next!
Rated 03 Oct 2010
Dialogue hasn't been this good for the duration of a movie in a long time. The opening scene alone deserves an award of some kind. The negative, of course, is the technical jargon that was over my head and most of the audience's as well I'm sure, but it's not a substantial detraction. Most should be able to fill in the blanks. Excellent sound track. "California Uber Alles" is worthy for its title alone. Anyone who doubted that Justin Timberlake actually has talent should be comforted.
Rated 18 Dec 2010
Absolutely brilliant job by Fincher and Sorkin. Even Jesse Eisenberg shows some actual talent for a change.
Rated 03 Aug 2011
The inaccuracies of this movie are easily justified for the sake of a good movie. The wit here is laced with venom and traveling at a hundred miles an hour, and if that's your thing, then, you'll love it. Eisenberg makes a great performance and it's actually a surprisingly good movie that I expected little to no entertainment from.
Rated 11 Oct 2010
What made this film good was that it wasn't about Facebook, and it wasn't about the origin of Facebook either, it's about Mark Zuckerberg. Mark is a case study for the type of personality that always needs to prove itself by showing how smart and capable he is, and at the same time acts like an asshole to everyone to pretend that he doesn't need their recognition. This movie isn't about the story, it's about the person, and by the end of the movie I feel I have a better understanding of him.
Rated 01 Oct 2010
A well-polished turd. There's little to complain about in execution, but looking back I can't say I cared about any character or event in the film, I was just drawn in by the topical subject matter (and the wonderfully unapologetic nerdtalk)... in fact, it wasn't much different than the horrible trailer had me believe. And even if he really is that way, Zuckerberg's asperger-fueled personality gets REALLY old... in the first few minutes
Rated 10 Feb 2011
You're telling me that Zuckerberg looks like that, and talks like that, yet is somehow socially inept? You want me to buy that facebook could only be created by a computer genius? I'm supposed to believe that successful ideas are instantly recognizable from the start, instead of up to the whims of chance? Sorry, I'm not even close to convinced; particularly not when most of the dialog is overwritten and unnatural. Good soundtrack, acting, and especially editing, but movie of the year? Nah.
Rated 15 Oct 2010
An expertly-crafted film, written and performed with finesse. Poignant without being crude, witty without becoming silly, profitable without compromise.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
This movie fascinated me. I started college in 2003 and facebook came to my school (back when you had to be in college to be a part of it) very early. Just seeing what went on behind the scenes with something I have been a member of for almost it's entire existence (my school was picked up relatively early when it branched out of Ivy League) was incredibly interesting to me. The acting and writing are superb and this could be the essential movie that captures the early 21st century.
Rated 29 Dec 2021
This feels right up Fincher’s wheelhouse between it’s cinematography and stoic/snappy dialogue. The Social Network is trying to do a lot, and say a lot in it’s 2 hour runtime. It’s a revolving door of friendship, greed, egocentrism, and manipulation. Yes, this is a story, however, at it’s core, it’s a case study of real world economics and politics. Luckily, a very sound screen-write keeps this interesting & ambitious as it is. Fincher really did something here.
Rated 02 Oct 2010
The complete package - terrific performances from Eisenberg, Garfield, and Timberlake, crackling Sorkinian dialogue, gorgeous cinematography, and propulsive pacing more breathless than most action thrillers. A clear best screenplay Oscar contender, and a film that captures the zeitgeist so well I believe it may become an iconic film of this era as the decades move on. Stands proudly with Fight Club, Se7en, and Zodiac in Fincher's filmography.
Rated 12 Oct 2010
I wish I had not read the book prior to seeing the movie. I think I would've more appreciated how they set things up using the legal battles to narrarate and movie the story along. Eisenberg's mannerisms and reactions to questions are great, but his first scene in the bar helps the audience realize that his character's just different. Garfield tries to steal the show, especially with the burning garbage can. I find myself hurting for him, as he tries to be Eisenberg's one friend, and failed.
Rated 05 Jan 2011
Witty, acerbic, and surprisingly gripping. About as good as dialogue-driven drama gets, with stellar writing courtesy Sorkin, great performances and memorable "characters," and a masterful structure (the bookends are particularly brilliant). If it's not the best of 2010, it's certainly up there.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
Deeply engaging, great performances, and topical to boot. This movie deserves all the praise it is getting.
Rated 03 Oct 2010
A modern Citizen Kane, this film is absolutely amazing. The best film of 2010. Period.
Rated 15 Jun 2011
Surprisingly watchable. Engrossing, really. It's fun how my first reaction last year was 'A movie about Facebook? Oh come on!' and now I'm kinda stunned at how well it was made on all accounts. It's told in a smart way, has that wonderful Fincher atmosphere (warm and at the same time a bit distant) and the cast completely nails it.
Rated 19 Dec 2018
I cannot for the life of me find a fault in this masterpiece. The editing, music, acting, screenplay, cinematography and subtle effects are absolutely sublime. Only the combination of Fincher and Sorkin can create such a magnificent story from such a dull and boring subject. Every actor brings their A game with no weak links, a testament to Fincher's exhaustive film making process. One of the biggest best picture snubs of recent times for sure.
Rated 02 Nov 2010
Pretty much excellent, this. I was enthralled, and I was a fool for expecting less from a film written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher. Top notch stuff.
Rated 17 Feb 2011
I was wondering why everybody wanted to tell me that s.n is one of the best movies in 2010. After i've seen fincher's masterpiece, i know why. It's gripping from the first seconds until the end. Jesse Eisenberg is great in this role! A movie, that captures an important and believeable thing of our generation, zeitgeist. this is what we are, and what made a lot of people fu***** rich.
Rated 22 Dec 2021
Finally saw it. That one Scene alone is worth it. Andrew killed it!
Rated 28 Dec 2010
This was really riveting. I'm hoping that most of these events have been embellished for dramatic purposes, because if not, Mark Zuckerberg is the biggest sociopath to ever revolutionize...socializing.
Rated 11 Jun 2011
Good Movie
Rated 24 Oct 2010
Despite being very dense for the whole running time, the movie is a fast paced drama with great dialogues. It is also a showcase for talent since everybody in this movie is at the top of their game.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
A modern Citizen Kane in plot, if not quite in execution and innovation. Aaron Sorkin's dialogue is as sharp as ever and I might just have to stop referring to Jesse Eisenberg as "that guy who's not Michael Cera". Pity they fumbled the ending, though.
Rated 25 Jan 2011
Jews control the internet
Rated 15 Oct 2010
Fincher's best since Fight Club and arguably almost as good. Fincher's A-game aside, appraisal goes to Sorkin's script (and especially dialogue), Ross & Reznor's mesmerizing score and a great great cast.Summed up: A nuanced and stylised masterpiece about the nature of ambition, showing the consequences of going the extra mile but never condemning it.
Rated 16 Nov 2017
Opening scene is one of the best 5 minutes in movie history. Without it this would be 20 points less. Slightly nerdphobic and autistophobic, but entertaining.
Rated 07 Oct 2010
Impressive how Fincher made a pretty good movie out of a very ordinary story... Well ok, everyone knows facebook, so there is that...
Rated 03 Oct 2010
Fincher returns with great bravado in this savvy drama-thriller masterpiece. Sorkin's writing is truly impeccable, creating an unmistakably atmospheric, fast-paced environment that manages to demand interest throughout. Perfect scoring, airtight acting (even on Timerlake's behalf!), and superb filmography help march this film into this decade's top-tier movies. It isn't until the closing seconds of the action that you are exposed to this story's biggest flaw: the ending is painfully lackluster.
Rated 27 Jan 2011
Remarkable screenplay, score, cinematography, performances, direction, editing, etc. etc. I don't care whether or not Zuckerberg is really that reprehensible in real life; Sorkin's take serves to make a point about the social consequences of our generation's unique means of communication, and that's much more fascinating than the truth.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Soundly put together, if less gracefully toward the end. I demand more Reznor/Ross soundtracks.
Rated 29 Oct 2011
Such tight film making. Typical Fincher film.
Rated 13 Mar 2011
Brilliant film which serves as a penetrating character study of those involved in the creation of Facebook, and incisively examining the themes of greed, pettiness and the sense of disconnect which sometimes occurs from prolonged on-line exposure/communication. Entire cast is wonderful, but Timberlake steals the show as smarmy-if-charming opportunist. Film is essentially scene after scene of talking heads, but Fincher cuts it like an action film, resulting in an exhilarating thrill ride.
Rated 20 Jul 2020
It's solid, but I'm not sure why so many people are raving about it.
Rated 12 Feb 2011
A decient movie showing how facebook was created and how many legal problems Mark Zuckerberg faced during the early years of facebook.
Rated 11 Jan 2011
The one and only time I've really enjoyed Aaron Sorkin's writing (mainly because there's no political sockpuppeting and it lends itself to everyone being a snappy asshole). It also arguably has the best original score of the last twenty years.
Rated 24 Aug 2011
Extra points for not dumbing down the computer sequences, like most movies do.
Rated 29 Jan 2011
Extremely well made movie. Not Fincher's bravest but certainly his most polished. Sorkin keeps things well paced and Eisenberg gives Zuckerberg just enough charm that you don't hate his guts and make the entire venture pointless.
Rated 18 Aug 2015
Ten minutes into The Social Network the film's lead protagonist, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), speaking nearly a mile a minute, is made to look like a socially inept, the conversation ends with her breaking up with him. Director David Fincher adapted from Ben Mezrich's semi-fictional story of Facebook's roots, "The Accidental Billionaires," The Social Network portrays Zuckerberg as a villain who lies, cheats and steals his way to becoming the world's youngest billionaire
Rated 25 May 2011
Redolent with "brilliant" dialogue and "great" performances, this based-on-a-true-story nerd melodrama seems as artificial as the CGI steam coming out of the actor's mouths on those outdoor night scenes. I will forever derisively call this "That Facebook Movie."
Rated 27 Oct 2010
witty. this kind of intelligent humor fits it perfectly,me as well.
Rated 04 Nov 2010
loved the owning in this.
Rated 22 May 2013
I'm somewhat puzzled by the critical adoration for this - all the characters seem to speak unnaturally at a million miles a second with similar voices, it's hard to emotionally engage with the film, it often feels very light (I'd have preferred something darker personally, considering what happens) and the boating scene is truly terrible - but for the most part it's an entertaining, well-crafted film and certainly a good, if unexceptional, way to spend a couple hours. Andrew Garfield is great.
Rated 13 Feb 2016
Oh my goodness, this movie was so good. It blew me away. All the characters were so perfect. The film had parts of it that were funny, parts of it that were intense, and parts of it that were extremely interesting. This is probably my favorite film.
Rated 11 May 2011
Just dreadful, there is nothing good about this film. The performances are particularly poor. Justin Timberlake struggles hugely, nobody is likeable, it's complete wank. It's also not a good advert for facebook, you know that thing that you play Farmville on.
Rated 11 Jan 2011
A fascinating story which gets the balance just right between technical jargon, legal details and social interactions. Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield are both stellar in their roles as complex, turmoiled characters - people of extremes who nevertheless seem to ring true to life. Even if the story is far removed from everyday experiences, there is a universal appeal stemming from their youth and inexperience. Very well handled by David Fincher, one of his least flashy but most solid efforts.
Rated 02 Aug 2011
If this movie were about the real Zuckerberg, it'd be substantially more entertaining. It's hard to take this films liberties seriously considering the perception of Facebook today, or really, just in general regardless of its subject matter. As a film? I am still not feeling it - its attempt to capture university life is unconvincing and I don't really buy this idea that only a social recluse could get why something like Facebook works, or that something like it could only be made by a genius.
Rated 28 Jan 2011
Everyone involved deserves every piece of priase and award they receive. I want to find something bad to say about the movie, but there is really no need. The Social Network just works...expertly. Period.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Helluva film. Wish it had been a bit longer, the ending left me a little cold. Eisenberg modifies his usual character to be cold-hearted and angry as well as awkward. Timberlake plays sleazy like he was born to do it.
Rated 26 Jun 2011
it's a curious story all right, and very well written and adeptly acted, but it's more like wading through millions of lines of dialogues than watching something engaging. Fincher has obviously made the best of what can be done, but the story is just not that substantial to make this one a contender. On a side note, it makes you feel like a gigantic under achiever.
Rated 16 Jan 2016
The Social Network is a character driven drama, and one that excels by captivating the viewer with fantastic pacing and dialogue. Sorkin has been getting a lot of well earned attention as of late as one of the premier script writers in recent cinema, and The Social Network is a great example as to how a tight well-written script can alter a potentially boring film into a first rate and exceptional one. Eisenberg was well cast, and Reznor's collaboration with Fincher begins to great effect.
Rated 02 Oct 2010
'The Social Network' is memorable because of writer Aaron Sorkin's zippy screenplay and smart dialogue. Beyond that, if all the computer babble doesn't thrill you, the movie will be hard to digest. David Fincher delivers a quality product, but you have to be intrigued by what's going on, or you'll miss out on solid acting from mostly unlikable characters. While not a masterpiece, the movie is of higher caliber than it would be in less talented hands.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
If you can make an interesting film about Facebook then I'm not sure what you can't make an interesting film about. I can't even think of a JT related quip.
Rated 14 Nov 2020
Opinión personal: 7 Actores: 7,5 Planos: 7 Guión: 7 BSO: 7,5 FX: 6,5 Total: 71
Rated 02 Apr 2020
I enjoyed this but the portrayal of Zuckerberg is nothing like him in real life. That's fine though because a factual portrayal would've made for a very different movie. That guy is creepy
Rated 01 Nov 2010
Works very hard at fitting in all the details of a story that is really not that interesting. Characters are all unlikeable, though Sorkin keeps things interesting by providing them all with their very personal brand of annoying. Good performances and fairly witty dialogues save a film that takes until the powerful final scene to find its heart.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
I had to change my score so as to not match the generated one. That'll keep 'em confused!
Rated 27 Jun 2011
Completely engaging from start to finish. I can't really think of any major flaws.


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