Black Panther
Black Panther
Black Panther
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Black Panther

2h 14m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 47.91% from 4789 total ratings

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Rated 02 Mar 2018
They finally did it. After seventeen movies with no diversity in the leads Marvel finally gave us a superhero who isn't witty. Down with witty!
Rated 10 May 2018
A whole lot of cool and refreshing elements trying to distract from the fact we're watching a very basic, predictable story. T'Challa kinda gets sidelined to focus on more interesting/lively characters, but I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy the hell out of Jordan, Gurira and Serkis. More interesting for its place in our current socio-political cinematic landscape than anything else. That goofy Phantom Menace-like final battle won't be what we remember about this, at least.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
I was excited when I heard Ryan Coogler was directing this. He did not disappoint. Like his previous movies, this is sharply directed and shot. This one also boasts really good effects, costuming, and make-up. The culture of Wakanda was very interesting. I loved what they did with T'Challas character and Killmonger as well. He was a villain who was sinister and really well fleshed out. Overall, really good directing, writing, and acting. I can't ask for much more. Definitely worth watching.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
A welcome expansion to an already humongous universe, but "Black Panther" is too serious for Marvel, it's too serious for itself. And the titular character is basically a black Superman or Jesus, someone with a burden of responsibility and little humanity or flaws. It's this one big point that makes this movie just not quite as enjoyable as many other MCU movies. On the other hand the exploration of Wakanda, and vibranium are pretty satisfying. Flat character, decent movie.
Rated 19 Jan 2022
Suffered quite a bit from a heavy Marvel fatigue for myself. I liked it when Andy Serkis' arm opened up into a laser thing. This feels like the safest comment I'm willing to make. Better in a lot ways than I expected and disappointingly worse in others. It was, in fact, a movie.
Rated 26 Jul 2018
This looks great, and it pops with imagination, science, kinetic action, drama and humour. The casting/acting is spot on, and the film has a whole load of character and an identity that both feels fresh and fits neatly in the Marvel universe. A few CGI missteps don't really harm it. Lots to enjoy here.
Rated 07 May 2018
Trying to come up with some vibranium / crack cocaine mixup happening to explain whatever without coming off as some monster and it’s not even close to possible.
Rated 06 Jul 2018
I don't care what anyone says Michael B. Jordan is the real star of this movie !
Rated 15 Feb 2018
An accomplished movie that's improved by the strong focus on African culture as well as the majority black cast. Production design is exceptional throughout, especially the traditional African garment designs of the Wakandans. The main flaw is that some action sequences aren't that great, particularly the ending which is just two CGI Black Panther suits fighting. Out of a terrific cast Michael B. Jordan is the standout as antagonist Killmonger while Andy Serkis as Klaue is regularly entertaining
Rated 07 Apr 2018
The story follows the familiar beats of the tried-and-true Marvel formula, but the techno-Africa environment is refreshingly different, and all the performances are strong and engaging. Solid, but definitely not the game-changer the overly-enthusiastic pundits make it out to be.
Rated 15 Jul 2018
Surprisingly boring for a superhero movie. Tech is completely fanciful to the point where anything is possible and a Mary Sue (Shuri) controls it all. Characters are weak, dialogue is bland, and the story just does what it likes. CGI is quite weightless and the last big fight is horrible.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
I may, unabashedly, call this a masterpiece. This gave me every inch of what I wanted, short of Killmonger beheading Ulysses right in front of W'Kabi. Once the movie got going, I wanted as much of the delightfully-insane Andy Serkis performance as I could get (so I was left wanting more there), but I couldn't have been more invested in what I watched. This linear story is as isolated as Wakanda itself, clearly leaving some fans feeling detached from the bigger picture. Different. Refreshing.
Rated 23 Feb 2018
Film's motto: "Hey black folks, you can be free and affluent as we the white westerners, but only so long as you rely on your reason, develop technology and stay peaceful demonstrating your worthiness of civilization. If you demand retribution and payback (Erik Killmonger, what a cliche bad-man's name), we will crush you with the help of our CIA agent, as we did in Bolivia, Nicaragua and elsewhere". A representation of inequality doesn't suffice to cover the inequality of representation.
Rated 13 Feb 2018
Exceeds even the absurd amount of hype. The world-building, along with the costume and production design, is excellent - Wakanda feels so vibrant and alive - while the characters are all well-drawn and perfectly-cast. Coogler's inexperience with blockbusters occasionally shows, but for the most part it's gorgeous. And the script is incredibly thoughtful and intelligent with a depth no other Marvel movie has even touched, shown mostly via Killmonger, easily the best MCU villain yet. A triumph.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
Best reviewed Marvel movie ever? Ridiculous. JUst an ordinary movie of superhero genre that does not add anything new to the genre. Predictable story, uninteresting and low developed characters with no depth of each own. All in all, just another Marvel movie that plays on the same card as all before them. Except GOTG and Logan, those 2 stand out.
Rated 12 Mar 2018
A black superhero in a hidden super culture was interesting and had the flavor of a bond movie. The characters were lacking and the plot was sometimes tedious. A few nice graphics but CGI was generally overused, leaving much of the action less than satisfying. The messy plot meandered a bit too much. Overall it was fun to watch and it was nice to see a black superhero, but problems with the writing, the divided culture and poor action brought it down several notches.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
The people, sets, and costumes of the fascinating Wakanda are a fantastic breath of fresh air, and the supporting characters especially (Nakia, Okoye, Shuri) all beg for further fleshing out. As an action film it worked better with Serkis' simpler villain (see the awesome South Korea sequence) than Jordan's more complex one, as the good vs. evil nuances he introduced deserved a slower drama instead of a sudden civil war and typical superhero climax (though the epilogue was of course touching).
Rated 24 Feb 2018
For me the film's weakness may be T'Challa himself, who kind of ends up getting lost in his own movie, Boseman's performance overshadowed by more interesting others in virtually every scene. Michael B. Jordan as Killmonger clearly steals the show. The movie has a ton of fun genre-hopping though, Star Wars-influenced in much of its sets and design and technology, turning into James Bond for a while in the middle, and then becoming African Game of Thrones/Lord of the Rings toward the end.
Rated 10 Feb 2021
Marvel movies are often closer to formulaic television episodes than actual cinema. But this film breaks that tradition. Yes, it features the normal Avengers story: a plotting hero faces a villain that's actually a weapon they created to beat an invisible enemy. But Coogler's usual tropes elevate it: like a strong son/mother relationship, a love of a homeland, flashbacks at a moment of despair, absent dads, and hit-or-miss sentimentality. Those latter points make this the coolest MCU flick yet.
Rated 14 Feb 2018
Comparable to Guardians of the Galaxy for how it successfully carves out its own franchise territory within the Marvel universe. It shows us new wonderful places and characters that I want to return to in future sequels. I feared another Wonder Woman - an over hyped rehash of an origins story - but this felt fresh & fun, and had some of the moral complexity of a good X-Men movie. I'm genuinely amazed that this lived up to, and even exceeds, the heavy expectations on it. Top grade entertainment.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Black Panther isn't good because of the context it was released into, but the timeliness certainly doesn't hurt. The Shakespearean story, top-notch performances, and carefully curated direction from Ryan Coogler propel the film to great heights that are furthered by the questions it unexpectedly poses regarding racial conflict, isolationism, and even reparations for slavery. A definite must-see and quite an original film for the MCU.
Rated 11 May 2018
I really had my hopes up for this movie, but I was utterly disappointed. The story was nothing like I expected, too many characters and very weird combinations of hi-tech and undeveloped tribal behavior. The character of T'Challa's sister Shuri was very annoying and it felt like actress Leticia Wright was exaggerating all the time.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
Its many compelling elements and storylines were not given much room to breathe, which diminished their cohesive appeal, and much of the CGI was dodgy, but the badass women, the great cast, and the exciting colour and fresh imagery still lifts this film above much of its peers.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
There are some thorny questions. For instance, does a hegemonic African-American culture, embodied in a villain self-consciously using American vernacular & played by Michael Jordan's son, represent a new form of imperialism vis-a-vis Africa? There's also some uncomfortable questions regarding exotic or fetishistic representation. But, mostly, per Marvel's modus operandi, there's just mechanically created fight scenes, no stakes, and laborious handwaving to suggest a larger universe.
Rated 08 May 2018
Far more underwhelming than I expected. After being one of the highlights of Civil War, Boseman's Black Panther character was far less charismatic this time around. Also why is the most technologically advanced nation in the world selecting it's ruler via primitive trials by combat? The climactic face off between BP and killmonger was incredibly bland as well. I loved the setting, culture and cast, but those alone couldn't combine to make this live up to the expectations I had for this movie.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Black Panther seemed to understand, at every creative stage, just what the stakes were - and then they raised those stakes, and matched even these. For me the film represents precisely what makes film so special: here, underneath Hollywood vibranium, is a formative journey that provokes, empathizes, and ultimately inspires, forever creating a shared experience that bridges histories and cultures and circumstance. With the right aim, film is a unifier, and much more than the sum of its parts.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Woah guys, chill out. This isn't great, it's OK. It has some cool ideas, elements and sequences for sure but way too much of it is heavy handed, poorly executed and not very well made - honestly the most fake looking Marvel movie yet. The villain gets more and more one dimensional as the film goes on, and the whole ordeal is hard to be completely on board with. That said, it is cool and fairly fun I guess.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
Kudos to Ryan Coogler for delivering a truly impressive film about a superhero who, like Wonder Woman, isn't allowed the kind of relatable imperfections that make for a great character but is written to serve as a symbol for an entire demographic & the embodiment of its virtues. It does this with an A-list cast who could make multiplication tables compelling, a great villain whose motivations are human in scale, fantastic supporting characters & a script that's thrilling, resonant & even moving.
Rated 12 May 2018
Holy Bast what a cat turd of a movie. It shows glimpses of what it COULD'VE been, but it is mostly a bad cocktail of equal parts Fast & Furious, Inspector Gadget and FX that belong on bad sci-fi made for TV like Stargate SG:1. It tries to build the tension but it never seems like there's anything real at stake. The obvious symbolism is laughable. Women good. Men bad. Black good. White bad. That having been said It IS better than Howard the Duck, so not the worst Marvel movie I've seen.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
Marvel really loves writing villains who are paradoxically driven by a desire to correct societal injustice while not valuing human life. It's a transparent way to have the hero (in this case a rich monarch who's never seen engaging with common people in any meaningful way) protect the awful status quo of the modern world because the only people trying to change it also LOVE murderin' and are really just motivated by selfish vendettas (ex: Vulture & Ivan Vanko). Marvel also loves attack drones.
Rated 28 Jun 2018
Excellent film. The villains really make this one special, and the production value is top notch. Looking forward to the sequel.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Black Panther does follow a typical Marvel formula, and its kinda expected they all have a certain way to do them, they all hit the same beats, you see things happening a mile away, and overall you come out happy. However, Black Panther does follow this path, but Michael B. Jordan's villain is perhaps the best yet, the visuals are stunning, and I find myself more invested in Panther lore more than other characters as there still so little explored. I'm already awaiting a sequel.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
too serious, too long, too boring
Rated 24 Feb 2018
Michael B. Jordan makes me question things.
Rated 12 Feb 2018
It fills out every inch of the limited scope of the superhero genre without expanding on it like Logan did. It's stuffed full of plot-lines and thematic chewiness, though never retains any much needed focus as it drifts between one to the other. All these flaws stem from the ambition the film has, to be a fully involved and economic superhero film that dishes out the entertainment and the (admittedly overhyped) cultural resonance. And, wow, those costumes!
Rated 04 Mar 2018
Yeah, no, this didn't work for me, at all. BP starts out quite well, but degrades quite fast into a meandering mumbo jumbo of political idiocy. I was wondering, while watching this Marvel film (mind you), whether I should be entertained or if I should be subjected to even more 'black lives matter' propaganda. The film lays it on there, nice and thickly. To me it felt like an odd mix of James Bond and Coming to America, with poor pacing and a silly script, mind you. Meh.
Rated 06 Jun 2018
More like "Black Pander" Marvel just stole a billion dollars from the African (American) audience, playing up the "all black cast" and "finally a superhero for black folks" angles to perfection. Come on now, take off your ebony colored glasses and take a big sniff. What you'll smell is a supreme con job. Not only is this not the best superhero movie, it's not even the best "black" superhero film (looks over at the "Blade" DVD sitting on the shelf) This film is as average as Iron Man 2. Mic drop!
Rated 21 Mar 2019
Somehow I managed to miss being swept up in the whole cultural/social phenomena around this film and finally just got around to watching this Best Picture nominated film. However, subsequently I let the hype around this MCU movie be built up enough for it to ultimately be a disappointment. Unfortunately it felt like Disney dumbed-down the dramatic Wakanda aspects to shove in surprisingly cheap looking average to mediocre superhero popcorn fare to make for an entertaining mixed-bag blockbuster.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
This film has a great cast that all seem to be having fun here. There are plenty of good and exciting action scenes. There are also plenty of kick ass female characters as well as male. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
making of black panther:
Rated 03 Mar 2018
I enjoyed a lot about Black Panther. It set the tone early for me with Too Short being used to introduce the movie. When I heard that, I knew I was going to like this movie. The story is well done. It talks about some real things without making people too uncomfortable which for a AAA movies is important. As someone who has been bored with most Marvel movies recently, Black Panther was a resuscitation for me and my enjoyment of the Marvel universe. The acting was the best part of the film.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
Black Panther is another fantastic movie from director Ryan Coogler--one that sits near the top of the MCU, and one that feels like it only somewhat belongs, which is part of the point, I think. It does a wonderful job of building its world and its characters, its acting is fantastic, it's got interesting themes, most of the action is great, and it's got a more hefty, serious tone than most of these things.
Rated 11 Jun 2018
Part of me applauds the originality of having a Marvel superhero who isn't witty and sarcastic, but the other part of me understands why they do it so often.
Rated 26 Feb 2018
If you don't know what to expect by the 18th entry in the series I don't know what to tell you. It had its moments but was hampered by agressively bad CG and incoherent action. The train fight at the end is one of the worst looking things Marvel's put on screen.
Rated 20 Mar 2018
Fairly standard Marvel stuff here; if you like the rest of their films, you'll probably like this. What makes it stand out a bit from the pack is the insistence on giving the characters real motivations based on real issues, and letting emotions play out instead of covering everything up with quips. Where it lacks is that it seems (especially in the middle) that Black Panther is a bit of an afterthought in his own movie. Still, you'll be entertained for two hours.
Rated 02 May 2018
Now that's what I call a strong finish. It's silly, cheesy, convenient and fun. Like a 80s movie. The visual effects and costumes aren't very immersvice and look like visual effects and costumes...I mean, everything in the movie is very thick and obvious and on-the-nose, but, like I said, really fun. Maybe even, because it's so out there. All the Africanness does it good. And Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong'o are fun to watch. I may not agree, but I totally get the hype.
Rated 24 May 2018
Now everyone is crazy about MCU but I think a couple of years later, people will look back and say "Well, most of it was garbage but it was fun for a while."
Rated 17 Feb 2018
Best MCU movie. And even better than any DCU movie (only contender for this position is Wonder Woman). Great cast, Great usage of side characters. Very clever idea to hide killmonger in Klaue's act for first half of the movie that cuz his entrance was epic and powerful. Visuals , Decors, World Setting, Cinematography was "A" level. There was some poorness about the plot of the antagonist. Never explained why T'Chaka have to kill his brother after deflect the bullet or why he left that child.
Rated 12 Jun 2018
It’s a fascinating film for many reasons that are nothing to do with its quality & all to do with its existence. But it’s important just to simply look at BP as either a good or bad picture, & it’s clearly intrinsically a very fine film. Serkis & Jordan are the stand-out performers in what is a compelling addition to the MCU. It’s probably a little too straight-laced & Boseman is often outshone by his support cast & the richly created Wakanda. Other minor niggles aside, very good.
Rated 04 Mar 2018
Enjoyed Michael B. Jordan's performance more than the Black Panther.
Rated 04 May 2018
don't know why this movie got heralded as a revolutionary "black" powerpiece. the cast happens to be black, yes, but we got a really normal, mediocre marvel movie on our hands here where characters are living in a dead world and are driven by childish motivations, unavoidably ending in the boss fight that's boring as ever. some good acting. absolutely cringeworthy soundtrack (the orchestral trap song is a hard-hitting facepalm that left a bruise on my face. what were they thinking??)
Rated 21 Feb 2018
A disappointing but exquisite example of uneven, chaotic, shallow Disney formula, colliding with attempts to bring heart and purpose, but feeling like another unfortunate jumble in the superhero genre. The lead is the poorest of an exceptional cast, and characters' motives and decisions are all over the place.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
appreciate the decision to not crew all the house regulars to give the film a (slightly) different visual style. The characters are complex, particularly villain Killmonger, combined with Jordan's spot on performance as a powerful, vengeful kid from the streets, this is one of the very best villains we've gotten out of these nearly 20 films. Not just fueled by desire for a superweapon, he's on an almost sympathetic mission to right wrongs for his people...just in a violent, destructive way
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Wow. An impressively important film that will influence generations of filmmakers to come. This doesn't just allow young Black people to see their futures optimisticly , but any racialized minority as well; and it helps that the film is so well-made too, which, despite a few minor nitpicks, is almost perfect, narratively, techinally and artistically. #KillmongerWasRight though, let's just overthrow the absolute monarchy and kill the oppressors.
Rated 26 Feb 2018
Delivers on its promises with incredible enthusiasm and heart. As a screen presence, Jordan trounces Boseman, which adds to the superb moral complexity of this afrofuturist popcorn-munching adventure.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
The first time around, I often found the pacing rather sluggish; the second time around, I realized that if anything, it's tight to a fault; director Ryan Coogler makes sure every scene and virtually every beat propels the story and themes along. At 135 minutes, it's not at all a short film, but it never dawdles for a moment. It's pretty damned gratifying to see that a film so massively popular and so widely acclaimed does unequivocally deserve it. Superbly written and acted.
Rated 25 Feb 2018
Black Panther as a cultural phenomenon nauseates me. As a superhero flick, it's boring trash where the fight scenes are cgi flopfests with boring choreo and the cast is either insufferable or boring. As a statement about black civilization, it's just moronic pan-African pandering that is so broad and one-note in its dishonest self-masturbatory idpol that I struggle to take it seriously. It's a film given far more value than it has any right to have, and that alone gives me reason to resent it.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
Great action, wonderful side characters, a motivated villain, and solid visuals (when they weren't 100% CGI). Wakanda is the Jack Kirby fever dream that I wanted Asgard to be.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
I have some serious questions about how Wakanda handles their changes in government offices.
Rated 18 Mar 2018
Politically it's a liberal nightmare. But I loved the look of it all and Michael B Jordan is v hot. Killmonger was right.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
While it still follows a lot of the Marvel tropes that I'm slowly learning to find disappointing, it probably does it in the most creative and inspiring way since Guardians 1. It's great cast is its major highlight, but the soundtrack and director in Ryan Coogler need serious credit. They made a great and exciting film out of a post 2010 Marvel script (boring and predictable). That's a win in my book.
Rated 28 Feb 2018
The best standalone Marvel movie by a wide margin, and one of the very few that deserve any critical thought after leaving the theater.
Rated 15 Feb 2018
The set design and especially the costumes were gorgeous. Not all of the visual effects were perfect, but not bad to the point of ruin. The characters and performances were good all around. Jordan's character might be one of the best villains from any of the Marvel movies. The actual story is not all that different to your typical Marvel movie, but works just fine. I wasn't affected emotionally very much, and a lot of the humour fell flat, but I liked the film on the whole.
Rated 02 Mar 2019
I think if I was Morgan Freeman, Laurence Fishburne, Denzil washington, Halle Berry or Viola Davis, I would be pretty gutted that this appalling tripe was even considered for the Oscars. After decades of brilliant performances by black artists, it is a travesty that this mess was in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the "lack of black actors" bandwagon. Forced humour, everyone talking like Nelson Mandela, horrible! At least we got a new phrase for God-Awful: "Leap the Rhino"
Rated 31 May 2018
There is some irony in the fact that a film entitled BLACK PANTHER seems to be so antithetical in its ethos to the armed revolutionary struggle of the Black Panthers, but the main weaknesses are the mostly uninteresting action and fight scenes, and the rather dull characters (Letitia Wright supplies most of the charm). Despite these flaws, of course, the film stands as further testament to the unrivalled ability of Marvel Studios to extract mountain upon mountain of cash from willing audiences.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
Free of most elements of Marvel's vapid formula. To my mind, it's the first Marvel movie that: takes a serious tone without resorting to over-the-top melodrama; doesn't really waste a character; has meaningful social messages; has a worthy and morally rich villain. It also claims the most vivid, colorful costuming and distinctive locations the studio has ever offered by a wide margin. It's virtually everything a modern blockbuster should be, and easily the most substantial of the Marvel movies.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
I was very surprised by this movie. I don't really care for The Black Panther character, aside from his suit he's just another super strong hero, which there are dozens of. so, I'm glad that this movie was not combat heavy. It had a real story happening, one with flawed characters and great world building. Its a movie about redemption, privilege and heavy secrets. This movie changed my mind on the character and I'm happy to see him and Wakanda be part of the MCU.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Rated 18 Mar 2018
Even if you're not one for superhero films, this is just a straight up great film. Obviously, the social context and the timeliness of this film may have raised this to another level, but even without that, it is very hard to fault this film. Performances and the characters are all pretty great, and in particular, this film features the very best villain that the MCU has produced. You will not empathise more with a villain.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
Love to African culture, but also blends it well with more North American tendencies (like Killmonger). The costumes are great, especially the BP suit itself, which might be the best in the MCU. Set design, the world it builds is great. Good performances. Humour falls flat sometimes, finale is a little uninspired, not all action sequences work, made some of the cool trailer scenes a lot less cool. Reassessing, I need to give more credit to the good than I did originally even tho bad exists.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
Disney's live action remake of The Lion King is soooo much better than I expected when I first heard about it. Okay, jokes aside, this was awesome. M'Buku is a national treasure of Wakanda and those war rhinos are the best thing since the war pigs in the Hobbit. Occasionally a bit on the heavyhanded side, but they managed to make it all feel very genuine.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
Coogler can do better than Marvel, but Marvel made this movie possible at this production level - so... take what you can get? But the ability to make me mostly forget that I'm watching a piece of a whole franchise, even if for a brief moment, was refreshing.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Coogler's entry into the MCU is with flair and with a vivid tapestry filled with sound and color. Black Panther looks fantastic and is anchored with a cast that has a powerful swagger to it. The importance of storytelling is shown in the opening scenes and continues throughout the film that gives it levity without leaning on corny humor as many marvel films fall to. The actual narrative is fine as is the action, with the finale succumbing to faceless-enemies-fighting-amoungst-CGI.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Best MCU movie easily. The Characters all have arcs and are not just quip machines, that this franchise popularized. The script itself doesn't play it save and touches on important issues. The love of african culture through the sets and costumes is Oscar worthy. The acting is the best acting all around I've seen in a superhero movie. And the villian is fully fleshed out with a gripping motive. Honestly the only problem is the CGI, which felt unfinished in places.
Rated 03 May 2018
I can't believe the praise this film had received. Fresh characters and stories are always welcome but this one doesn't add a single fresh thing to the genre. The story is predictable and the narrative is boring & uninteresting. Including highly praised villain, almost all of the characters are underdeveloped. Their motivations and choices are either vague or contradictory. Also, I'm wondering what they exactly spent 200 million budget for. CGI and action scene are the worst of MCU.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
Great acting, great special effects, good movie. Letitia Wright stole the show for me. I can't wait to see her in Ready Player One.
Rated 01 Apr 2018
The best of the Marvel Universe films. Killmonger has the best motivation of just about any comic book "villain" depicted in film. It's over 2 hours long but does not feel its length at all.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Dull, sluggish entry in the MCU saga; defeated by fundamental production problems - Coogler seems lost at sea during the poorly edited and executed fight sequences, lacking even a working understanding of action rhythm - the convoluted, self-important screenplay provides little respite in between. Shoddy CGI is the biggest surprise (note Freeman seemingly trapped in a video game at the film's climax). It does offer a refreshing change of faces and locale, but it's all a bit of a snooze.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
I've never seen a movie so unashamedly BLACK, and unlike most Black movies, it isn't pandering to a white audience. And it is *glorious*
Rated 16 May 2018
Rated 03 Mar 2018
BLACK PANTHER is a rip-roaring adventure with excellent pacing, a sharp script, and a boatload of compelling characters. All of its success emanates from the filmmakers' incredibly strong sense of drama, imbuing every individual with a unique essence, while also making sure they complement (or complicate) each other's purpose. The spectacle here is more at the human level: verbal fireworks supersede visual kineticism. But that's just another charming feature of this singular superhero flick.
Rated 18 May 2018
The usual blockbuster formula, except with a black cast like in the old segregated days of Hollywood. Loved that Martin Freeman got to be the token white guy! Fun film of the brain dead kind, like most of these superhero films are. Beautiful for the eyes and almost completely hollow for your pure entertainment pleasures.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
Perfectly decent but not much more, at least from a film-making standpoint. The story is nothing particularly riveting, there's nowhere near enough tension or pathos in crucial character moments and overall it feels like a completely by-the-book movie. Seeing an almost entirely black cast in a film like this is very refreshing (even if Andy Serkis steals the show) and there are several suspenseful scenes to be enjoyed, including the big-scale final fight, next to the neat production qualities.
Rated 09 May 2018
"We can't help any countries with our technology they wouldn't understand how to use it", meanwhile the man in a death suit flies up with the god of thunder to kill monsters invading in spaceships.
Rated 04 Mar 2018
Better plot and villain than usual, and it's nice seeing so many black faces, but it sticks pretty rigidly to the (increasingly enervating) Marvel house style, confusing, mind-numbing, plastic-CGI action climax very much included. I also liked the slow pace, but I gotta say, not much tension to be found.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
Marvel has definitely struck gold once again or should I say Vibranium once again. This movie is pure cinematic glory in its finest. An isolated origin story that delivers thrills, culture and characterization. Who did not enjoy that delightfully cooky performance from Serkis and Chadwick Boseman is definitely a lead worth rallying behind. A true film that can be used to shift the focus on how we see cinematic landscapes form on the big screen. Kudos Ryan Coogler and crew for achieving that.
Rated 23 May 2018
Overall it's entertainment, as complete fantasy. In that context the social stuff is odd. It seems to me the opposite of black empowerment to say that an African country can offer something to the rest of the world, sure, when magical metal falls from the sky. And the smug PC-ness of the film distracts from an already-mediocre superhero story. An African superhero, though, is cool. Treatment of culture, accents and skin tone here is a challenge but they gave an effort.
Rated 08 Mar 2018
A great balance of touching drama, enjoyable comedy, good action scenes and a really mesmerising sense of culture and world building. Where most MCU movies overcompensate on their injokes and comedic one-liners, Black Panther dedicates its time to crafting good characters, both heroic and villainous, and doesn't shy away from the hard truths about colonialism and oppression. Coogler was the best directorial decision since Whedon!
Rated 29 Sep 2018
Boring although you can see the whole thing I guess I did not. Do you remember when you saw "Thor"—first one—? after sixteen movies, more or less, I was expecting more from a superhero movie.
Rated 29 Jul 2018
Now I know what black people feel watching all-white movies about white people problems. Nothing.
Rated 19 Mar 2018
Walked into this half rolling my eyes while thinking how this film will be political but it wasn't at all. Even in the non-action scenes there is still something to marvel at in the background. Overall it's just a very entertaining film that chooses not to use a lot of blood for some reason but I can get over that. No particularly engaging performances, just entertaining on different levels.
Rated 29 Mar 2018
cool costumes, cool characters, environments and effects, great villain. I don't see what everyone was upset about, nothing in this was particularly racially inflammatory. wakanda has as much to do with real africa as lord of the rings has to do with real europe, it's just fun. the main character was a bit flat though, the villain and even the other supporting characters were all much more interesting.
Rated 28 Jun 2018
A heavy letter with a message that could change people's standing in certain topics and stands on its own. With an amazing design and colorful photography, excellent world building and immersive soundtrack, Black Panther is not afraid to embrace African culture to incorporate a foreign air to the film. Michael B. Jordan performance was a highlight and made you question yourself about the morals presented in the piece. While the action was lacking the attention to detail made for it.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
DC, look!! This is how you do a villain! No CGI-overpowered-bullshit! Just a hot dude with an understandable agenda. The whole movie is very entertaining with good to great performances and plots that feel more real than any end of the world scenario these movies usually have.
Rated 03 May 2018
Worst origin story. From start to end, it is non-engaging and boring. The characters can only capture your eye with their hairstyles / accessories / clothes, but otherwise are plain, without character depth. Unfortunately for the mostly black cast, the only characters that were fun were played by white actors. Andy Serkis made an excellent villain compared to the boy who has apparently killed a lot and is somewhat mad for things.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
Too little Boyz n the Hood and New Jack City. Too much Marvel CGI.
Rated 07 May 2018
Captain Wakanda: Civil War // Overrated
Rated 17 Feb 2018
A great exercise in world building, it's also often entertaining enough to offset the expository dialogue, with an interesting (and quite timely) villain.
Rated 28 Feb 2018
Am I missing something? The movie is garbage
Rated 02 May 2018
That was a beautiful movie, though the civil war kinda came out of nowhere. People switched sides too damn fast!


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