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Avg Percentile 52.49% from 1792 total ratings

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Rated 21 Jul 2022
The first two thirds are sci-fi horror at its best. Peele is like early Shyamalan or Spielberg in how he shows families impacted by a genre idea. But, starting with the ending setup, his worst qualities come into focus. Bad jokes. Ideas that lack follow through. And poor cinematic storytelling: especially in character motivation and nighttime photography. He is getting better with music, though. Still, if you see it at a theatre, it's a nice escape from the heat. Marginal recommendation.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Nope is a very original film that could have benefitted from tighter pacing and clearer character motivations. While their choices work thematically, we don't know them enough so their fatal flaws look a bit too ridiculous. It is worth the watch, and is very well made.
Rated 16 Aug 2022
It honestly boggles the mind how the same dude who gave us Get Out less than 6 years ago has started buying into his own hype so fast, he's already on his way of becoming the next Shyamalan. Whatever commentary you're trying to make with your film ends up lost when not coupled to a strong story and compelling, fleshed-out characters you actually care about.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
Nope, nothing of worth here whatsoever.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
I enjoyed the heck out of it. I liked how Peele presented all of the themes he tried to hit and found the “thing” working against the protagonists to feel fresh yet old-fashioned at the same time. Gonna be honest… The chimpanzee part was the scariest thing in the whole movie to me. Otherwise, I thought the movie was still delightfully creepy and really well shot. The nighttime stuff especially looked amazing. Loved Kaluuy and Palmer both. Everything just worked really well for me.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
At the halfway mark, after a very dull start, I thought I would recommend people just skip the first half entirely. After seeing the rest, I recommend just skipping the entire film. "Hey guys, I have an idea for something shitty we can make during COVID lockdown!"
Rated 28 Aug 2022
I guess i just don't get Jordan Peele. Get Out was decent but no more than that, Us was a big budget mediocre Twilight Zone episode, and now we have Nope, which is like the Happening but not as unintentionally hilarious. I like Kaluuya usually but here he just looks permanently bored, as if he was watching his scenes as he acted in them. Palmer is poor and often annoying on screen, and while Yeun actually does well, his screen time is short and inclusion kinda pointless. Nope, I didn't like this
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Hell yeah gimme something fun sloppy and original
Rated 14 Aug 2022
I've seen Jordan Peele compared to M. Night Shyamalan on more than one occasion now, and I think it's an unfortunately prescient observation. Each movie's budget is more unwieldy than the last, but I'm not sure he's actually getting better as a storyteller. There are moments of brilliance here! Taken as a whole, though, it just doesn't feel like the product of a particularly distinct or earnest artistic vision. Sometimes, you just gotta throw some shit and hope the beast will eat it.
Rated 11 Aug 2022
Nope feels like an attempt to overly differentiate itself from Peele’s previous work. To it’s credit, the first 90 minutes of this movie sets up some really interesting ideas. Unfortunately, I feel a lot of these ideas are not fulfilled or unnecessary to the overall arch. Like I said, it seems Peele really tried to do something different, but doing so it feels kinda hollow. It’s disappointing because I see the potential in here, but it fails to capture me the way I was hoping for.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
Jordan Peele has done it again. He has taken flawed characters and put them in the most unlikely situations and made you sit on the edge of your seat. It was crazy, it was emotional, it was comedic. Peele fully immerses you in this crazy thrill ride. Kaluuya is amazing as the quiet and hard working OJ. Palmer is a great counter part to his character. There are a few twists and turns as well that make Nope the most fun film of 2022. Brilliant movie.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
Very enjoyable sci-fi, horror, modern western. It's not my favorite of Peele's movies but it does feel like his best technical filmmaking to date. Worth seeing in the theater if you are interested in it.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Do yourself a favour and see this shit in your biggest IMAX. Movie is an absolute treat and one of the best "Summer" movies of all time. Endlessly intriguing, funny, mysterious, shocking, transfixing. I have a few small issues with parts of the 3rd act but by the end, you'll still be floored. Steven Yeun's character's backstory is something else. Peele's macabre blending chops are still very evident and stronger than ever, adding in this fresh and exhilarating adventure film tone to the mix.
Rated 31 Jul 2022
Its pacing feels sluggish throughout, and when you combine that with a script that has more subtext than plot points, it makes it difficult to get into the unique sci-fi thrills despite great turns, visuals, and sound design. Still, the rich and fascinating themes (Hollywood spectacle and its connections to money-making, animal treatment, and the Black experience) and many fun details of the UFO-B-movie/creature feature/neo-western vibes keep it flying around in your head well after the credits.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
Before the movie I saw a trailer for some goofy movie where Idris Elba is chased by/battles a lion. Turned out to pretty nicely foreshadow this movie. Some interesting enough mood setting, lore building and dark laughs in the first couple acts culminate in a goofball climactic sequence that’s basically a third-rate killer animal chase movie ala a Jaws sequel. I understand there’s some deeper themes/commentary at play too, but I’ll level with you: i dont care
Rated 02 Sep 2022
I am terrified of chimpanzees more than UFOs, I don't know what a UFO would do but I know what a chimp can do and I wash my hands of it! Peele listening to the Travis the Chimp 911 phone call and just tucking it away for later use. This is very well shot, it's nice to finally see something good. Movies really suck lately.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
You'll be saying "yep" after you leave the theatre. Yep is a positive affirmation towards the quality of this film. It is clearly inspired by the genre, but manages to create some incredibly novel moments. The Gordy scenes are some of the most terrifying I have seen in film recently. Like what Stranger Things did for Kate Bush, I hope this film does for "Sunglasses at Night".
Rated 21 Jul 2022
Nope has the hook of an alien invasion movie along the lines of Close Encounters of the Third Kind or The War of the Worlds—which influence prevails, of course, depends on the visitors’ intentions. Yet it takes off in several unpredictable thematic directions at once, and the elusive messiness makes its ideas feel explored rather than predigested. It’s the alien at the summer multiplex in more ways than one.
Rated 14 Aug 2022
The power of Peele's "Get Out" was that it's both an "idea" movie with heavy subtext and also a quite good horror/thriller, which makes the subtext more subtle. Here, we have an idea on Hollywood's voyeuristic death machine that's also racist etc., which is very forced and not dissolved into the narrative enough. The narrative itself can't deliver a strong thriller or horror anyways. Also, isn't it the reverse; Hollywood doesn't "look" at the black subject at all anyways? And why UFOs? Nope.
Rated 06 Dec 2022
Nope indeed.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
Its layers of allusion and commentary are so varied and many that I left the theatre experiencing flashbacks to high school English class, fearing I was going too far in my speculation - but I don’t think I was. Nope is slow, but rewarding in its finale; horrific, but full of great comic timing; in your face, but subtle. A conflicting but largely positive experience, beautifully shot and sound-designed.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
I didn't want this to be a miss, and it isn't... fully. Therein lies the motif of my feelings - this isn't a full miss but it's obviously FAR from a full hit. Peele's penchant for "concept over narrative" has gone nuclear, leaving a movie with some obvious strengths, and glaring weaknesses in how it tells (or doesn't tell) its story. Metaphor is wonderful when it's earned, and grounded in the talented telling of a good story. When metaphor IS the story, it's a thin path to walk. Maybe too thin.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
This ruled! More so than any of Peele's works to date, Nope emphasizes the horror in the unexplained. There's one scene in particular that's so indelibly nightmarish and unsettlingly mysterious that it is surely seared into my brain forever. The cast all knock it out of the park, and I freaking love what Michael Abels gets to do with his score in this, too.
Rated 26 Jul 2022
Leans far more traditionally satirical than his previous two efforts, I would almost call this a sort of disguised parody in the way its overarching themes work to undress the genre its costumed in. It wasn't totally engaging but I do find this new, almost Hanekeian, manipulative side of Peele's direction welcoming.
Rated 12 Aug 2022
An unholy mess.
Rated 21 Aug 2022
“Oh my God it’s TMZ.” Seeing this in a theater of industry people is too much everyone nodded a little too knowingly at Gordy. I appreciated the unique, askew angle Peele approached the setting, pacing, and iconography. van Hoytema’s expertise is deeply felt, and it has possibly the best sound design of the year, telling the story in fits of silence and otherworldly borborygmus. Peele is a master of symbols - think of a girl’s shoe uncannily upright, a party hat - and he’s only getting better.
Rated 27 Aug 2022
I adore Get Out
 Us was completely over my head and ultimately I didn’t like it Which brings me to Nope
 Did I like it ? Yep
 Is it a masterpiece ? Nope
 It’s a very unique way of telling a story and visually stunning to look at 
Did I understand everything in the movie ?
For the most part yes
 There are a few things that left me scratching my head But I don’t think we’re supposed to understand either 

Rated 26 Jun 2023
Too many ideas and no real focus. It could have been a chilling ’Monkey Madness’ horror, or an original 'Aliens with a twist' sci-fi. Instead, both are cramped in (I chose this wording because they don’t really mix) with a third concept, and this is probably where the experienced Studio head should have sent Peele back to the drawing board: Shy guy on a horse fights evil with flags. Michael Wincott films.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
It was when I saw ALIENS, some three decades before the release of this film, that I had the idea that “film theory placement” may in fact be a Hollywood marketing strategy. Something of that kind seems to be going on here, with success if judged by critical approval. But if you wish to see a movie about the monster who insists on looking, then better to re-watch LA DOLCE VITA. Palmer’s “Em” is painfully grating, and in general it all falls terribly flat: not scary, or funny, or interesting.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
Fun but underdeveloped. Its strengths are in the specificity of its setting and details.
Rated 22 Dec 2022
High-concept, symbol-heavy, Peele produces a weird Bergman-does-Spielberg sort of movie. Though this is his best effort thus far, with legitimately innovative ideas, great soundtrack (e.g., see the inclusion of Exuma) and, at times, jaw-dropping cinematography, Peele really needs to give the task of scriptwriting to someone else. The uneven pacing, the overacted quirk-i-ful characters, the nonsensical character-decisions, all take away from the depth and novelty of what Peele is exploring.
Rated 25 Jul 2022
Boring built up to disappointing reveal. As a UFO enthusiast, much disappointed.
Rated 22 Jul 2022
Fry's Burbank now a cinematic fixture.
Rated 28 Jul 2022
Parts will definitely stick with me. Threw around a lot of ideas, some hit better than others. Enjoyed the performances.
Rated 05 Aug 2022
I enjoy Jordan Peele's movies, but it's always the discussion afterwards that's the best. with this one tho I felt like it was shallow, and piecing together the ape with the alien by seeing their connection with the balloons, how they're "wild animals," etc just felt incomplete in a way. I wish the characters had more depth maybe? idk prob need to watch/talk it again
Rated 11 Sep 2022
Weird and not enjoyable. The start is fine, as it sets up a good mood with enough questions. Then it deteriorates quite badly with so much silliness that it seems more like a parody than a horror movie. The final "home alone" style setup was really bizarre and sucked all the life out of me. Get Out was far better.
Rated 18 Aug 2022
And on the final act, Peele rested
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Perhaps Peele’s least meaty thematically to date but still very dense. The filmmaking, however, is his best to date, with fantastic photography and pacing and so many striking set-pieces. Succeeds phenomenally as his first blockbuster while also not skimping on everything that made the others work, from the layered scripts to the wonderful humour to the great use of music to the excellent performances. Go see it on a big-ass screen.
Rated 20 Aug 2022
Jordan Peele out -Spielberged Spielberg and I'm here for it. This could have been 15 min shorter but I loved "Gordy's Home" sequence, so I'll let that pass this time. I enjoyed the shit out of this film.
Rated 26 Aug 2022
Dieu merci enfin quelque chose de Jordan Peele qui ne parle pas de sous-représentation des afro, ou du racisme. Résultat : un bon film !
Rated 29 Aug 2022
Haha. A flying saucer parachute monster with super ridiculous animations. The acting was great. The story was sometimes fun and engaging, but there is so much wrong with this movie that I don't even know where to start. It didn't really get stupid until a little more than 3/4 of the way in. I'll just say it was barely worth watching, and totally laughable at the same time. The laughable graphics at the end totally ruined it.
Rated 04 Sep 2022
Jordan Peele is just getting worse movie by movie.
Rated 12 Mar 2024
Beautifully shot, yet horrible, nonsensical and irrelevant.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Peele has not only started his directing career with three good movies in a row; he’s started it with three GREAT ones. This is an exceptional sci-fi horror with some good social commentary and a lot of Speilbergian spectacle.
Rated 20 Oct 2022
Nope is as original, unrealistic and subtextey as his first two films. It's also very messy. The pacing is off. The message is garbled. It does not adhere to its own rules. It's also hard to care about what happens because the characters are barely there or unlikeable. Kaluuya seems to play a robot for most of the film. Of course the film is also mysterious, genuinely creepy and completely outlandish. I'm looking forward to Peele's next film already.
Rated 10 Aug 2022
Masterful and enjoyable on every single level. Taps into our primal attraction to spectacle - echoing every significant blockbuster from JAWS onward - yet remains fresh and original. Peele, the holy man of suspense cinema, has a gift for connecting us to the unfathomable.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
Beautifully shot and acted. It has a slower pace but kept me intrigued for the whole runtime. It has some chilling shots and a few laughs thrown in at appropriate times. Can’t wait for more Jordan Peele.
Rated 14 Oct 2022
It does feel like it could be a bit shorter, and it’s a bit lacking in scares. But it’s still very unique, like Peele’s other films thus far, and has arguably the scariest antagonist from him (just imagining that in real life…yeah, nope). Great performances, Brandon Perea’s Angel was a surprisingly enjoyable character. I would also echo the sentiment of the chimpanzee scene being the most frightening. It’s not for everyone, but I appreciate it for its originality.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Ok, this is a weird flick about a giant flying Roomba in the sky sucking up people. It's interspersed with murderous monkey flashbacks. The whole thing feels like a showcase of look what I can do with a camera and some scenes are fucking creepy and wonderful. Just a waste that there's not a coherent story line.
Rated 18 Aug 2022
Feels a bit more underbaked than Peele's previous two films, but viewed as a simple little UFO horror tale, it's fine, even if the biggest (and arguably only real) scare in it, comes from a midnight barn fake-out rather than the ominous big bad. (speaking of: props for the original monster design)
Rated 25 Jul 2022
Peele can direct. Acting is decent. Visually, I have no complaint. As TheRealJ-Ro says, it's concept over narrative and I can't say that any better. Heavy symbolism hides sloppy storytelling. Peele was always in danger of that and here he realizes it. Uneven pacing. Some plot points and dialogue... corny. Gordy part is the only time it hits the beats it wants to and it's not even a necessary element. Just feels so disjointed and even lazy at times. Doesn't commit fully to anything really.
Rated 30 Jul 2022
Certainly taught and suspenseful for the majority of the runtime, but the third act, for me, loses most of the tension, and transforms what was built up as an intriguing horror mystery into a fairly generic sci-fi climax. The Gordy subplot worked very well thematically, but narratively I expected it to tie in better with the primary story. The acting was great and the eventual reveal was interesting, I just wish it had been more consistent with Peele's knack for seriously chilling horror.
Rated 30 Jul 2022
While it was a really fun time and we’ll-constructed as a popcorn alien invasion thriller, Nope doesn’t sink its teeth into its themes as much as Peele’s previous two films do, making the experience enjoyable but a little unsatisfying on a first viewing. The themes about consumption of media and the pursuit of spectacle are there, but they aren’t nearly as well realized as either Get Out or Us. There were a lot of things I wasn’t expecting though, so it’s still very much worth experiencing.
Rated 31 Jul 2022
striking visuals with an intentionally unspectacular narrative (until werner herzog type enters the picture) create an appealing contrast for what seems to be the film's politics. but the way film works well on paper doesn't translate into film. the indifference of kaluuya's character towards everything, for instance, helps to address the fascination and boredom with the commodified spectacularity but it just doesn't make it interesting as a film. more of a smth-to-talk-about than to watch.
Rated 05 Aug 2022
It’s better than Us, but like that movie this also feels very undercooked at times. On the plus side, it’s entertaining and captures your attention. On the other hand its underlying themes are confusing af. I guess you could call this a meta movie.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
Rated 09 Aug 2022
Thanks Jordan Peele I'll never look at clouds or monkeys the same way again. I also wear my sunglasses at night while aiming for the impossible.
Rated 15 Aug 2022
So basically Jordan Peele remade Tremors. That's OK, we're short on good old fashioned creature features these days. It just feels like he wanted to do more but left most of that on the cutting room floor. We end up with a mess - an entertaining mess, but still - that's somehow both overlong and incomplete.
Rated 22 Aug 2022
Rated 14 Sep 2022
On our obsession with spectacle, and the human desire to try to tame the untamable. While it could use some trimming and perhaps a better focus, Nope is still a fun ride that delivers some great tension and scares. I'm fine with things being a bit messy and imperfect as long as they shoot for the stars. Especially when the theater experience is this good.
Rated 22 Aug 2022
I got the connection between the opening scene and the entire film but still it did not click as it should. Nice story building, originality and acting though you leave the movie theatre with confused feelings. Characters, Peele, characters.
Rated 23 Aug 2022
gives you Spielberg in the way DePalma gives you Hitchcock both indebted but playing with the boundaries of what their influences mean to audience expectation. Not that Spielberg isn’t political but Peele brings an added racial edge to concepts of “movie magic” On who profits off spectacle. On what we as audience even want as spectacle. How we as an audience interact with violence we see on screen. Peele has such a keen eye for shot composition. Unsure the ending works but still v fun
Rated 26 Aug 2022
Nope starts with a mysterious and ominous vibe, leaving the viewer to guess what kind of threat the characters are dealing with, captivating and hooking by using curiosity as a foundation. This magic is lost entirely in the 2nd half of the movie, leaving a plain and weird comedy thriller with western elements, a mix that nullifies the great introduction of mystery.
Rated 09 Dec 2022
By this point it's obvious Peele has devoted himself to one-note, single-purpose allegories, which he kinda got away with in "Get Out", but thereafter makes for shit movies. This one is allegedly about spectacles, and ironically boring af.
Rated 27 Aug 2022
Crap. Cope
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Ace cinematography and originality, it's a very promising and funny first half - i loved how the narrative kept getting derailed and distracted by pretty unimportant (?) stuff. Reminded me of Tarantino a little bit, who is a (bigger) master of this. Unfortunately i got a little bored in the monster chase part, which literally takes 1 hour. Still looks cool, but it left me pretty cold and uninterested whether they'd make it- more should have been done with this premise. Keke Palmer very good.
Rated 29 Aug 2022
There is a lot to like in Peele's third outing as horror director. There is less horror there than in previous films, though the most terrifying stuff is in the movie's B-plot. The third act isn't as electrifying as it was probably intended, but I love the homage to Hollywood westerns.
Rated 29 Aug 2022
You can say that again!
Rated 20 Jan 2023
Basically a tutorial for how to malfunction a flying vacuum cleaner. If the intention is to make fun of horror/sci-fi movies, than it's very good at it. Otherwise I am not convinced with the character's motivations of taking UFO images for Oprah. Yep, it is as stupid as it sounds. They are risking their lives for taking a photo of flying saucer and we are supposed to feel excited about that. Though given that the set-up was rather boring, it's sensible that they needed some heat in their lives.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
We definitely need innovations when it comes to movies. Nope introduces us to a weird, outlandish concept, and just not knowing what the thing is or how it works is what keeps up the suspense. The pacing could have been a bit better, but overall it's a very weird, intense horror movie that provides a welcome breath of fresh air for the genre. Let's keep having more original stuff like this, please.
Rated 03 Sep 2022
As bumpy as this feels, I just can't help but love Peele's moody vibes towards characters defined -- although not programmed -- by trauma. A film that tackles anything it wants -- misrepresentation of black people on film and in cinema history, for example -- so relentless. It's all about getting the Oprah shot, and Peele does that with nearly every perfectly timed comic bit, western imagery populating these weird interactions with the unknown and horror coming in beautifully -- blood rain, wow.
Rated 06 Feb 2023
This should have been so much better.
Rated 15 Jul 2024
I feel a bit like the guy who doesnt get the joke here. The build up is ok with Kaluuya again showing real presence on screen, some decent ideas dangled to tempt us, some great "close encounters" visuals and some humour thrown in, all looking good. The problem is that key elements of the dialogue are garbled and you just have to accept that for eg: the inflatable men have been properly discussed. Then comes the boring, interminable punch line; some flying CGI cross between Casper and a duvet!!
Rated 09 Sep 2022
It's rather nice just to see a simple and somewhat stripped-down film of a UFO invasion, and one with a keen eye for the spectacle (and at one point, the horrific hilarity of it). Peele doesn't do the best job with characters and arcs and whatnot, with most of these characters just being unlikable assholes that you want to die. But where he excels is in this simple concept, surrounding it with all sorts of heady subtext, from predator behaviour to the allure of cinema.
Rated 31 Aug 2022
the material is not that hot but somehow Peele manages to squeeze the most out of it. if this script had gone to a faceless studio director, the outcome would be horrible. peele's original idea might be "meh" but his execution is pretty good.
Rated 28 Dec 2022
Very cool scifi flick with a great cast, amazing visuals and some pretty cool new ideas. The house being rained on is definitely my favourite image from any movie of this year.
Rated 12 Nov 2022
I love the acting and the idea was pretty cool (until the monster was unmasked). Not the best Jordan Peele movie, but very very original non the less. Big fan of Daniel Kaluuya. Loved the uneasy commercial scene.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
First time in a long time I was able to completely shut off the critical part of my brain and just get totally immersed in a blockbuster. Coming out of the movie, I was just elated over reclaiming that joy, thinking it was just a great, expertly crafted blockbuster, doing to the skies what Jaws did to the ocean. Loved the design of the antagonist and the elegant character work. Over time and reading other people, I have come to appreciate it for all the meaning hidden underneath as well.
Rated 28 Nov 2023
Delightful visuals and rhythym with good acting and a decent story. Not Peele's best, but that's a high bar anyway.
Rated 23 Jan 2023
This is an interesting film that has a script that gets you to keep watching. There are some original ideas in this movie and some good scenes. The cast does a good job here with the material. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 17 Sep 2022
Starts slow and moody, but when it delivers, it really makes it worth the wait. My favorite Peele's movie so far.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
eng; [nope]; auf einer pferdefarm passieren unerklärliche ereignisse und die dressur der pferde wird durch eine wolke erschwert.; (sci-fi erfrischend anders gedacht);
Rated 16 Oct 2022
It's a well made film, the characters are great, and I enjoy it's thematic criticisms of the entertainment industry. Ultimately though, I never really cared about the alien. The Gordy plotline was so much more interesting.
Rated 15 Dec 2023
best handshake of all time
Rated 04 Aug 2022
I probably should give Peele more credit for injecting social commentary in an entertaining flick, but I was left underwhelmed at the depth of Nope's themes, just as I was with Get Out. Acting was eh, cinematography and music were good.
Rated 07 Nov 2022
That damn chimp scene and the way it ties in is so fantastic! Fun movie with a weak third act. - B
Rated 09 Aug 2022
My favorite Jordan Peele movie so far. I thought the premise was cool, the tension is expertly built up, and the cinematography was great with a number of very memorable images and sequences.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
a step down from get out and us, but not bad
Rated 17 Jun 2024
Pretty alright as a monster movie. Peele needs to stop trying to do themes though, he's fucking awful at it.
Rated 23 Aug 2022
İzlenir, ilginç konu
Rated 28 Aug 2022
If there's a sequel, it'd be named Yeap.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Yeah, nope.
Rated 17 Jun 2024
A shiny but shallow remix of the Jaws formula. I liked the stuff about how to treat animals. Some idiot ball moments, like a self-sacrifice that I think was supposed to be about addiction to spectacle that came off as a sudden out-of-character suicide (you don't die for the perfect shot if the film is sure to die with you). I heard it had themes, but just saw empty symbols and the undercooked telling-not-showing style that I'm coming to expect of Jordan Peele; comparisons to Shyamalan are apt.
Rated 29 Sep 2022
Cracking good film. Certainly more sci-fi than horror but that bit in the stable, it really got me.
Rated 30 Aug 2022
After the soporific third act of "Us", I wasn't expecting much from this one; I thought it would overindulge even more. Thankfully, its main concern is to be a horror story, and it's a pretty good one at that.
Rated 21 Mar 2023
It has some really outstanding imagery--the chimp sitcom in particular--but everything really feels underdeveloped. The entire driving force of the story (trying to get a video) just never seemed plausible. And other than Keke Palmer and Steven Yeun, the rest of the characters were completely uninteresting.
Rated 09 Nov 2022
I have no expectations before watching it. Turns out, it's pretty enjoyable. The first bit is awesome, but it gets weaker toward the end. Still a good watch tho.
Rated 07 Nov 2022
Forgot to rate. Good movie. Great even.
Rated 04 Oct 2022
The pacing for the first half of the movie is painfully slow and could've used some more editing to make it a little tighter and even, but just before the midway point it picks up and I became fully invested up until the ending, which once again feels like it was horribly paced and dragged on for a little too long. I see people complained about OJ's character, but I thought he was the best in the film. Very relatable to anyone with PTSD. Overall, a decent sci-fi horror flick.
Rated 04 Sep 2022
It's okay for one watch. Some of the rules/side stories are not well explained and seem like gimmicks. Could have been more focused and use some longer scenes.


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