

2h 35m
Feature adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel, about the son of a noble family entrusted with the protection of the most valuable asset and most vital element in the galaxy. (imdb)
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2h 35m
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Avg Percentile 65.14% from 4247 total ratings

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Rated 22 Oct 2021
They sure spent a lot of money on this trailer for part 2.
Rated 18 Oct 2021
This subject matter suffers in any format other than a television series or book series. There is almost no character development of secondary characters, so losses seem much less impactful. That being said, the main story and world building definitely feels like Dune. The cast is impressive, the effects are great, and the cinematography is stunning at times. All things you come to expect from Villeneuve. I would definitely be looking forward to a part II.
Rated 14 Sep 2021
Finally, a successful Dune (film) adaptation. Villeneuve trims the novel's many storylines down to the main event, loosing a lot of details (most notably supporting character depth), but what remains is an impressively restrained, visceral and streamlined space epic that doesn’t talk down to its audience. Fingers crossed that part two gets green lit.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
There were a couple of really good character moments from the book that I would like to have seen in this. Other than that, this was everything I wanted from a proper Dune adaptation. Denis Villeneuve has once again mixed sci/fi with arthouse to near perfection. All of the actors play their characters really well and the cinematography and visual effects are gorgeous. Everything just came together for me. It’s tonally consistent with the book and looks as I imagined everything. I loved it.
Rated 30 Sep 2021
Herbert wanted to write Dune as a subversion of the Chosen One/ white savior trope (and failed). Villeneuve made a pretty beautiful film, but he also fails in unpacking that narrative, the characters, in looking at the tools & products of imperialism and in depicting the Fremen in a fresh, subversive way. The militaristic domination of imperialist Atreides come off as noble (all beautiful and loving), especially when compared with cliche grotesque Harkonen. It's stunning, but beige and bland.
Rated 10 Nov 2021
A text about the liminal, shamanistic experience bursting forth into physical manifestation as if literally from the sands of time … I think this got the point. Villeneuve has this uncanny yet palpable ability to distill multiple planes of experiential time(s), overlayed like planetary alignments, to generate meaning - always there, unfulfilled for the moment, but ready. This could all have been a fugue state but the actors bring humanity and humility to this seminal, unwilling, space opera.
Rated 18 Sep 2021
Dune's epic grandeur & esoteric intricacy cannot practically coexist in cinematic form (as of yet). Villeneuve heroically avoids betraying Herbert's story but his caution also fails to do justice to its depth or work on its own, too afraid to dive into the characters & weird complex detail so essential to its meaning. The exquisite militarist dream aesthetic had me initially spellbound but without sufficient contrast it started to feel quite flat by the end. Part 2 may or may not solve all this.
Rated 22 Sep 2021
I love the first book, and Part I of Villeneuve's ambitious adaptation of it was a great cinematic experience, albeit an enrapturing one rather than a particularly engaging one. The visuals and Zimmer's score are fantastic, and I really liked Ferguson's performance.
Rated 24 Jan 2022
I knew I was going to love this, and I did. I sat back and let it wash over me. More movies need lasers that cut through everything.
Rated 24 Oct 2021
This is a perfect adaptation of Dune. It is long and boring and has everyone tripping over themselves claiming they love it the most. The only giant worms I care about are graboids.
Rated 17 Oct 2021
Grandiose, epic, impressive spectacle, practically shoving its huge budget and massive set design down your throat with every Very Serious scene. So focussed on Getting It Right that it hardly tries to do anything of its own or capture anything but the surface plot. Not nearly weird enough.
Rated 19 Oct 2021
After seeing it twice and having a few weeks to churn, what stands out to me is the grand achievement of all the moving parts fitting together to produce a lingering spectacle. Perfect casting, grandiose visuals, arresting audio and efficient worldbuilding; Dune is peak blockbuster filmmaking. Some characterizing and lore gets lost in the adaptation shuffle, but what lacks most is the tacticility of the oppressive Arrakeen heat. Have high hopes this will be fixed in (finger crossed) part 2.
Rated 21 Sep 2021
The movie alone doesn't offer much. The sets are totally dead, the characters don't have more depth than on the (horrible) posters you see everywhere, the music is provided by Hans Zimmer's annoying party horn, the pacing is totally off and the action is strangely tame. But I had fun with all the bangs and booms and the constant shit that was thrown in my face definitely kept my attention. Well, in a way at least.
Rated 01 Oct 2021
if nothing else, villeneuve's vision is an audiovisual feast that pulled me in with its slow, lingering pacing, which felt all the heavier whenever disrupted by those (admittedly too PG-rated) bombastic moments when it got in gear. it took me a minute to get behind the cast, but i ended up finding the choices mostly great. accredit some points to the rare cinema experience these days, but aside from the done-to-death "dreams" i pretty much loved this prolonged setup. it's time for the payoff!
Rated 28 Oct 2021
This has been Dune! We hope you enjoyed your visit. Next time we'll cook up a story for you.
Rated 17 Sep 2021
I hadn't heard of Dune before this film was announced. I wish I had. Dune is spectacular. Villeneuve really succeeded in directing this adaption. The visuals from Greig Fraser are breathtaking, some of the best ever. Hans Zimmer produces an amazing soundtrack. I think both Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac and Rebecca Ferguson stood out for me, but the entire cast was great. Hopefully we get a part two.
Rated 17 Sep 2021
Villeneuve has put my review of Dune (1984) to shame - this story DOES translate well to film. More please.
Rated 22 Sep 2021
How do you even rate a film that is so clearly half a movie? Dune had me engrossed throughout, with its epic scale, the bombastic score, the stellar cast and the massive amounts of worldbuilding that rarely feel like exposition dumps. It is also build-up upon build-up, with few payoffs and only surface-level investigation into its characters or the moral implications of its intriguing themes. With the right sequel, this could stand as a masterpiece. Without, it might end up as a total letdown.
Rated 18 Sep 2021
Breathtaking! Lacks character depth and the film basically ticks off plot point after plot point, but it more than makes up for it in visuals, production design and sound design. I am biased though, having read the book. And wanting to love this
Rated 19 Sep 2021
Visually stunning but lacks detail. I want to see a 4 hour version with all the bells and whistles.
Rated 24 Oct 2021
As close to perfect an adaptation (so far) as possible. Dazzling, disorienting, daring. Eat your heart out, Disney. Critiques: lack of Arab casting/cultural immersion (though this was a lose-lose decision on several fronts), some lost content (inevitable in any adaption), a couple casting decisions, elision of sexual content (OK rn, will be a problem if this continues in the series, as it's a major theme.) Director's cut? Commentary on recent Amerikan misadventures in the Middle East?
Rated 30 Sep 2021
I just love Villenevue's style, his choice for musics and colors in particular. I've remained stunned by his ability to capture my attention and dip me in a complete new world without losing a bit of credibility or realism, fictionally speaking. Great experience in theaters, recommended also because of a wonderful direction of the actors, 10/10
Rated 22 Oct 2021
So that guy's name is Gurney Halleck? Yeah, that's a good sci-fi/fantasy name. And what's that other guy's name? Duncan Idaho? DUNCAN IDAHO?! DUNCAN FUCKIN IDAHO??!!!
Rated 29 Oct 2021
Huge in scope and scale, Dune introduces us a some kind of Messiah story in space mixed with sci-fi and fantasy elements and pulls it off gloriously!.. But if you are already familiar with the Dune universe, this was only the scratch of the surface as the movie itself iterates; 'This is only the beginning'
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Man is Villeneuve a genius. Fair warning, I'm a mark for everybody in this. Unfilmable my ass, it just took sacrifices. Hook the 4-hour director's cut of this right to my veins, because there ARE huge swaths of character- and world-building missing from this in the name of time and watchability. What exists is streamlined, immense in tone and scale, tremendously performed, and I slide this pretty comfortably ahead of BR2049 due to knowing I won't need a second viewing to fully appreciate it.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Everything is so SERIOUS AND IMPORTANT AND LOUD that any semblance of building of character, modulating of tension, or moments of complexity/intrigue (character or world-building) are drowned in the sheer bigliness of it. The best moment of the movie is watching the little mouse collect the water from its big ears.
Rated 25 Oct 2021
Do you like huge and bombastic space operas? If you don't then you'll hate this. I think it is okay to have an overly serious science fiction film without quips and plot twists every now and then. I'm a sucker for Villeneuve's visuals and this does not disappoint.
Rated 18 Sep 2021
It is not terrible but I found it bland. I don't care about the characters. Why are they fighting with shortswords while shooting rockets at the same time and using super advanced shields? WHy in a huge fight between 2 groups, one guy randomly runs in front 25+ meters away from others, etc. I find some scenes very logical.
Rated 25 Sep 2021
I don't like sand.
Rated 30 Oct 2021
Even as the first of a two part series, a lot of corners were cut in the way of supporting characters with no development and too much exposition but it is impossible to deny the impeccable production design and breathtaking visuals of Herbert's one-of-a-kind world come to life. Denis Villeneuve might not be the kwisatz haderach but he is possibly the best working director at this moment and his vision for this material is undeniably captivating.
Rated 27 Oct 2021
An enormous epic that isn't interested in its characters as much as in its world. Surgical shots of gigantic spaceships, sprawling cities, and enthralling landscapes make everything else insignificant. That's not to say the characters are lost, they exert their authority in every frame indoors and present a very rich layer of politicking in the least amount of time possible. finally, Dune sets up for the sequel better than any original could and I can't wait to be 'Duned' again.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Stunning. If he can land part 2 I'll come back and add another 10% Edit: came back to move it from 9/10 to 10/10. If your bladder allows,watch Part 1 and Part 2 in one go.
Rated 27 Oct 2021
The spectacle is immense - every frame and design (especially in the first act) is overwhelmingly awesome - but the storytelling is shallow and insubstantial. Dune is never even thirsty, and the only character we get a real glimpse of motivation and emotion from is just stressed and sad the whole time. Everything is reduced to moments of spectacle, in plodding, meaningless sequence.
Rated 01 Nov 2021
High level, artful, transportive cinema. Villeneuve is making the blockbusters I've always hoped would exist.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
Despite all of the talk about "scale", Dune feels smaller than it hints at its source material being, and ultimately this "Part 1" feels like a trailer or pilot. In fact, the film feels like a subscription service serialized show rather than a film. That said, boy I'm interested in a Part II (or reading the books if I had an attention span). Fascinating world and story.
Rated 18 Sep 2021
I love that sci-fi films like this are still being made. It spends quite a lot of time on world-building, which is great. Before I read the novel, I did expect just a bit more and the ending came too abruptly. Some things felt a bit illogical to me and other things felt predictable. However after reading the novel, I have to say it's a pretty great adaptation. I still feel the ending is a bit too abrupt and some events happened too quickly. But it succeeds in so many other ways. Beautiful!
Rated 28 Dec 2021
As a notoriously difficult to adapt novel in a challenging genre, I can't imagine that any other director would be more qualified than Villeneuve. While I had a degree of trepidation to watching this, I didn't have any partiality toward the novel. This adaptation doesn't really hold your hand, it seems fairly faithful and excels in every technical aspect. The most significant downside is that "Dune" is a hefty story, this first installment made no effort to be anything other than a part one.
Rated 06 Nov 2021
David Lynch just got cucked so fucking hard. Guess there's a 15th time for everything.
Rated 17 Oct 2021
It's noted that there are a white savior and his imperialist brethren front and center. That's probably as much of an apology as can be expected when sticking to a mythology as well-trod as this one. Paul's rite of passage then is marked by the death of a black man; the desert tribe's god is a monster; a traitor is of another ethnicity. I wonder how much I mind all of this because the film is a visual and emotional masterpiece. Stately, carried by the wind and natural light. In a dream state.
Rated 18 Oct 2021
Dune is a highly complex story, and if you have read the book, you can fill in all the missing backstories. I'm afraid that makes this a much more enjoyable film for fans, while first-timers might have difficulty following the story. I'm a fan of Dune and loved it.
Rated 31 Oct 2021
Being someone not connected to it’s material, Dune (2021) kinda just has me feeling empty. It’s aesthetic pleasing visuals are certainly something to drool over, and by all accounts, it feels like a project that has a lot of passion behind it. However, a lot of the space politics didn’t connect, and it left me bored for the first 45 minutes. Aside from that, I don’t feel I even learned that much about this world, and the purposely incomplete story/setup doesn’t really help.
Rated 16 Dec 2021
Take it easy, Paul; I also have dreams about Zendaya.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
The Messiah narrative thread with Paul and the Fremen is a bit white-saviour-y, but will hopefully be nipped in the bud in the sequel, and the plot is otherwise excellent: a twisting tapestry of planet-hopping politics, breathtaking sci-fi/action, moody mysticism, and compelling coming-of-age/family drama fare. Strongly acted (Paul and parents in particular), with incredible sound and visuals (lots of big, immersive movie moments-the nighttime assault on Arrakeen being one highlight).
Rated 22 Oct 2021
Villeneuve'a strong suit (esthetics, building up the atmoshpere, sensuality) has found enough room to shine at last. Woke accents are, mercifully, barely noticeable, and if present, they manage to defend themselves. Casting is top-notch as, in such a heavily theatrical movie, has to. There are things to nit-pick but they shan't obscure the big picture and the big picture is glorious. 90/100 after first viewing in 2021. 95/100 after the second in 2024
Rated 09 Nov 2021
Somehow this is up there among the hardest sci-fi I've ever interacted with, and despite no knowledge of the source material, I found it a fascinating, challenging and rewarding ride. Performances, Villeneuve, the visuals, the music, the intensity and tone and the way it manages to make exposition sound interesting... I'll be there for Part 2
Rated 23 Oct 2021
An experience. Great visuals, soundtrack, just the general sound. Basically a vibe for 2.5 hours. I would have liked more side character moments so that my attatchment to each character was more than just knowing the actor. I think had this film cut off at an earlier point in the narrative, then they could have fit in more of those moments.
Rated 24 Oct 2021
Shadout Mapes draws a crysknife and then sheathes it before it has drawn blood 1/10 completely inaccurate to the books
Rated 26 Oct 2021
This film comes with baggage. It can't exist in a vacuum. Anticipated adaptation of an acclaimed and "unfilmable" novel, seen in the shadow of Lynch's failure, and functioning largely as a prelude to another movie. Like Paul's visions, the central feeling is portending the Next Thing. Take that as you will, but it made my skin ripple. I love these designs and tones, which are fairly unique in the sci-fi landscape, being something like Middle Eastern or North African ancient worlds in space.
Rated 01 Dec 2021
Admittedly the source material is just not for me, but this is still a mystifyingly dull and piously earnest dirge, which strips its excellent cast of any of their usual charm or charisma, leaving them to flatly recite confounding (and confusing) exposition mournfully to each other (Momoa brings the only comparative spark). Has the feel of a holy text slavishly adapted by an all-in "true believer" (at least Lynch's film was stylistically interesting and showed a little distance from the text).
Rated 17 Sep 2021
+Visuals +World +Design (costumes, world, vehicles etc.) -Storytelling -Ending
Rated 27 Oct 2021
He who controls the Villeneuve controls the last hope to good sci-fi movies on the big screen.
Rated 27 Oct 2021
A feast for the eyes! Breathtaking visuals and so incredibly dense with its worldbuilding. The sheer scope of this movie is astounding. Nearly every aspect of filmmaking on display here is at the top of its class. The production design and set pieces, costumes, cinematography, sound design, and score. This film is a reminder of why I love to see movies in a theater. My only complaint is that I wish the movie had focused a bit more on developing the characters as much as it did the world.
Rated 23 Sep 2021
Jedi Mind Trick: The Movie.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
That's more like it. Slow but deliberately paced, it allows much more room for the story to breathe. The cast are great (Rebecca Ferguson and Timothee Chalamet doing the heavy lifting). I'm glad that part 2 is now confirmed, it would be a shame to leave this orphaned. Please see this on a big screen, the visuals and sound deserve it.
Rated 27 Sep 2021
I really enjoyed this in the theater. A film that focusses mostly on worldbuilding. There is a lot to explore here, which is something I really like. I liked the different families with their own individual cultures which are emphasized by the loud bombastic soundtrack. Furthermore, we saw a lot of pretty scenery, sometimes overdone. The story reminded me of star wars, LOTR and the Jesus story. Lastly, I almost fell from my seat when I saw that this was the first film in a series.
Rated 09 Oct 2021
They always ask if Dune can be properly adapted to the screen, but they never ask if it should. For someone not aware of Dune’s story the movie doesn’t go deep enough to spark any interest but still covers too much uninteresting backstory. Spoiled by Villeneuve’s excellent record we are now back to scene-to-scene exposition without any profound impact. Characters are introduced and removed so when the movie ends I felt I watched nothing more than a long, pointless setup. Looks great though
Rated 27 Nov 2021
Occasionally iffy on pacing, and hampered by being a part one without a part two, but strong in everything else. Grand sci-fi spectacle balanced by effective invocation of Paul's anxiety and insecurity. Immersive in the best way. The assault on Arrakeen is one of the more nerve-wracking sequences in recent memory.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
This cinematic adaptation of Dune has an incredible attention to detail that surpasses almost any other sci-fi film, jaw-dropping imagery, and an emotional gravity I did not expect. It's a must-watch faithful interpretation of an epic novel.
Rated 26 Oct 2021
A muted palette and spartan aesthetic threaten sterility, but the monolithic scale imparts a cathartic theater experience. Villeneuve understands Dune in a way Lynch did not (bless Lynch and his adorable weather reports but I'm not sure he even read the book), providing a passionately faithful adaptation the older fans can be proud of at the expense of making the big-name ensemble cast seem like a bait-and-switch to newcomers. Zendaya, get us that sequel!
Rated 20 Nov 2021
I expected this to be a bit slow, but I was not prepared for the amount of story being told through visions/dreams/flash forwards. I never read the books or watched the original film, but the story felt pretty lazy. Everything else was breathtaking including: sets, cgi, costuming, makeup, and acting. I’ll 100% be there for the next movie, but just a bit disappointed.
Rated 01 Nov 2021
I liked it. But it feels like a prequel, and I would like to the see the actual film.
Rated 06 Jan 2022
I'm being generous due to seeing this in IMAX and on a strong edible. Villeneuve gets that people want to see big spaceships slowly taking off and landing with thrumming bass, he's become a better version of what people associate Nolan with (bombastic and/or ponderous action, competent + cold characters & dialogue, etc.). The first worm scene was fantastic in IMAX, as was Arrakeen & the ecological station at the end. Only big drawback was that Paul's spice tripping scenes didn't land at all.
Rated 08 Mar 2022
Expensive but overly serious fantasy saga about a young man, born on the side of the less-bad colonialists, who seems destined to form an alliance with the natives (this makes it sound much more thematically interesting than it actually is). As a desert film, it has its "look", but nothing whatsoever to compare, for instance, to the opening shot of FARAON (1966). I can't figure out how Villeneuve has acquired such an incredible knack for eliciting undue praise: maybe it's the Frenchy-type name.
Rated 13 Mar 2022
I don't know if I'm more stunned that I like half a movie this much or that half a movie can be this good. There's layers, beautiful cinematography and production design, and great performances and character development. I cannot wait for part two of Game of Thrones in Space.
Rated 29 Jan 2022
I dunen't think this movie is for me. They thought they could just cast all of Hollywood's current hottest men and trick me into enjoying this. Chalamet and Ferguson give me Motherboy vibes. Needed way more scenes of someone riding a giant worm.
Rated 21 Sep 2021
About as good an adaption of the ‘unfilmable’ Dune as we can ever hope to see… I’m not sure how this will play on the small screen but it’s a thrilling and exhilarating experience in IMAX. The actors are mostly fine, Herbert’s (face it) sometimes florid text rolling off their tongues with conviction, but it’s the visuals which will stick with you - there are some truly astounding images on display here. It does end very abruptly - a lot of folks won’t like that
Rated 19 Nov 2021
I can understand how some may react sorely to this. Probably the same crowd that isn’t a big fan of Christopher Nolan. Prior to this, Villeneuve has always struck a balance between emotional potency and arthouse grandeur, but the source material of Dune forces his hand to retreat from feelings and lean into stoicism. He makes up for this by amping the intensity. This was an experience in IMAX. Wholly engrossing, unlike anything I’ve seen before, and I adored every minute I had with it.
Rated 28 Sep 2021
I'm not fond of the concept that a movie is made specifically to set up its sequel. A long prologue offering little satisfaction by the time the credits start rolling. Standard story, stock characters, familiar themes and the completely milked concept of THE ONE. Cool artwork and CGI, but you can find that everywhere these days.
Rated 02 Nov 2021
this film lacks feelings. the story looked too shallow and sloppy. feels like a missing opportunity.
Rated 29 Dec 2021
I would recommend specifically to people who enjoy sci-fi with political drama. If that's not you, especially if you're ESL, I can see Dune being a bit of a muddled drag. As a sci-fi person who hasn't read the book, I thought it was great! I'm not a big Timothée Chalamet fan, so I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did. It's best epic I have seen in a long time. Very excited for Part 2.
Rated 02 Nov 2021
What more could you ask for? Come on people it’s been a rough few years of horrible blockbusters. Finally something worth it’s screen time. Bring on the next. Costume, set, sound design, all hitting right!
Rated 18 Oct 2021
Just dull. Visually it's fine although not amazing, and Hans Zimmer's score is technically not bad, although it gets a bit bombastic and repetitive. The characters are very bland and nothing special. Unless you have to read the book to get it, I simply have no idea what I was supposed to be rooting for or care about. Shooting scenes in a desert just didn't impress me much here. The film has no satisfying ending and yeah underwhelming. The acting is fine I guess, but overall disappointing.
Rated 20 Oct 2021
Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of Dune has jettisoned the core feature of the novel that made it so compelling; the characters' thoughts the readers are privy to via their inner monologues. Their absence here results in a much more action oriented affair. David Lynch's 1984 version with it's broad performances and oddness may be more fun, but with its superior direction, performances, narrative coherence and visual mastery this is the version that will stand the test of time.
Rated 20 Oct 2021
I like this a lot. Looks fantastic on the screen, excellent cast.
Rated 10 Nov 2021
This absolutely blew me away. I haven't read the original book, so I can't really speak on how accurate/inaccurate the film held, but as a lover of films, I had such a blast watching this. All of the acting was pretty perfect, but Rebecca and Timothee were standouts in my opinion. All of the design on the film was crafted beautifully, and the cinematography and score were some of the best I've seen. One of my favorite of the year for sure. i give 9 Fremen stillsuits out of 10.
Rated 22 Oct 2021
So solid
Rated 22 Oct 2021
Cool costumes and fantastic special effects. That’s the only good thing I have to say about this movie. The rest is a boring and cliché story, characters and word-building, with unimpressive performances from everyone. I expected better
Rated 22 Oct 2021
LOOK OUT mom the sand is like full of WORMS *does the shuffle across the desert* heh, fuckin worms won’t know what hit em
Rated 21 Nov 2021
I went in expecting a very languid and exhaustive adaptation of the novel, but Villeneuve's "Dune" is only the former, and the logic of certain omissions is not yet apparent. The climate of paranoia that is so prevalent in both the first half of the book and Lynch's film is totally absent, with Yuei, Hawat and De Vries in particular being little more than bit parts. Some setpieces are masterful, and I did appreciate the emphasis on the languages and cultural splintering of far-future humanity.
Rated 22 Oct 2021
Mostly, i don't like Villeneuve's storytelling. he has an interesting technique and he uses it in Dune. Cinematography was awesome, dark atmosphere seems ok. Battle scenes were trash, cant believe people comparing to LOTR battle scenes. Chalamet was ok, that mf always good to watch. Also i liked that the movie was parallel to the book, however the book is still superior to the movie for me. Needs more story definitely, maybe part 2 maybe part 3. As a Dune book fan, wish Dune was a TV series.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
great visuals, beautiful visuals. edit: how tf did this get nominated for 10 oscars including best adapted screenplay and best picture wtf
Rated 29 Oct 2021
Well framed, well shot, little boring in spots, pretty exciting in others.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Villenueve certainly gets all of my praise for this. The film looks great visually, and the actors all carry their weight well enough. That being said, I’m not a big fan of the characters or storyline. Whether or not that’s due to the film being less detailed than the book, or the book itself not being for me, I can’t say. Will likely please Dune fans. I knew this was only Part 1, but I feel it doesn’t stand on its own very well compared to say Fellowship, New Hope, Infinity War, etc.
Rated 18 Nov 2021
People complaing about this being a set up. I don't think that's it. Plenty of things happen in here, the problem is that Villeneuve fails to convey why should we care about anything that happens. No status quo nor any personal motivations are stablished. This gets to the point of a joke when Khal Drogo dramatically closes the door with a smirk before sacrificing himself. This is supossed to be emotional, but the only reason to care about him is because he huged Chalamet twice.
Rated 27 Oct 2021
throat singing and disappearing eyeballs and people spitting and Stellan Skarsgard loudly enjoying a lavish meal and Jason Momoa going “bwwaaaaaaa!” and Rebecca Ferguson’s cheekbones which remain on point and HOW DARE YOU USE DA VOICE ON ME and we’ve still got 50% of the story left at least!!!
Rated 27 Oct 2021
Visually, this is, by far, the best incarnation of the source material. The adapted script, on the other hand, is very hit or miss. At times, it trots over key themes in favor of another Hollywood blockbuster cliche, only to suddenly dazzle the viewer with a haunting reimagining that improves on some frustrating misstep by Frank Herbert. The biggest problem is the rushed, jagged pace. There's hardly a moment to appreciate the grandeur of the universe that made the book what it was.
Rated 31 Oct 2021
Bland, beige, pointless. I do wonder how the conversation went between Villeneuve and Skarsgård, in deciding to rip off Brando's Kurtz. S: "Denis, I have an idea." V: "Yes?" S:"What if I do my Brando? See, if I bend over and drag my hand over my head ..." V: "Oh, yes! Very good. So imposing. You lend the role ... a ... a majesty." SS: "You don't think it's cheesy? Like, isn't it too obvious?" DV: "No, it's marvelous!" Now, imagine that for the whole shoot - and they're making another!
Rated 23 Oct 2021
-it has a 'mood' -it has the acting -it has the beautiful cinematography (including the color schemes) -it has the costumes -it has the beautiful pace -it has Hans Zimmer - and thank god for not having 'comic relief' to dumb it down.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
With it's deliberately contemplative pace and it's surprising but fitting score, i couldn't help but be drown into Villeneuve's interpretation of this Sci-Fi monument with it's stunning sceneries and it's philosophical quandaries. Can't wait for the rest
Rated 24 Oct 2021
I liked it all right. A bit too much visions of the future and Zendaya in the sun. Casting was great beyond Chalamet whom I would deem as fine. In fairness to him Paul is just a moody turd most of this movie so it would be hard for anyone to shine. Pleasantly surprised to see Bardem who I didn't know was in the movie. I'm not dying to see pt 2 but I admit I would not have minded if the movie would have continued on regardless of runtime. The last line was super corny and made me laugh out loud.
Rated 08 Jun 2022
Pretends to be complex; but it's a weak, generic narrative spread thin across 2 hours and 35 minutes, interwoven with long pauses, bland scenic shots and indulgent dream sequences that tell you very little. Obvious technical prowess fails to overcome poor writing, since Villeneuve is too busy pointing the camera at sand and Fremen in slow motion to actually try and create a meaningful visual narrative.
Rated 08 Nov 2021
Now I’ve seen this three times - at home, in IMAX, and just now in Dolby Vision - I feel ready to rate it. Incredible production design, a fantastic cast, astonishing sound work, and amazing visuals all more than make up for the emotional detachment in the script. It may only be half a movie, but it’s a supremely good half a movie. Can’t wait for part two! ps Dolby Vision is way better than IMAX #notspon
Rated 26 Oct 2021
Although I've been waiting for this moment since I read the books, I had no expectations in the begining. I mean it is Dune, right? After watching the movie, I can definitely say this is one of the best movies I've ever seen in my entire life. Breathtaking visuality, great design, impressive music choice and the actors really did an excellent job out there. It reflected Dune's aura in the best way possible in such a short time frame. I want more! Hope part 2 comes out even better than this!
Rated 06 Dec 2021
Big fan of the books, the cast didn't quite do it for me but the world crafting was great and the storyline was kept pretty closely to the books.
Rated 26 Nov 2021
Whilst Villeneuve has brought his much overworked style to Dune, I have to commend him on a clever script, simplifying/clarifying things enough (and using dreams) so that it didn't require exposition or voice over, whilst still doing justice to the source material. Full marks to a superb cast, brilliant lighting, sound, cinematography. The first 90 mins were tension filled (esp. the gom jabbar!) and quite simply brilliant. The "intrigue" of Dune I love and remember, not the hackneyed CGI battles
Rated 04 Feb 2022
This was very good, if somewhat odd, and isn't just a triumph of style over content. I've seen the Lynch version, and was surprised how much of this felt very familiar having done so despite them being very different films otherwise. Really liked the cast, the visuals, and the music and sound design were absorbing. Some of the pacing felt a bit inconsistent at times. What was going on with Skarsgård's weird Colonel Kurtz thing? Very interested to see part 2. Still not read the book.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
boring af
Rated 26 Nov 2021
Excellent. Followed book plot quite well.
Rated 27 Sep 2021
Not remotely interested in telling an engaging story. Thankfully the grainy visuals are stunning and most of the time it’s (more or less) impressive filmmaking, even despite the countless visions and boring premonitions. Also, lousy shields make lousy fight scenes.
Rated 26 Mar 2022
Might I just say how much I’m in love with the logo! Ahem— It’s definitely more comprehensive than the 84 version but what irked me the most were the constant flashforwards. The near 3 hour run time could’ve been cut in half if we didn’t have to see the film twice. First in Paul’s visions and secondly when the visions came true.


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