Your probable score


Drama, Biography
2h 39m
From his childhood in Tupelo, Mississippi to his rise to stardom starting in Memphis, Tennessee and his conquering of Las Vegas, Nevada, Elvis Presley becomes the first rock 'n roll star and changes the world with his music (


Drama, Biography
2h 39m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 45.36% from 938 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Compact view
Rated 06 Aug 2022
Whoever edited this thing must've kept a voodoo doll with a picture of Luhrmann's face on it, praying every morning he wouldn't come up with another terrible idea for a scene transition that takes 37 hours to render.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
The first part was as vibrant and energetic as one could expect from Luhrmann, condensing the phenomenon that was Elvis into a hyper-stylised but also engaging medley of sweat, blues and rock 'n' roll. Then, as demanded by the framing narrative, it spends way too long on the Vegas years, and becomes a more standard biopic. But within the bloated run time, Elvis fans will get their money's worth of wonderfully recreated musical performances from Butler.
Rated 26 Jun 2022
Baz doesn’t know the meaning of the word restraint, so his style is uniquely suited to capture Elvis in all his glammy, folksy, lusty glory. It really does move like the last, desperate, frantic synapses of a dying narcissist huckster (which is - literally - the context Baz drops us in). At one point it says in no uncertain terms that the King is Divinely inspired, and his Kingdom Divinely ordained, and I finally understood the meaning of Graceland. Butler descends into the role and owns it.
Rated 05 Sep 2022
Bordering on and occasionally veering into meme-style-parody ("yo dawg, I heard you like Baz Luhrmann, so I put some Baz Luhrmann in your Baz Luhrmann, so you can Baz Luhrmann, while you Baz Luhrmann"), "Elvis" is the best match of director and music artist since Michel Gondry's music videos for Björk. Unfortunately, it can't quite maintain its pelvic thrust for all 865 minutes and one does yearn ever so slightly for the economic storytelling of "Strictly Ballroom" in the final hour.
Rated 03 Jul 2022
Easily Baz Luhrmann's best movie, which says a lot more about Baz and a lot less about this movie. It's very Baz in the first 90-ish minutes, and after you can get past all the LSD induced editing it actually settles into a pretty compelling roller coaster. The second half is very standard, lacking Luhrmann's signature flair or grandeur. Hanks is possibly the most miscast in his entire career, and his caricature performance wrings most of the drama at the finale out of this overlong film.
Rated 27 Feb 2023
There’s so much to cover in a story about Elvis Presley, and this didn’t manage to scratch every surface, even with its lengthy runtime. It would have worked better as a mini series, but it is really well made, and much more entertaining than I thought it’d be. There’s a kind of energy that only Butler and Luhrmann could have brought to this movie. The musical performances were great (I didn’t like the remixes though). This could have been much more, but it’s still good. Austin Butler rocks.
Rated 05 Nov 2022
A movie unable to get out of its own way. They had what they needed with Butler - I’d have no idea how to navigate the Elvis voice, mannerisms, dancing, clothes, hair etc without descending into parody, but he somehow pulls it off. The same cannot be said for Hanks, whose immersion-breaking clown show as Colonel Parker derails every scene he’s in; likely his worst performance ever. If only they recast and toned down the Colonel (and the Luhrmann flourishes), they could’ve had something special.
Rated 06 Sep 2022
You ain't nothin' but a biopic, melodramatic all the time. You ain't nothin' but a Baz Lurhmann, too much Hanks. Well, you didn't break the mold and you too long to be a friend of mine. Well they said Butler was high class, that was partially a lie. Well they said he was a fine voice, that was not a lie. Well you sing and dance but you ain't no Elvis of mine.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
Whilst you would learn more about dinosaurs from a Speilberg film than ever you will learn about Elvis and his real relationship with Parker from this Luhrmann film, you have to admit it is brilliantly made, acted and edited (except for the length!). Saint Elvis and Scumbag Parker hurtle though a 2020s woke approximation of 1960's Americana in an entertaining, high energy, inaccurate romp. It flags a little towards to the obvious demise, in part due to your arse losing all feeling, but good fun.
Rated 01 Feb 2023
Austin Butler does a great job and this movie is super entertaining, fully capturing the vibe and energy of Elvis as a performer. Luhrmann's grandiose style is perfect for this and so many real life sequences are faithfully recreated. I also love how the soundtrack blends old r&b tunes with modern hip-hop, effectively demonstrating Black influence on rock music. The decision to make the Colonel the narrator though is a bad one, as Tom Hanks gives one of the worst performances of his career.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
The montage style works really well for the actual musical sequences, but it was just exhausting for everything else. I'm not sure there was more than 10 seconds without a cut in the entire thing. And the decision to tell this through the eyes of the Colonel was baffling. That said, Butler gave a performance worthy of the King.
Rated 15 Jan 2023
A movie whose pleasures (barely) outweigh its liabilities: Butler is a phenomenal EP, recreating The King’s vocal stylings (and dance moves) to a tee, and Luhrmann masterfully handles the musical sequences (and the gathering and melding of Presley’s influences). As biopic, it frustrates because we learn precious little about EP himself, and Hanks’ bloated, freakish Parker is a serious misstep, with the conceit of his narration creating an even greater distance between the audience and the star.
Rated 21 Oct 2022
I'm not a fan of Luhrmann's lurid velvet painting style - if you are more power to you - but holy shit Austin Butler is fantastic, he's the only reason this is at all recommendable. Tom Hanks on the other hand gives maybe the worst performance of his career, so there's also a car crash spectacle quality to that.
Rated 03 Oct 2022
In some aspects Austin Butler does even a better job than Elvis himself. He's a better dancer, he's more driven and more graceful. Since it's impossible to recreate the joyful spirit and sensuality of the musician himself, it could have become a fine hommage. But this wreck of a movie is not that hommage. Best part, fortunately, was the music itself, it recreated some lifeperformances surprisingly fresh and it dared to be a bit creative instead of pumping the known material around.
Rated 16 Sep 2022
It's a horribly trite movie, checking all the boxes of biopic cliche, but Butler who plays Elvis is a star and kept me watching, really possesses that sensuality nobody can deny Elvis had. Upcoming A-list actor? Hanks tries a dutch accent and i'm sadly in a position to judge that this was done badly. What the hell was he thinking? He didn't even try, weird! Just watch the Red Woman in Game of Thrones and you know how to sound. Hanks should be able to do this if he woulda spent 15m on practicing.
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Every overcut scene is a fetish object for Luhrmann. His "directorial flourishes" may be fascinating on a moment-by-moment basis, but they make for fake history, in which Austin Butler serves as a gay fashion icon giving you "the look" for three hours straight. Yet the bones of this unwatchable ADHD freak-out are the same melodramatic biography beats we always get.
Rated 13 Aug 2022
If you want to see yet another biopic of a mid-20th century rock star shown through the lense of 21st century neo-progressivism, look no further. Direction was incoherent. Cinematography was in the style of a video game cut scene. Movie never took one second to breathe. A 2.5 hour montage. And I never thought I'd say this, Tom Hanks' performance was abysmal. Try not to laugh at his prosthetics. For what it's worth Austin Butler gave a solid performance, but it's in service of this giant turd.
Rated 12 Aug 2022
Doing the math on Priscilla's birthday and her relationship with Elvis and ewwwwwwww "Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink" Bloated fat about to pop Elvis was my favourite Elvis.
Rated 28 Jun 2022
Standard-issue Baz excess that perfectly suits its subject and, more importantly, its unrepentant carny narrator. Austin Butler is a revelation. Elvis' music is good. And it turns out that a gaggle of Aussies can adequately pass as Southerners.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Baz Luhrmann at his best... Not only his lavish style just brought out the Elvis story much better, but by making a risky but clever choice of telling the story from the angle of the "Evil Producer", the whole film shed a better light on the underlying causes of the Elvis phenomenon. It was informative, entertaining, and touching at the same time and both Butler and Hanks really put together amazing performances. A very nice surprise.
Rated 18 Apr 2023
Weird how after 160 minutes I still feel like I don't really understand Elvis's personality or his rise to fame, but that's probably due to the extremely misguided decision of telling this story from the perspective of his manager (played as a total caricature by fat suit Tom Hanks).
Rated 08 Apr 2023
Making Colonel Parker the narrator is not in itself a bad decision, but unfortunately the filmmakers don’t seem to have come to grips with the character, leaving a big hole at the centre of the movie. Still, the last thing the world needed was one more formulaic biopic about Presley, and Luhrmann’s exuberance, stylistic vision and attention to detail make for a vastly more interesting and enjoyable depiction of the culture industry than recent predecessors such as BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY or ROCKETMAN.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
It's definitely excessive but in a way fitting of its source material. Austin Butler is electrifying as the King, and it's not hard to see why Baz wanted to make this film. I found the pacing odd not because the film doesn't fill its time well but because I knew the broad strokes of Elvis's life, and it didn't seem to have enough material left for the end. This is far from Tom Hanks's best work, though.
Rated 06 Feb 2023
I honestly didn’t know Tom Hanks could be terrible, but he sure is in this. He singlehandedly wrecks what could have been a pretty decent biopic. I like that the film goes for something beyond the standard biopic formula, and it has great energy, but the Parker portrayal is unforgivable.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
A hyper-real, super stylish glitzy cartoon of Elvis. And yet, there's something here. It's easy to dismiss the real man, too, as just fluff but there's something there, too. Luhrmann has mined deep to find it and, while I'm not sure I can tell you what it is, it's here.
Rated 06 Oct 2022
Ditching his colourful elephant roots, Elvis takes up singing
Rated 02 Oct 2022
Ironically, the music killed this film.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
It's a film that defies any sort of score. I predict within the next decade, there will be a critical renaissance of Luhrmann's films. That was a cute scene between Elvis and Priscilla, now time to take a big sip of coffee and look up their respective ages at the time of that meeting...
Rated 08 Sep 2022
Wow! Apparently, i'm really in the minority here. I'm just not a Baz Luhrmann fan. I turned off his Great Gatsby, Australia, Romeo and Juliet and this movie. It's like a 3 hour music video, though I made it about 50 minutes, I couldn't' take it anymore. I get that it's all a blur and went so fast, like Elvis' rise of fame, life and career, but that's not fun to a viewer, for me. So much expense to set up what could have been impactful scenes but were just a glimpse. Very disappointed.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
For me, it was one of the worst biography movies ever watched. Baz Luhrmann directed in an advertisement or movie clip style that was chaotic, so was unable to catch the Elvis' vibe at the time. He was also unable to give the social frame of the time through Elvis thrived. The movie was so out my taste I quit watching after 40 minutes.
Rated 06 Aug 2022
Austin Butler is outstanding. I was totally mesmerized by his portrayal of Elvis and he deserves every bit of praise he gets. I also really enjoyed the VFX and glamour of the film. But it suffers a lot in the pacing. The first half of the movie felt like it went by so fast and didn't give the scenes enough room to breathe and connect with the story. But the third act redeemed some of the film.
Rated 01 Aug 2022
I just can't stand Luhrmann's vignette cinema, but at least Butler saves the day in most of the performances -- the Christmas TV special, Elvis and new producers changing the whole thing as they record it, is specially good. Hanks is just bad and miscast of course and it's a shame Luhrmann doesn't care much about even trying to go beyond some cartoonish depiction what was like to be an artist back in the day.
Rated 18 Jul 2022
It's a Baz Luhrmann, all right -- shocking, I know -- but it's easily my favorite Luhrmann, leaping over the admittedly low bar of 2013's "Great Gatsby" remake. Austin Butler is a believable force, a starmaking performance, and Tom Hanks, while not holding a candle to Paul Giamatti in "Straight Outta Compton", is every bit the scumbag here. Cudos to the decision to employ the unreliable narrator; no the movie isn't about CTP but to tell the story through that lens was interesting nonetheless.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
Butler is right for the part. But Tom Hanks' role... What on Earth were they thinking??
Rated 15 Jul 2022
It's very much a Baz Luhrmann movie, with all the razzle dazzle that entails. Hanks, departing from his usual roles, does an okay job as one of the slimiest bastards ever put to screen. But it's really in Butler's colossal central performance as The King where the movie's heart and soul lie.
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Elvis is quite good. It’s production is quite impressive. It’s set design captures the setting of this era quite well and does a great job of immersing this world. Butler is quite phenomenal as Elvis himself, and even Hanks playing the bad guy for once is something to see. Luhrmann deserves a lot of credit piecing all of these important factors together. However, this is simply too long. You could cut 20, maybe even 30 minutes of this. So much unnecessary filler. Still, I’m satisfied.
Rated 28 Jun 2022
Easier to sit through than I feared, this is energetic but chaotic. The calls for Oscar-attention for Butler are overselling his achievement, I believe. He’s charismatic, nails the swagger and works that pelvis, but Luhrmann’s frenetic editing and brief dialogue scenes - give him little room to explore the character. I walked out with no more idea than when it started whether he is a good actor. One thing’s for sure - Hanks’ performance is misjudged on every level.
Rated 25 Jun 2022
Jeezy the only Snowman I recognize
Rated 02 Apr 2024
Haha, I'm Baz Luhrman and my movies are anachronistic.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
Hound dog
Rated 02 Jan 2024
disappointed there was no toilet scene
Rated 05 Nov 2023
Austin Butler gives a god performance in the lead role. However I did not find the story that interesting, I guess I'm just not an Elvis guy. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 08 Aug 2023
Didn't entirely like everything about this movie. I don't know why you'd need modern rap or any kind of modern music in a movie about Elvis. I just want to hear Elvis's songs and the gospel and blues stuff! Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks with a fake nose. I think the only way his character worked was that he was so easy to hate, but otherwise a very confusing casting for this role. Austin Butler was so good, though, and he totally made his role as Elvis work here.
Rated 07 Aug 2023
When a lot of this settles down in the last half of the film, the real fundamental problem is revealed. This film has nothing to say. It's basically a Wikipedia entry on Presley that just trots out the standard perspective on his life that everyone has already heard. It's the standard, dull biopic stretched out to a punishing length and padded with ugly excess.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
Very "Luhrmann". It can be good but also messy... A fine biopic and nice performance by Butler. *Good
Rated 30 May 2023
I appreciated the narrative's unique perspective from Colonel Parker's lens, then positioning Elvis as the star. Hank's playing against type portrayed a character so unappealing that a mere glance at his face would stir disdain. His performance was perhaps too convincing, thereby skewing the film's balance. Despite this, I found the movie entertaining and recommend it to anyone with even a slight interest in Elvis.
Rated 11 May 2023
good movie
Rated 23 Apr 2023
Dramatize edilmeden belgesel tadında çekilmiş biyografi filmi. Bu yönüyle gördüğüm en iyilerden. Elvis'i oynayan ve Tom Hanks rollerinde fazlasıyla başarılı. Müziğe birazcık bile merakınız varsa mutlaka izlenmeli.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
13.03.2023, Falmer/Brighton UK
Rated 24 Mar 2023
Pourquoi les biopics sont-ils aussi lourds ? La tragédie domine toujours, comme si la célébrité conduisait forcément à quelque chose de néfaste et crépusculaire. Trouvez moi un seul biopic optimiste ! Toutes ces stars paraissent haineuses, rebelles, déprimées, alcoolisées, droguées, malades, tristes, anxieuses... et évidemment, ça se termine toujours sur leur dernier souffle héroïque, et quelques images d'archives. Ah oui, et Tom Hanks est nul à chier !
Rated 17 Mar 2023
#4800 (08.01.2023)
Rated 11 Mar 2023
It looks like a 90's TV movie or an episode of CSI or a YouTube video from one of these popular history for ADD people channels, and would be unwatchable without Butler and Elvis' music, while Tom Hanks looks like your creepiest uncle with a ridiculous snow obsession (okay, that's still better than feet massages). Please, someone push James Mangold or at least Bryan Singer to do it properly.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
I just don’t get how Butler’s performance is even considered good. It’s funny how prescient Phantom of the paradise is when you look at a movie like this and what it’s want to say about a MAN’s IMPORTANCE THRU ART. There’s a scene that would be great if it wasn’t so serious where Elvis is trying to place himself in the pantheon of MLK/JFK etc from a political perspective. Usual Luhrmanm shlock where the colours run dull. Where a frantic movie feels like a lifetime. 68 special still goated tho
Rated 10 Mar 2023
“Elvis” is a mixed bag of a film from one of the most polarizing filmmakers working today. It’s still a sugar-rush ride of a movie, boosted to a pretty good one merely off the sheer skill of Austin Butler’s incredible, star-making performance. The lavish production and costume design work and the soundtrack are highlights, but the unfocused screenplay and self-indulgent moments drag it down.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
Colonel Parker ruins Elvis again.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
Butler’s performance is powerful and transformative. The last transition from him to Elvis was seamless. I’m especially amazed that Butler sang the musical bits himself, blended effortlessly to actual Elvis. I don’t care for Luhrmann’s style of having not-the-protagonist narrating when their role nor appeal warrants it. Parker is an especially skeevy choice for the voice of this biopic. The amount of sweat and music video style turbocharged editing would be enough to give anyone a wet ADHD.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Excellent film. Love the cast and the story.
Rated 15 Feb 2023
Luhrmann makes films that feel like Wikipedia articles where one notable moment literally blends into the next. It goes on in this fashion for so long, the worry crops up that this film may never settle for a damn minute of dramatic catharsis. I think some is found, eventually, but the exhausting slideshow ends up detaching is from our hero, and while Butler gives a definitive performance, we can’t quite connect with the big emotional swings.
Rated 04 Feb 2023
Tries way too hard to be au courant, what with playing the modern songs overtop of flashbacks, computer-generated location tags using every font in the font book, a comic book sequence, and all the montages from Parker's hospital room. Did I mention the quick cuts? This is full of them. The editors had fun but wow this is a real job to watch. Unless you have ADD; then you probably love the format so you can keep looking away and miss nothing. Butler and Hanks do what they can, but isn't enough.
Rated 01 Feb 2023
Incredible how many facts they got wrong in this movie. It is to be expected that in a dramatization of a person's life there will be embellishments. But to embellish the story of Elvis to fit the view of a "modern" audience... please. The only good part of this movie is the life Austin Butler gives to his role as Elvis.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Very pretty at times, and it did a good job of capturing what Elvis was all about, but you're not looking for subtlety with Luhrmann and you'll certainly find none here. I think that's to the film's detriment in this case. It's extremely overwrought, almost self-parodic, and overdone. It hits the viewer over the head over and over with its main points. The character of the Colonel is super annoying (I'll give Hanks the benefit of the doubt and assume he nailed it and it's the real guy's fault.)
Rated 29 Jan 2023
The enervating, unending montage of the first third or so was somewhat entertaining, if not especially coherent or stylistically pleasing. Once the movie slows down however, it becomes a boring melodrama that only barely functions because Austin Butler plays his part well. Luhrmann's direction has never worked for me: maximalism with no playfulness or emotional punch. However, everyone's beloved Tom Hanks is much to blame for his cartoonish villain pulling the whole movie down with him.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Austin Butler's performance just blew me away. When I heard about the casting, I was skeptical to say the least. I never would have pictured him as Elvis, but he completely embodies the role, and because the performance is so good, it makes him look the role as a result as well. A lot of people who dislike the movie seem to focus on Tom Hanks' role, but I personally didn't find anything wrong with it, and his role wasn't really big enough to be able to take away from Austin's performance anyway.
Rated 28 Jan 2023
Typical Baz Luhrmann fever dream. Which made this a really weird biopic to watch. A little hectic and hard to follow at first. Most of the interpretations and covers of Elvis's music were really good. But in the end, it just didn't pop the way you would expect these two names together would. Austin Butler WAS Elvis inside and out though.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
The problem with Elvis is that it's a rather straight forward biopic that relies heavily on flashy visuals. Occasionally you'll see an interesting bit of cinematography or editing, but in between those fleeting moments is mostly just a bloated melodramatic mess. Austin Butler is servicable, but definitely not good enough for me to get lost in the performance the way an icon like Elvis needs to be portrayed. Also WTF is Tom Hanks doing here?
Rated 16 Jan 2023
I was surprised I found getting through this movie to be a chore. No scene lasted more than fifteen seconds it seemed for the first hour. It felt like a miniseries was rushing to cut its length from 8 one hour episodes to 1 three hour movie. The two redeeming qualities to this movie are the music and Austin Butler's performance. But I mostly hated both the frantic style and Tom Hanks' performance/ the unnecessary narration from his character.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
Luhrmann's style unfortunately doesn't fit the story at certain dramatic moments, Hanks' character is hard to decipher and you are kinda left wanting to learn more about a huge cultural phenomenon like Elvis more. But Butler's performance is very impressive, and it's nonetheless a fresh take on the music biopic subgenre that spits a movie out every damn year.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Very good. Basically a documentary and it sounded like it was accurate. It would have taken 30 hours to better cover his life, but still too long at 2.5 hours.
Rated 11 Jan 2023
Baz Luhrmann is still around? I had no idea going in, and I could tell within twenty minutes that I had seen this style before. Excessive, glossy, and sometimes incoherent. It's hard to identify or relate to anyone on screen. Who decided that Hanks should dive off the deep end? This may be my least favorite Hanks performance. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this movie. I just want more organic heart and soul, and when the movie strives for that it feels hollow.
Rated 09 Jan 2023
More of a live-action cartoon than any MCU entry...
Rated 17 Dec 2022
As per usual, it's an over-the-top Baz Luhrmann film. However, his directing style works to the movie's benefit, because he's working with the life story of one of the most over-the-top celebrities to ever walk the planet. Plus, when he slows down on the theatrics, he's able to cover the big talking points of Elvis's career that we may or may not be familiar with.
Rated 02 Dec 2022
I hate the Colonel. Also Austin Butler holy smokes.
Rated 15 Nov 2022
I'm not a big fan of Elvis, but this still worked surprisingly well. Butler is superb and Hanks isn't quite as bad as everyone says.
Rated 04 Oct 2022
The script is hackneyed and historically dodgy AF, and the movie is about 30 minutes too long. But Luhrmann makes this appalling American tragedy look gorgeous, and the two leads, Austin Butler and (despite all the negativity here) Tom Hanks, are superb. Elvis is still king.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
TikTok's first feature film. There's some craft to the filmmaking, editing, and cinematography that I found admirable, but the film lacks substance. You'd think there'd be enough material to pick from to make Elvis seem interesting, but these writers certainly didn't find it.
Rated 22 Sep 2022
Rated 11 Sep 2022
Long. Austin Butler was good.
Rated 10 Sep 2022
A kaleidoscope of the annoying.
Rated 07 Sep 2022
Elvis can be more a myth than a man but this film is at least a fitting retelling of that legend with Butler's pitch perfect performance as the King of Rock & Roll being a particular delight.
Rated 06 Sep 2022
Had high expectations because of Hanks and previous Elvis bios. But this was crap. Bad script, bad direction. Stopped watching after about 15 minutes. The only interesting bit was probably Elvis' parents.
Rated 05 Sep 2022
The first half-hour is delightful. It’s got an infectiously fizzy flash-bang energy and Elvis’ first stage performance in particular is one of my favorite scenes of the year so far. Unfortunately, that energy is absolutely not sustained for the rest of the film. A substantial amount of this film is kind of a bummer, and a surprisingly dull one as it bumbles its way through familiar music bio-pic beats.
Rated 05 Sep 2022
que jornada, bom ter visto no cinema
Rated 04 Sep 2022
Austin Butler transforms into Elvis right before our very eyes and deserves all the praise he is getting. The film however aside from his performance does have some inconsistencies in the way it tells his life story. There is flare presented in a situation that did not occur in real life and it took me out of this feeling like a true biopic. There was enough behind tbe scenes drama that no embellishments were needed. Elvis was and remains the most polarizing artist that ever graced the stage.
Rated 04 Sep 2022
My praise is directed mainly at Butler’s performance, which is excellent. That said, I just can’t enjoy Baz Luhrmann’s manic/zany style. I found it migraine inducing with Romeo + Juliet, and it’s only marginally more tolerable here. Of course, this is just personal taste, but the style just doesn’t work for me.
Rated 29 Aug 2022
Above the average music biopic, but it was just like an ensemble of disconnected scenes, very well done scenes and well-acted, but there was no chemistry between the characters and no connecting theme
Rated 28 Aug 2022
A strange decision to make a two and a half hour movie of the Father Ted Talent Show episode.
Rated 16 Aug 2022
45 anos da morte de Elvis. Sou suspeita pra falar, já que sou fã do Luhrmann há 30 anos, mas gostei bem desse, mesmo tendo querido que o diretor tivesse ousado mais em diatribe a la biografias musicais do Ken Russell. O único porém é a duração, assisto um filme de 5 horas do Lav Diaz numa boa, mas não tenho a mesma boa vontade com blockbuster hollywoodiano. NÃO FAÇAM FILMES PIPOCA COM MAIS DE 100 MINUTOS. WEBRip RARBG.
Rated 13 Aug 2022
A film industry lesson in miscasting a famous actor as an office-box draw: even after 2 hours 39 mins it was still simply Tom-Hanks-in-a-fat-suit (the rest was great, Baz doing what Baz does best).
Rated 10 Aug 2022
Electric, chaotic, off the wall - is that the subject or the director? It just works here, helped along by a towering performance by Butler. They didn't smooth over Colonel Parker like I feared either.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
Tom Hanks was bad. Despite this, it's a good movie.
Rated 07 Aug 2022
Its the editing that really elevates this film. While it does not fully save it from the egregious runtime, it does provide cover to Tom Hanks' quite terrible whatever it is that he is doing. Surprisingly good movie.
Rated 01 Aug 2022
I found hanks ruined it with the awful monologues and he was involved in it way too much. It shows a much more in depth relationship between the 2, but I just wanted to hear of the king and see his life. Some politics with the 2 is good but there was a lot. Then again it is needed to see how the colonel did kill the king. Film teaches you a lot about his life. though the environment was a garbage woke idea about how the 40,50 and 60’s where,however it wouldn’t seem to under fetched to mr average
Rated 31 Jul 2022
Somehow touching, great music, great mix, fast editing, storytelling and acting!
Rated 30 Jul 2022
This is Luhrmann’s movie through and through. You were expecting another version of Bohemian Rhapsody? Well, you’ll sorta get that, but you’ll get it really fast-paced and stylized. He’s made a name for himself making old-timey epic tragedies that still manage to be extremely modern and full of fast, stylized editing. And that’s what this is.
Rated 11 Jul 2022
A six-hour movie about a musical sex god who grooms a child for marriage and takes 100% credit for all Black music ever made crammed into the fatsuit of a three-hour movie about some villain played by Tom Hanks I guess. Butler is definitely hot as young Elvis, but even that doesn’t redeem this frenetic mess.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
It's quite an accomplishment to get an almost three hour movie to feel rushed, but when it happens it's usually with biopics that try to depict an entire life. It's still a good experience because Elvis' life is an engaging story and the acting is good, but the film would have benefited from telling a bit less to be able to go deeper and let the scenes settle a bit more.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
Baz Luhrmann's 'Elvis' is a tour de force of energy. While this makes for a fast-paced overview of The King's "greatest hits," if you will, Luhrmann's over-the-top style prevents the film from revealing who Elvis truly was. The movie would have benefited greatly from a few intimate, quiet moments. Regardless, it's Austin Butler's performance as Elvis that truly brings the film to life. With this role, a star is born. 3 out of 4 stars for 'Elvis.' Definitely a movie worth seeing in theatres.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
I thought Tom Hanks was poor and the movie isn't called "Colonel Tom Parker", it's called "Elvis", way too much of his character. Give Austin Butler his Oscar!
Rated 29 Jun 2022
You should probably see the film. It's bombastic, energetic, flashy, glamy and with great music. It's also very biased and shows very little of actual struggles. Hanks plays easily the worst role of his life. The perspective which they choose is stupid. The film is too long. But even with these things it's part of general film education and for how it's long it passes really quickly. I probably won't ever see it again but I'm very happy that I did it. A very interesting but biased biopic.
Rated 29 Jun 2022
Elvis Has Left The Building. Elvis Presley'in hayat hikayesi. Çocukluk yaşında kilise müziği ile tanışan Elvis, ailesine iyi 1 hayat yaşaması için şarkıcı olmayı seçer. Fakat sahnede o kadar harika olur ki, 1 süperstar olur. Austin Butler'ın karizmatik oyunculuğu ile izletirken filmi, kostüm, prodüksiyon tasarımı ve makyaj Oscar adaylığını cebine indiriyor. Müzikleri de Oscar'ı alır. Filmin sonunda, son konser. For I Can't help falling in love with you.


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