Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
Your probable score
Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 21m
Before she was Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny. (imdb)

Wonder Woman

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 21m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 44.2% from 4338 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 10 Jul 2017
Competent enough, but there's barely any 'wow' moments to make Wonder Woman truly memorable. Sanitizing WW1 is disappointing but understandable considering its function as The First Decent Kid-Friendly Superheroine Movie. And while it warms my heart-substitute that li'l gals have a Gal to emulate, the slow deflating of plot and logic and reasons to care in the second half ensures this never rises above the basic super-movie-template. Fingers crossed for a future Squirrel Girl flick though.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Let's be honest. Most superhero movies suck, right? Because of that undisputable fact, and because this one is, for once, actually a decent film, many reviewers seem to be under the delusion that it's a near-great film. And, well, I think they're wrong.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
Overall, I was entertained, and largely enjoyed everything preceding the final act of this film. Gadot truly embodies a wonderful mixture of poise, wisdom, and naivete in this film and fully earns our attention as viewers. That being said, the film is often clunky in its pacing, and the supporting characters and writing begin to fall off the further the story marches forward. The conclusion is full of insipid CGI mayhem and vacuous platitudes about "love" saving us all. Best DCU since TDK by far
Rated 02 Jun 2017
The worst remake of Thor I've ever seen. They even botched the ending by making it Captain America. It's not bad throughout, just weird and unconvincing. At times it is really bad. It's never really good. I think the public perception of this movie is further proof that I have no connection to the outside world and probably need to live in a cave. I give up.
Rated 16 Jul 2017
Editing my review now in November 2021. Definitely not the best superhero movie of that year and I initially let myself get overhyped, but it has grown on me after a few viewings. Gadot, while certainly not amazing, is pretty charming at times and embodies the character well enough. The rest of the acting is good and I am glad to see a woman helmed the directing seat for it. Aside from some awful lines and shoddy cgi, it’s honestly pretty well written and made. Not my favorite, but still solid
Rated 31 Oct 2017
Batman v Superman left a bad taste in my mouth, especially Eisenberg, and casting Affleck as Batman sounded like a bad idea until I saw him. Couple that with Leto's Joker and a pretty limp "Suicide Squad" and you can see why I had no faith for new DC movies. The ending could have been better, but "Wonder Woman" was a turning point. It was a solid movie, full of action from the get-go, enough laughs to fill the gaps and eye candy galore, and you can interpret that however you'd like.
Rated 31 May 2017
I'm a little shocked. This is the first time I'm seeing a porn movie without any nudity, all the models were clad in some stupid cosplay shit the whole time. These eyes have seen actual porn with much better acting, more interesting characters, more shocking plot twists, more convincing drama, and funnier comedy. Need I mention more beautiful women and "action," too? Come to think of it, I have even seen porn more feminist than this wannabe feminist milf garbage.
Rated 22 Jul 2017
Gal Gadot is perfectly cast, Chris Pine is great, the film looks and sounds fantastic. Sadly, it suffers in the final act due to some genre conventions and weak villains plus overuse of CGI. I do look forward to future WW adventures with Gadot though!
Rated 21 Jun 2017
Though I may be one of few who enjoyed both BvS and Suicide Squad, I still think Wonder Woman is an awesome step in the right direction. Though it follows a little too closely to Marvel's formula, it still manages to fly by many of their recent releases in terms of acting and direction. The story has its stutters as superhero movies tend to do, but overall it falls on the positive side of coherent. A more than solid film, and step up for the DCEU.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
Captain America The First Avenger (DC Edition). Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman carries the action well and effectively conveys the characters innocence, fares less well in the big emotional moments. It spends a bit of time on the impact of war. The supporting cast are all pretty good with a little depth. Too long and the final act has too much bad guy monologuing and CGI fighting but compared to recent DC films it's better than Man of Steel and brings to an end their downward trend in quality since
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Let's do our level-headed best to put the gender politics aside for now and talk about this as a movie, rather than a lacking or effective feminist manifesto. On second viewing, I see some of the cracks, but they really don't bother me that much. I wanted Gal to be gorgeous and kick ass. I got that. I wanted this to feel like a DCCU movie but more accessible. It was. I wanted this to be my favorite DCCU film to this point. It probably is. So I got what I wanted and I liked how it got there, too.
Rated 01 May 2018
I'm going to compare the back half of this film to the back half of a woman. Correction. I am going to apologize for this review.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
You just know that in the first draft of the script when Pine says "that's no man's land, no man can go out there", Gadot would reply "I'm no man".
Rated 06 Jun 2017
I was worried I wouldn't like this movie but I'm glad to be proven wrong. Slight overuse of CGI and slow-mo, caricature villains and other general qualms from DC and superhero movies in general but this is fresh, stylish and has a surprising amount of depth and emotion at times. Gal Gadot is great and nails the naive yet strong-willed feel to the character, there's good chemistry with Pine too and generally the overall tone of it all works. It's a great popcorn flick with purpose.
Rated 21 Sep 2017
I very much enjoyed Wonder Woman. The characters weren't stupid. I was moved at times. Gal Gadot was simply amazing as a heroic WW, and she kicked butt. There was no high-handed feminist message and Chris Pine played a strong character. And you know what? Conventions are fine if not egregiously done. I wasn't thrilled, though, with Magneto (oops, Ares), the final fight, and how easily she took him out in the end. And at times the CGI was too ... I don't know, CGI-ish.
Rated 08 Jul 2017
About 1/3 of the writing (both dialogue and plot) is horrid. The slow motion was a little much at times. The accents by pretty much all the actors were very questionable at times. That said, I'm tired of super heroes being totally unwilling to kill bad guys and Wonder Woman kills the shit out of some bad guys. Like sword though the heart kills. Top tier little girl film.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
As good as any origin story will be for the foreseeable future. We've seen so many in such a short amount of time that a lot is recognizable. Being essentially a war movie in the second half helps hide some of the cliches. Action scenes are mostly fun and the speed ramping at random times that Zack Snyder created and is now used in every DC movie works well here since most of the time it slows down to illustrate the cool shit she is doing instead of just trying making a punch look more badass.
Rated 04 Jan 2020
A super warrior joins a rag tag group of soldiers to slip behind enemy lines to defeat the Nazis during WWII. Same plot as the first Captain America film, just swap genders and origins. Gal Gadot does a great job as WW, and is definitely a "strong female lead", but there's no "SJW gotta make the woman stronger than everyone else because reasons" nonsense here. It makes sense that she can kick every man's ass, after all, she's a Demi-God. Shout out to Patty Jenkins for her solid directing as well
Rated 22 Oct 2017
The first hour or so shows us, that, in the DCU, a female led superhero film can suck exactly as much as a male one. Then, after a (mercifully) short reinactment of Pretty Woman set in London the movie got its shit together and the rest of the film was actually enjoyable enough.
Rated 10 Oct 2017
Very likeable. Gadot is perfect for the role and nails it, and Pine plays the charming foil very well. It's restricted by its conventional final act, an uninteresting villain, disposable support characters who never get disposed of, and a fairly hokey screenplay. Action is fun though, bar the CGI messy and weightless final battle. It's comfortably the DCEU's best effort however, if not quite living up to its hype.
Rated 06 Sep 2017
Honestly, I hated the movie. Filled with unnecessary, slow scenes; lacking on both the sci-fi and action front; boring as the usual enemy are the Germans and of course they're the ones that are easiest to poison with "bad thoughts"; extremely poor sexual dialogue; overly sexualizing the hero; wrong history interpretation of the way the Germans looked during WWI and finally - very predictable flick. I've read tons of comments and still don't get the hype/positive feedback. Bad, just bad.
Rated 01 Sep 2017
Can't believe I've been tricked into watching yet another mediocre superhero film
Rated 31 Aug 2017
24th everyone drunk?
Rated 18 Jul 2017
So, I guess she decided to sit out WWII then?
Rated 02 Jul 2017
It's a wonder I stayed awake through it.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Compared to the other DCEU movies, Wonder Woman is pretty decent. But let's not pretend - this is not a great movie. Mostly competent, if overstuffed, and I liked one or two actions scenes, some themes, and some of the music. But it's still ugly, with too much CGI, bad dialogue, and unfunny jokes. Pine is bland. Huston and Anaya are embarrassing cartoons. Gadot may not be a great actor, but she is very, very, very pretty. It's not garbage, but don't fool yourselves - it ain't great.
Rated 09 Sep 2019
A likeable superhero romp, but it could have been punchier. Gadot was very good, and this gets bonus marks for red hot Ewen Bremner action. I've probably seen enough superhero films this year now...
Rated 04 Aug 2018
What do you know... DC can produce a decent superhero movie. After a difficult start it's nice to see Gal Gadot starting to fill the... bra.
Rated 27 Jul 2018
That this got great reviews because it has a woman instead of a man doing the exact same deadbrained Snyder bullshit is immaterial; that an IDF-member/supporter plays a superhero who wants to end all wars by killing a shadowy, mythical manipulator (who supplies arms to both sides and was behind the Armistice) AND talks to a Native American who perversely feels at liberty when he's in a warzone after a genocide killed off most of his race... jet fuel can't melt steel beams, people.
Rated 25 Dec 2017
Gadot in this role is the most luminous screen presence of 2017. Just the rawness in her voice when her emotions overwhelm her bursts through a decade of stale comic product. And because she's also innocent and kind, this fury acts as class and inspiration. How else to explain that I'm suddenly moved by hero fights, slow-mo and apocalyptic vistas? Great pulp.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
Wonder Woman's boyfriend stops World War I by sacrificing himself, after Wonder Woman abandons her sisterhood and individual identity. This is an insultingly bad, overrated compilation of nonsense. It's two different films, and it's not the same character motivations in both. It's nice that young women have a superhero in a major movie; it's too bad the movie is horrible.
Rated 17 Jul 2017
An incredible performance from Gal Gadot and incredible direction from Patty Jenkins. Gadot uses her voice, facial expressions, and bodily movement masterfully, akin to Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight or Christopher Reeve in the Superman movies.
Rated 24 Jun 2017
An okay first act (woman saving man as the first big plot point is a highlight amongst the generic child flashback/training scenes) and a messy third act (the surprise villain is unfounded and weakly executed; same goes for WW's love thing) are held up by a wonder-ful second act in which Diana's touching mix of compassion, innocence, and magnificent strength breaks through patriarchal bullshit in spectacular fashion (I nearly cried when she said "no" to Steve and leapt out of the trench).
Rated 17 Jun 2017
Remove the sheer excitement people have for getting a female lead-role in a superhero film and you get a movie with some serious tropes, lengthy and drawn out introduction (half the film can be viewed as one big intro), unimaginative and underdeveloped main villain (and others villains) all of which bogs down what could've been a good movie with a pretty good cast, well acted and nice action scenes. This amounts to a mediocre film that I recommend watching as a rental and without expectations.
Rated 13 Jun 2017
Appalling for how mediocre and cliche it was - I wondered if they had bothered to watch any superhero origin movies from the last 15 years. I adored the first act, but as soon as Wonder Woman left her island she became a supporting character in her own movie - the "muscle" team member in a wartime heist movie that I found extraordinarily boring, swamped with cgi and unconvincing action and sets, and drowning in tropes and broad performances. All this makes it the best DC universe flick so far...
Rated 08 Jun 2017
A little too much slo-mo action & the heroine comes to realize that her guiding philosophy will be "Love" (which just makes anyone uttering it seem willfully simplistic) but, speaking as a long-time male comic fan I still felt choked up finally getting to see a childhood icon get the blockbuster treatment. This origin thankfully let the writers break thorough the character's unrelatable 1-dimensionally perfect nature by making her foolishly naïve. Now they just have to figure out the sequel
Rated 07 Jun 2017
WW overcomes its various (plot, villain, support characters) deficiencies by the way Jenkins' camera lovingly captures Gadot's naively, justifiably, Wonderfully out-of-step persona and high idealism. While there may not be much range, the sheer impact creates a memorable character worth investment. Whenever the film deviates from this - like the bizarro ending, the equivalent of playing a Diablo all-nighter on a Vodka Monster bender - it, arguably, loses the audience that needs WW the most.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
From the start, ignoring perhaps the unnecessary bookend, a magnificent, powerfully exhilarating experience full of extraordinary moments big and small. It is an especial shame, then, that the climax was underwhelmingly average, leaping continents backwards from the exquisite artistry of its prior action sequences to finish with a hugely disappointing explosion battle between two CG figures. It left a sour taste in the mouth, especially since the rest of the film was so remarkably good.
Rated 03 Jun 2017
Better than any DC movie since the Nolan batman. Of course, that doesn't say much. A paint by the numbers origin story for the most part with good acting and decent pacing. They do try to turn things on their head a bit with a twist before the film's climax. Although I appreciate the attempt, the twist is thematically problematic. I also wish that the tone was darker, the film fails to communicate the horrors of war that Diana is offended by and all of the villains are comically evil.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Brilliant. I'm glad Jenkins got the gig to prove women can direct these kind of movies. This movie carries a lot of emotions, and personally this movie had lots of charm, all while knowing when to tone it down. In a lot of ways, this movie showed some of the issues we live with today. Action sets were great, Gadot was perfect for WW and Pine was amazing as well. The movie did so many things right for me. Hopefully this will give more female driven super hero movies a shot, because it deserves to
Rated 20 Mar 2021
Hopefully the last time I'll fall for the bait-and-switch of half-believing the reviews calling something the "most mature superhero movie yet" only to watch two hours of grand guignol acting, artless video game cutscenes and puerile, bathetic dialogue. The attempt to craft an airheaded comic book caper from the relentless, almost ineffable horror of WW1 comes off as downright obscene.
Rated 14 Oct 2020
Thor: The First Avenger. In fairness, this is the best DCEU film I’ve seen so far (MOS and SS being the others), but I’m not sure I understand the acclaim. I liked Steve Trevor, some of the action, and the fish out of water elements. For some reason the story never grasped me, the plot twist could not be more basic, and the villain is forgettable. The CGI is at times laughable, and the slow motion is often far slower than it needs to be. Weaker than most of the MCU (although better than TDW)
Rated 28 Oct 2017
A delightful tale of a young woman who leaves her home town to seek fame and fortune at the "Front".
Rated 19 Oct 2017
Leave it to Hollywood to make a movie about a blue-eyed white guy, call it "Wonder Woman" and fill it with racial-stereotype sidekicks tasked with clumsy PC pandering. And to beautify and glorify violence amidst the spewing of anti-war cliches. This has all the droning, mind-numbing idiocy of all the other Zack Snyder scripts you've seen, to the power of all the shitty Marvel comics you've seen, or is it DC. But hey, chapeau to my fellow Israeli, Gal Gadot, as the thuggish love interest.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Not bad. Thinly forged plot twists and flip-flops disrupt the otherwise WWE inspired "wonder woman vs aries" title match booking. Something about love and blah-blah helps WW kill her own brother while some random spy she bonked saves the day. Makes sense. Family values take a hit, but that's an acceptable trade for a female superhero and slow-mo swatting of Germans. Right?
Rated 27 Jul 2017
(maybe spoilers) I was really pleasantly surprised by this. I was expecting to be holding my head in shame and instead I got a fairly decent movie. The war stuff was handled really well and her character is as head strong as you would expect from Wonder Woman. Ares was cool in his armor for about 5 seconds until you realize that he is an incredible CGI mess. They couldn't have given this guy real armor to wear? That was really my biggest complaint. The movie does what it meant to do. establish.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
It has undoubtedly been overhyped for being the first modern female superhero film, and for being the first DCEU film that isn't a total mess, but that doesn't mean it isn't an entertaining and mostly satisfying experience. Keeping the focus on character over spectacle (most of the time) certainly helps. The color grading is still excessive, but at least there's a reason behind it this time.
Rated 26 Jun 2017
Wonder Woman is definitely the best film in the DCEU to date and I was pleasantly surprised by this refreshing and well executed origins story from Patty Jenkins. From the outset and throughout I cared about the characters and both Gal Gadot & Chris Pine impress and compliment one another. The set pieces are spectacular and there's some nice human touches and nods to Richard Donner's original Superman. Wonder Woman has given the DCEU a fresh platform to build on and I have higher hopes for JL.
Rated 21 Jun 2017
Takes the good elements from both the first Thor and Captain America movies and doesn't use those aspects very well, but somehow still makes a movie that is better, thought less interesting, than either Thor or Captain America
Rated 21 Jun 2017
Wanted to like it, but just got more of the same old, same old filmmaking-by-committee bullshit that tanks every single one of these things in the third act. Also, if I have to sit through one more extended "fish out of water" Will-Ferrell-in-Elf sequence I'm gonna scream.
Rated 18 Jun 2017
It's a decent enough action film, and it's great to see a film with a strong female lead doing well, but it's littered with little flaws that just chip away at the enjoyment. It has that Zach Snyder-y, if it's worth doing it's worth doing in super slow-mo stink on it, and a lot of mansplaining goes on. But Gal Gadot brings an awful lot to the role, displaying both the required strength of body and mind, and the fish-out-of-water naivity. It's OK. And that seems to be all we can hope for from DC.
Rated 12 Jun 2017
Step up for DC, but bit overhyped. Classic story with nothing unexpected and visuals have standard quality, nothing extraordinary. Gadot did good and justified being the chosen one for this role.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
Starts out semi-strong but by the time the World War 1 plot kicks in I was already bored. The ending is a disaster.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
Everybody: "Diana, no!" Diana: "Diana, yes!"
Rated 08 Jun 2017
This film is a joy to watch. Gal Gadot is fantastic in the lead role in this movie. There are plenty of interesting moments and action scenes throughout this story. Overall this is a well made film that I highly recommend.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
I don't get how this has gotten such glowing reviews. It is probably better than all of the other recent DC movies. And it isn't a formulaic as most of the Marvel origin stories. But there is so much exposition that it is boring. And the exposition is bad... missing important points and repeating stuff we don't care about, explaining stuff that can be seen on screen. Wonder Woman does more poses than fighting and then wins with the power of love and her boyfriend. WTF?
Rated 04 Jun 2017
can they just stop making these already
Rated 03 Jun 2017
more to admire, but it's not enough to frame your criticism of a movie with, 'better than these bad movies'
Rated 03 Jun 2017
Uninspired script and over the top unlikely action. Chris Pine had the only spark going on, and that was hit or miss.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
By far the best DCEU so for, and apart from some badly written dialogue, mainly around the comic scenes, plus the conventional ending, this is the best superhero origin movie since Batman Begins.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
I was rooting for it, hoping to enjoy it, but in the end it just didn't do it for me. It felt a lot like a Captain America movie, what with the mostly serious tone and WWI setting. The action was fine, acting was fine, it just didn't excite me. It went from origin story, to fish-out-of-water comedy, and then dropped attempting at fun and switched to only endless battling. It felt overlong. I saw "Suicide Squad" recently and didn't find this any better.
Rated 16 Sep 2023
Finally, a watchable DC adaptation (Gal Gadot as the most beautiful woman in Hollywood has a lot to do with it). The first act is slow, but when things move to London and the war zone, it starts to pick up as it brings in a good supporting cast (Political correctness squad, who would go to a war zone with a Fes and Scottish skirt is beyond me... But Gadot is really gorgeous mind you). Then it never really develops its villain properly, the biggest hole in DC stories, and again falters. Watchable
Rated 18 Jan 2020
Wonder Woman drives headlong into the standard stumbling blocks of most modern superhero movies, namely in its drab origin story, dull CGI set-pieces and undeserved sense of self-importance. The contrived romance only serves to undermine it as a piece of feminist cinema, and Gadot herself offers little screen presence or acting ability.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
I thought I was not going to like it but who does not like a World War referent. I did not look at the clock at any time. Enjoyable from beginning to end.
Rated 16 Aug 2018
Pretty cool but shallow action choreography falls away to some trashy-looking CGI, the "love will save the world" message is the safest, most generic platitude, and the side characters, while they may be more important in the world of the comic, feel horribly tacked on and only exacerbate the pacing issues. The interesting things it adds to the genre are the subversion of the male gaze (which, to be fair, is totally worth delving into), and a more believable (but still underdeveloped) romance.
Rated 28 Jun 2018
Some very nice action in this one, and excellent production value in the war scenes. Better than expected. Worth a watch.
Rated 12 Mar 2018
The first two thirds of the film are great, but that last act is just boring.
Rated 08 Mar 2018
I expected to hate this movie because it has a woman in it but I ended up loving it because it's racist
Rated 02 Feb 2018
Good, considering how hard it apparently is to make a good superhero film. The whole thing with Ares at the end is actually not good, and that could've just been cut. But Gadot is a very, very good heroine who deserves sequels.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
An extremely average superhero movie that offers nothing but mindless action, average effects and a been there done that story. The WWI setting was simplified and nearly pointless as none of it mattered in the end. Gal Gadot was pretty terrible in this as she only managed one facial expression in the entire run time and she was completely unbelievable in the action scenes, and what was up with all the glam shots during those action scenes anyway. This has none of the humor of the ...
Rated 14 Nov 2017
This movie does a lot of important things, but the most important is that Wonder Woman gets to be a powerful, meaningful symbol of hope. The original idea of the character was a representative of feminist utopia, coming to bring the hope of utopia to a world ruined by patriarchy. In a world where that's really relatable, having a shining symbol in the middle of one of the dirtiest, most imperialist wars, getting in there and showing us a better way - that's Very Important.
Rated 20 Sep 2017
good british vs bad germans. was i watching a ww2 film the whole time? the only thing i knew about this going into it was that the lead actress is a supporter and former member of the IDF. one wonders if the great god zeus and his divine, ah, "peace"-promoting amazonians might be based upon a real-world example. although the lead amazonian sure spends a lot of time second to her entirely male groupies. neither the cake of feminism nor the mastication of anti-imperialism can we have.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Gadot is the triumph here being both radiant and magnetic in the title role, as Wonder Woman should be. Unfortunately WW comes across as an overly long retread of the first Captain America with an added Themyscira opening, and during the 140 min runtime there is little that surpasses the impact of WW's cameo in BvS which was the best thing about that film. Overall WW is still pretty good and should be a worthy inspiration to young girls who see it but it proved to be less than I hoped
Rated 09 Jul 2017
Wonder Woman is a solid action flick from DC's superhero stable. Oh, and Spud does a little singing. Nothing wrong with that.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
Despite flaws I wanted to like this movie. The heroine was a good example for female viewers and there was enough cool fighting scenes for rest of us. This is probably the way superhuman films ought to look like, but I found it a bit too clean and harmless for my taste.
Rated 16 Jun 2017
It's awesome to have a female lead superhero for a change. Too bad the movie isn't that great, though.
Rated 14 Jun 2017
"WW" might not garner any originality awards but for the most part succeeds in meshing exciting action and good humour. Thus I can't help but feel this is quite a Marvel-ized film - maybe not as good but trying earnestly. The cast is fine and that theme song is majestic. Also, when it comes to hero shots, there's enough in here to make your hair stand up. Alas, the final act is disappointing: instead of offering a climax, the film just settles for an unconvincing, messy, prolonged flatness.
Rated 12 Jun 2017
Probably helped that I was completely unaware of Wonder Woman's origin or much of her story at all. Although it hit a lot of familiar story beats, it was quite a bit of fun to see her childlike naivete in the context of the war to end all wars. Gadot is an absolute treasure, and Pine played a nice sidekick. Of course it succumbed to the giant CGI-fest of a climactic battle that feels exactly the same as every other superhero movie, but it otherwise stands largely above its competitors.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
A film without its faults, but still quite entertaining. Admittedly, I do not know the canon of the story, but nonetheless, waiting for the next installments.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
It is about a woman, a loving woman a strong woman. No stereotypes no heaviness she just is. It's not easy to do it on film. It is done. Kudos! A great contribution to the superhero genre in movies.
Rated 10 Jun 2017
Really you just need good action and good humor to carry a superhero film and this has both. Gadot brings extra charm to her powerful yet slightly naive character. I always enjoy Chris pine. The two main characters develop really well even if the plot certainly doesn't until it reaches its giant superhero battle weve all learned to action but i was still itching for it to end so i could go pee out all those whiskey sours id been getting from the bar
Rated 09 Jun 2017
WONDER WOMAN is fine popcorn entertainment, hinting that DC might be learning from the mistakes of its less cohesive offerings. While it doesn't reinvent the wheel, the film certainly nails the fundamentals. The character's inherent gender politics are also cleverly handled, as the heroine's obstacles are made to feel more visceral and personal than in the typical genre blockbuster, courtesy of some of the most graceful, exhilarating action sequences in recent memory.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
It's like The Fifth Element, basically. With less memorable characters.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
It's kind of amazing how doing something different in the stale superhero genre is enough to make it feel like a fresh film. The film is greatly enhanced with a female director, as she manages to subtly capture the film's not-so-subtle feminist themes. The shot of Gadot walking in on a naked Pine, subverting the traditional male gaze, for example.
Rated 07 Jun 2017
Better than the previous DC fairs since Nolan but still a par for the course super hero movie. Some beutiful shots with beautiful people. Frustrating that in a big budget movie they can't take the time to do a fight scene without a dozen cuts. Also felt it was a little long.
Rated 07 Jun 2017
It was okay. The amazons vs germans battle was cool as fuck, and that moment where Ares forges his armor is the coolest thing ever. Apart from that, it was your standard superhero origin story, combined with the shitty trope about love being the solution to everything. I understand the overhype, it's about time DC made a good movie and superhero movies got a proper female lead. Can't blame anyone for that. But don't get fooled, it's just average good, nothing more.
Rated 06 Jun 2017
We knew Gal Gadot would do great in standalone movie after seeing her in Dawn of Justice. She really is a great Wonder Woman cast. DC movies are always a bit dragging but this one was a fine movie.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
The Ares stuff didn't really work, but Gadot and Pine were absolutely wonderful together. And That Scene where you finally see Diana in full costume was incredibly exhilarating!
Rated 04 Jun 2017
While not the movie hardcore comic fans deserve, it is the female-led superhero movie the world needs, and the one perverts like David Edelstein want. Meanwhile, Armond White is a contrarian troll and his WW review is mostly a whiny Conservative diatribe; but he is right that Snyder is the kind of visionary director that will snap superhero films out of its trite mass-appeal formulas (see: Avengers franchise).
Rated 04 Jun 2017
Wonder Woman is the first movie in the DC Extended Universe that isn't, at best, mediocre. It's a great movie that delivers both the escapist action one would want from most superhero movies as well as some unexpected thematic depth as Diana experiences both the good and bad sides to humanity through fresh eyes. It's stylish, entertaining, and contains a star-making turn from Gal Gadot. What a good movie.
Rated 02 Jun 2017
It's indeed the best of the DCEU so far!
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Gal puts in a really great performance here, and Pine was well suited for this role. While I look forward to seeing WW back in a contemporary setting, this was a great origin story, full of emotion and even some laughs (something that DCEU movies lack). Closer to, but darker than, a typical Marvel movie, this should strike a good balance for those who feel BvS was too oppressively dark. Some great action sequences, specifically when her theme first hits. Still not tired of superheroes.
Rated 10 Jan 2022
A shield-bearing hero in red-white-blue fighting Germans in a World War... Didn't we already do that? WW is mostly just a bland super hero film with a couple of positives like Dawn Tinsley, the sexy Xena outfits and her non-conformity. WW ends up getting dragged down by bad CGI, Snyder-esque use of slow-mo, the stupid Shakira walk on the front line and the video game boss battle at the end. Also love how she forgets how to jump through windows and destroys an entire church to kill one guy. Ugh.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
A lot of charm in what might be the best non-Nolan DC film. Gal Gadot is absolutely stunning, and I could watch her walking around, being sexy, and having awkward misadventures all day. Great chemistry with Chris Pine. I can barely remember the plot of the film, despite how recent it is, outside of the plot twist at the end, but the parts in the middle more than make up for it.
Rated 07 Jan 2021
The acting is wooden, the plot is way too straight forward yet boring, the CGI are below average, the politics are tame and not challenging, the action relies on fast-slow-fast (we are still doing this?), the depiction of war is ridiculous. I fail to see any redeeming quality, except maybe the over the top end fight.
Rated 05 Jan 2021
An Amazon princess leaves her lush tropical island to live in a world of urban cityscapes made of glass and steel. Trained by Greek warriors and equipped with exceptional gifts, she is the emissary of the gods who will become one of the greatest heroines of all time.
Rated 13 Feb 2020
This is one stupid film. Also Gal Gadot is a terrible actress.
Rated 02 Feb 2020
OK superhero movie that felt like it came from Marvel instead of the broody DC ones we've seen (maybe that's why I kept expecting to see Captain America here). The CGI was not stellar and the fight scenes were not always top-notch (I hate the 300-style stop-motion). The plot frayed a lot as it rushed to get to the final boss battle with moony Ares. I wish the opening setup of the warrior women army had been used later in the film.
Rated 20 Oct 2019
Gal Gadot does an excellent job as Wonder Woman in this film. She's very powerful. Well written story. Her enemy is The God of War Aries. She's made out of Clay. Part God because her father is Zeus. Similar to the God of War game on PS2 - PS3.
Rated 13 May 2019
I wanted to love it, especially after two years of hype. But sadly, everything past the excellent opening 20-30 minutes fell pretty flat for me. The villain, the side characters, and the generic world war plotline all failed to be very captivating. Honestly, most of it was quite boring. The romantic subplot felt half-finished, the last act felt rushed and drawn out at the same time, and the final twist was very, very meh. Overall, despite solid acting, not as great as I was hoping it would be.


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