Ford v Ferrari
Ford v Ferrari
Ford v Ferrari

Ford v Ferrari

2h 32m
American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference, the laws of physics and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary race car for Ford and challenge Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966.
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Ford v Ferrari

2h 32m
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Avg Percentile 60.14% from 2550 total ratings

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Rated 07 Dec 2019
Now THAT is how you make a movie. This, quite simply, is just really well made. The directing is solid (especially the racing sequences), the editing is top notch, the leads are irresistible, and the pacing is so good that it only feels like a two-hour movie. For me, this is the perfect blend of drama and (racing) action. There's enough racing for racecar enthusiasts and enough drama for film enthusiasts. Bale and Damon are phenomenal together. One of my favorites from 2019. Go see it!
Rated 28 Nov 2019
On surface level a wellplayed but thoroughly by-the-numbers biopic, that tweaks most story beat into almost comically dramatic conflicts. Below the surface though, it's a horribly bleak exposé of the corroding influence of money and corporate interest within a given craft, and the subsequent downfall of true mavericks submissive to this unholy patronage, and I would probably rate it higher if I was convinced that this was completely intentional...
Rated 26 Jun 2020
The driving scenes towards the end are great, but there are also a few moments of comedy and emotion that are done extremely well. It's done so well that I never really noticed the long runtime.
Rated 20 Nov 2019
I am a firm believer that you don't have to break the mold or rewrite history in order to make a good movie. There is virtue in convention done well. That's what this movie is: conventional storytelling done very well. Bale in particular is dynamite, and it was at least a little refreshing to see Jon Bernthal NOT play an asshole (although he's a little underutilized for his talents). I was upset with perceived bad writing as the ending unfolded, before remembering this was a true story. Whoops!
Rated 12 Nov 2019
Wish they went full ‘Rendezvous' by stripping the movie of its excess fat and focus solely on the racing, which was definitely exciting to watch. Phedon Papamichael shot this movie like a boss.
Rated 20 Jan 2020
Just a nice, fun way to tell a good story. It's weirdly one of Damon's best roles, too. There is no shortage of movies about guys who love their cars, but it's never been done better than by Bale's Ken Miles. The nominal bad guys here could have been a little more nuanced, but it wasn't too big a drag.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
A well-oiled machine (sorry). It just works; simple as that (my only real gripe is that I wish the last five minutes had been cut). The racing sequences in particular are just brilliantly executed. Everything is communicated in such a way that your average layman who knows nothing about racing (like myself) can easily understand the risks being taken and the overall stakes. Plus, it’s beautifully edited; rapidly so, but always completely coherent and logical to the tracking mind.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Excellent direction from Mangold, fantastic chemistry between Bale and Damon, and rock-solid editing and writing make Ford v Ferrari a remarkable entry in the canon of racing films. It feels like 2013's Rush got some dirt and grime on it and sacrificed a bit of thematic content, which is not a bad recipe for a good thrill ride of a film. Even without a ton of depth, there's enough stakes to make the film interesting and fun throughout it's runtime.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
Both Christian Bale and Matt Damon give good performances in this movie. The script works, there are only a couple of slow spots. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 30 Jun 2020
Pretty entertaining and engaging even for someone who doesn't give a shit about cars or racing. Painting Ferrari as the bad guys sits weird because really what did they do other than refuse to bow down to the impotent rage of Henry Ford the Second?
Rated 19 Nov 2019
Entertaining and very pretty. Needed more attention to the cars.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
This is an example of the best stuff that big, popular film making can do. It tells an interesting story pretty well with big stars and talented actors and has more than a little on it's mind. It's not deep, but it's ruminations about what it takes to win and the conflict between commerce and personal vision are handled well.
Rated 22 Nov 2019
Simply passable in every way, right down to the white bread title. Queue high testosterone shots of stick shifts, Matt Damon staring into the glare of the race track, & oh-my-gawd you not believe what wacky character Christian Bale is playing this time!! Fuck Ford. I hope to go back in time & "ruminate" a wrench into Henry's mother's womb.
Rated 06 Dec 2019
Yeah, it's a big budget sports movie, but it's like the best version of a big budget sports movie. Bale and Damon make up 80% of the screen time, and they knock this thing out of the park. It's also a really good example of pace and plotting. Every time I found myself wanting to check my watch the writers would do something to immediately inject more energy. Its not a perfect movie, but if you can stomach some of the Oscar season Biopic/Sports movie cliches, then you can have a really fun time.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
The titular battle is the most poorly executed aspect of the film with not enough reasons given to like one and dislike the other (Shelby's cheating doesn't help). The main duo vs. the suits is more engaging but it still feels a bit generic when it's not centered on Bale's passionate Ken Miles-it's that infectious turn (along with the strong music and technical elements) that steers the film away from mediocrity; every scene in which he takes the wheel (in both senses) shines.
Rated 29 Apr 2020
It drags a bit in the middle, but overall quite good. Cinematography is great, Bale is excellent as usual and I really liked the soundtrack. The alternative title "Le Mans '66" fits the movie much better, since this is really not at all about Ferrari. Probably a marketing decision.
Rated 09 Nov 2019
A by-the-book quality Hollywood biography with some remarkable performances by Bale and Damon, a good script and some cool racing sequences.
Rated 22 Nov 2019
Top notch direction, highly gripping racing scenes, well acted all around. The gearheads behind me in the cinema definetly got what they wanted. But even if your not into old race cars, they movie is intriguing enough to make it's 2,5 hour runtime fly by like the cars in the movie. I liked how much the movie emphasizes that car racing is highly dangerous and every driver is basically insane for doing it.
Rated 15 Jan 2020
Fails to rise above its niche and feels decidedly overlong. The racing sequences are well cut, and Daytona especially is thrilling, but Daytona only comes an hour in and nothing before it draws active interest. Well made (the cinematography is great), but ultimately boring.
Rated 19 Sep 2020
Very entertaining and I really enjoyed the racing scenes for the most part. However, it bothered me to no end that it repeatedly insults the viewer's intelligence by over-explaining everything. -- "They played us in order to get a better deal!" OBVIOUSLY! THAT'S QUITE CLEAR TO EVERYONE. -- "He still has to lap him again!" YOU'VE ALREADY TOLD US THIS. STOP SPOON FEEDING ME PLEASE.
Rated 02 Feb 2020
Will be instantly forgotten but honestly I'd be fine with more standalone tried-and-true formula popcorn flicks in popular cinema these days
Rated 09 Feb 2020
I am not even into cars, but buddy, I really wanted to fuck that Ford.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
Captures the joy of driving. Beautifully shot, well acted, with perfect pacing.
Rated 14 Nov 2019
Beautifully shot, well-acted and based on a true story. Simple, but effective. Watched: 12-Nov-19
Rated 09 Nov 2019
I enjoyed every second of it. Bale continues to amaze me.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Stilted dialogue, predictable, made-for-TV moments, and the characters felt like stunted caricatures. Thankfully it is buoyed by a strong, energetic final racing act and a solid Christian Bale performance. The movie as a whole seems to lack substance and is legitimately 30-45 minutes too long. Certainly not bad, but it felt on the verge.
Rated 19 Nov 2019
I have watched this movie 30 times already. This version with Bale and Damon was perfectly bland and inoffensive as promised. For a more exciting driving movie may I suggest - The Straight Story by David Lynch. It has a scene of a lawn mover gliding down a hill more thrilling than anything managed here.
Rated 20 Nov 2019
Appropriately exhilarating, even if the drama is made up.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Solid, traditional, and too long. I also found Christian Bale's performance very annoying, but no one seems to agree.
Rated 24 Nov 2019
Very well directed racing scenes,some good comedy, and some good acting fit inside of a pretty bog standard drama. I was very distracted by the evil cartoon character that was Henry Ford's lackey who was there to show that Ford isn't bad because it's a giant corporation, it's just that one executive who is really over the top evil.
Rated 05 Dec 2019
A pretty basic, classic story but there's real skill both behind and in front of the camera. The film seemed to me to reach a natural conclusion after about an hour and 45 minutes, so I really don't know why this is over 2,5 hours in length. I literally don't know, because I left the theater at that point, not seeing what they could have added to the story with another hour and feeling fairly satisfied.
Rated 14 Feb 2020
This definitely didn't need to be as long as it was, but it was pretty competent overall. The cast seemed to be having a good time and the racing scenes weren't half bad. I know Christian Bale is from the UK, but hearing him with a British accent felt unnatural and I do not like it.
Rated 17 Aug 2020
One of the best movies of 2019 and with two phenomenal performances. Christian Bale delivers as usual and Matt Damon was great. Plus, it's worth it, just for the race car scenes.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
Should have been titled, "The Real Fast & Furious". Perhaps the best ever car race (not car chase) movie. The drama was real, not contrived, and there was no CGI except for the crowds. The jerk Ford executive actually did stage the fiasco finish. The movie could have used some more music though, especially at the end to accompany the jerk walking away, say to, "Mustang Sally": "All ya wanna do is ride around Sally, RIDE SALLY RIDE!"
Rated 18 Nov 2019
Well directed, well acted, featuring a killer soundtrack and deceptively clever.
Rated 23 Nov 2019
I'm always impressed when a filmmaker can make me care about subject matter that I normally find boring. Mangold is the truest star of the show here. His direction makes us care about everything from the high-octane races to the character-driven quiet conversations. But Damon and Bale are also fantastic—especially Bale.
Rated 26 Nov 2019
Rating this a 65 mostly comes down to the fact that I don't give a shit about cars but wanted to watch this because I was down for some Bale and Damon action. They really could have cut some of this down to get better pacing, but for the most part it's a solid drama with good performances. If I was more interested in the premise I would have liked this more for sure. Even I have to begrudgingly admit that the racing was kinda fun.
Rated 29 Nov 2019
formül filminin daha sosyal bir nitelik kazanıp siyaseten daha duyarlı hale gelmesi bunu yaparken de teknik yetisini üst seviyede tutması kuşkusuz sevindirici. ama en sığ ifadesiyle *yaaağğğniiiii* diye tepki verilecek filmi bile marvel'in tüm sahneyi çoraklaştırması sağolsun vasatlık övgüsüyle karşılayacak hale geldiğimiz için filmi bir tık yukarıdan kutladığım doğrudur. sinematografi apayrı yalnız. yarışla işi olmayan bana sevdirdi, çünkü mesele o değil.
Rated 29 Nov 2019
I'd bump up the rating if Michael Mann directed this himself; it has his prints all over this (he's the producer) but I wish it had his hands
Rated 08 Dec 2019
Well acted, solid, good-looking biopic. Car racing was achieved as it should. Storywise a generic way to tell the plot.
Rated 11 Dec 2019
Ford doesn't try to reinvent the sports flick, but the performances and craftsmanship on display elevate the film above bog-standard sports film fare.
Rated 13 Dec 2019
Cinemaximum / Akasya
Rated 15 Dec 2019
Subject matter not really my thing and quite a long run time but still a gripping well paced drama.
Rated 05 Jan 2020
I turned to my friend mid-movie and said, it must take a DAMN good film to make me give a shit about something I have no interest in. FvF is well acted by both it's leads, no doubt, but I think the real star is James Mangold, who shows you he can make you sit through a movie on just about anything, all while you're on the edge of your seat.
Rated 14 Oct 2020
It's really sad that the bar for Best Picture nominee is basically a good 70s-style "made for TV" biopic. Well acted, competent in every way, but truly predictable and eminently forgettable.
Rated 12 Apr 2020
Ford v Ferrari, like the GT40 on which the story is based, is a slick, and extremely well put together film from editing, directing, and acting with special note going to Christian Bale, who is once again fantastic. However, like the GT40, Ford v Ferrari is also very machine-like and functions as the same overplayed Hollywood historical documentary without any real purpose other than to tell the story of what happened, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Rated 13 Jan 2020
Really well made movie all round with Bale the pick of the acting. A bit sluggish to start but the second act is fantastic even if the real life events that play out in the climax wouldn't be how I would have finished the tale.
Rated 18 Sep 2020
After checking that this was not a total hollywood re-write of history (Braveheart comes to mind), I could sit back and relax, knowing that however strange the ending, the only impossibility was giving other drivers a long stare, and even a cordial interchange as they passed them at 200mph. It would have been nice to know why Ford promoted Beebe, when he knew he had it in for Miles, but that's a minor complaint. Although Bale is not the most likeable of actors, he is definitely one of the best.
Rated 14 Apr 2020
I surprisingly really loved this movie. It unsurprisingly has some amazing acting and writing. Found myself laughing a whole lot more than I thought I would've. Would definitely recommend If you're looking for a movie to drive you crazy with good and solid writing and acting!
Rated 04 Feb 2020
This. This is why I wait until April to do my end-of-the-year awards, because the films I'm still catching up on for the year can still surprise me, and Ford v Ferrari surprised me a lot. I'm not much into movies based on true stories, or biographical films, or really...sports films, but I do like Matt Damon and Christian Bale, and they both killed it in this film. Also, there was a story goal that you could root for, characters that you could watch all day. This film deserves its nomination!
Rated 06 Feb 2020
Old-fashioned crowd pleaser is a blatant meat-and-potato screenplay-wise, but its reliance on clear and simple character goals and conflicts, with the complexity brought through Damon and (especially) Bale's wonderful performances, make this a winner, capped by Mangold's brilliant (and exciting) handling of the car racing scenes. If some of the supporting players (Lucas, Letts, Balfe) are stock creations, the driving force of the Damon and Bale frenemy relationship more than compensates.
Rated 19 Feb 2020
Great racing scenes. Some of the drama felt a little forced.
Rated 22 Feb 2020
Great duo from Christian Bale and Matt Damon. Cool piece of racing history as well
Rated 04 Jul 2022
Except for Hollywood-style family scenes and some American Patriotism very lovely movie. Every car enthusiast must watch. Don't forget this isn't a documentary.
Rated 05 Apr 2020
I loved this movie. The sounds of the engines, the music, the way it is shot, the beautiful cars. There's tension in the races and it's not boring for a bit. Of course it helps that I love cars and I work with them, so not sure how someone less enthusiastic about cars would feel about this movie.
Rated 01 Apr 2020
James Mangold = peak dad filmmaker. This movie radiates with DAD ENERGY. The daddest movie. Looking forward to seeing what Mangold can pull off in Indiana Jones 5!
Rated 19 Nov 2019
I like the fact that the title becomes considerably less stupid after you watch the movie.
Rated 29 Aug 2024
I feel like I got filtered by this movie because I found myself completely apathetic of the topic this was embracing. I don't care about the auto industry and this made me care even less. But aside from my personal apathy, this is a pretty cookie cutter narrative about the "small guys achieving great things" and just comes off as not really wanting to engage with the engineering aspects of vehicle construction. As laymen, this makes it hard for me to care especially given how bland its style is.
Rated 15 Jun 2021
Bale's performance is straight up awful but the (otherwise) well-directed film's supporting cast delivers in spades (Letts in particular), and Beltrami and Sanders' main theme is a banger.
Rated 04 Mar 2020
The racing is a lot of fun and Damon/Bale had a lot of fun in their roles. An old man says "I sat on my nuts!!!!"
Rated 19 Nov 2020
Another powerful performance from Christian Bale.  Great story and character development.  The action is what you'd expect from a racing movie, for better or for worse.  A bit on the long side, but well-paced.
Rated 05 Sep 2021
For a film about cars, decidedly pedestrian.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Carroll Shelby: "Watch me pull this slick move into incoming traffic while crying and taking some heart pills instead of talking about my feelings"
Rated 05 Jan 2021
Film about the true story of car designer Carroll Shelby and racing driver Ken Miles. Together they built a race car for Ford Motor Company to compete with Enzo Ferrari's dominant racing team at the 1966 Le Mans 24 Hours.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Rated 15 Apr 2024
Dragged down by dull domestic drama, wins when it goes to its tarmac nirvana place.
Rated 28 Nov 2019
Technically strong, well shot, exhilarating racing scenes, good performance from Damon. Bale's accent was a bit iffy. By the end, I was invested and I enjoyed it, but it's overly long, boring for the first half and a bit trite. It leans too heavily on the trope of the clueless, profit-obsessed businessmen vs the shoots-from-the-hip, maverick expert. We're meant to cheer and laugh every time he sticks it to the man and shows them up, but I found myself rolling my eyes.
Rated 12 Mar 2020
While I personally don't think this is a movie I would watch again, it's still a solid movie worth watching. Matt Damon and Christian Bale do a great job in their roles, there are fun moments and good racing action, and the sound design is fantastic as well.
Rated 03 Nov 2023
FvF is the evolution of not just a great addition to the racing sub genre, but genuine film production. Mangold manages to make the narrative and its themes just as intriguing as the wheels spinning on the track. The Damon/Bale chemistry is dynamic, and makes the obstacles of their goal that much more entrenching, especially when applying it to the friction of their own personal issues. There is so much to like here, wether you’re a fan of racing or not. Highly recommend.
Rated 14 Mar 2020
If you squint your eyes at the title, it looks like a face.
Rated 04 Feb 2020
Very solid drama with some fast racing. Could've done with less caricaturized "bad guys".
Rated 24 Jan 2020
Fantastic acting, especially by Bale, who captivates the screen anytime he's on it. The film is filled with fantastic shots of racing that might do one too many jump cuts to truly be one of the greats. But the shots are still nice and the driving is intense. Intermixed with a fantastic racing story, is a weird melodrama about a corrupt marketing agent who wants to screw over Damon and Bale because.....And that subplot gets in the way of the films main plot too much and too often.
Rated 30 Oct 2023
Un película "obligada" para los amantes del cine. Historia atractiva que engancha en cualquier momento. Nos narran una historia de superación y de amistad que nos demuestra como conseguir lo imposible dando un pequeño primer paso y el verdadero significado de llegar a la cima. Christian Bale da una masterclass de como crear un personaje, la forma de expresar sus diálogos y gestos es una auténtica maravilla. Un aspecto técnico excelso, entre lo que resalta es el sonido, que es inmejorable...
Rated 26 Feb 2020
Good story. Sad but true. Really good sound and piece and history (for hobbysts of course)
Rated 07 Feb 2020
fast v furious
Rated 20 May 2020
There's just something with Christian Bale in a film, he never seems to give a bad performance. The performances, the suspense, the journey the film takes you on, all of it a thrill.
Rated 13 Apr 2020
Enjoyable, well executed, with a fine amount of caricaturization.
Rated 02 Jan 2020
Thumping good film, I can see non-car-enthusiasts getting into it too. I love how they get you 'into' the car with Bale.
Rated 05 Jan 2020
Rated 18 Sep 2023
Did feel like Christian Bale was gurning it up just a little bit too much. Also, the main problem with a 24 hour race like Le Mans is that it's confusing to follow and boring.
Rated 10 Jan 2020
Well, it was a fun story. Well shot and executed but doesn't offer anything special. Racing scenes were filmed well, and the acting was superb but by now, this biopic storyline is too cliché.
Rated 12 Jan 2020
Very entertaining. Could've been leaner tho, shave off some of the dramatic filler scenes. And Bale was a bit much maybe. But I guess he won me over, and I did really enjoy the movie.
Rated 12 Jan 2020
How we all love Christian Bale when he comes off.
Rated 12 Jun 2021
I guess it's not really my wheelhouse but this movie is wildly bog standard Hollywood stuff. I've enjoyed racing and car films before but this one just seems happy to do the bare minimum. Acceptable way to pass a few hours, I guess.
Rated 11 Apr 2020
The last little arc was a little odd. It may be what actually happened, but it didn't work for the story. It also unnecessarily made the movie longer, which is pretty long already, and felt even longer. Like my dick. It wasn't boring, though. Luckily. It's too well made for that.And I haven't enjoyed Christian Bale this much in anything for a while now. His performance felt much more grounded than what I'm used to. Despite the occasional silliness or cartoonish grimacing.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
With two of the most reliable big name stars and some nicely edited car race scenes you might feel safe in assuming you'd have a winner here, but the reality is that no matter how good everything looks, or how watchable the actors are there's nothing remarkable about this committee made movie that Hollywood has come to specialize in over the years, where we're led through a standard story arc and by the numbers characterization with a cliched script. That's not good enough.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Rated 26 Jan 2020
Oscar adayı olacak kadar iyi mi tartışılır ama iyi oyunculuk, iyi yazılmış senaryo ve dinamik, adrenalin yüklü anlatımıyla keyifli bir film
Rated 20 Jul 2022
A decent movie. Well filmed, well directed. The family subplot is a bit cringe, and there’s a missed opportunity for extra realism with realistic footwork. Lots of value added from practical props, and the vfx is high level. A quality racing flick.
Rated 18 Apr 2021
Solid, albeit hollow (and often false) retelling of the 1965 and 1966 Le Mans. Has a lot of good, but nothing great. Best part of the movie is Damon beating Bale up with a loaf of Wonderbread. As a huge Christian Bale hater, I'll say he's quite good here. Josh Lucas steals the movie.
Rated 31 Jan 2020
Rated 04 Feb 2020
Pretty effective sports biopic that maybe gets a bit too lost on corporate greed x craftsmanship of the driver and the designer and have less focus on what really matters -- the stakes of driving so fast, the harsh stuff while driving an endurance race and other detail bits about this golden age of professional racing, both on and off the tracks. Never the less, this is well-shot enough to keep us satisfied and has a nice sense of build-up between dialogues and races.
Rated 24 Feb 2021
When in the car it was fun, when outside the car it was kinda cliche.
Rated 14 Feb 2020
Solid editing. I enjoyed the setting and the details of the era. Very beautiful cars. I get bored during sports movies so the race just drags on for me. But I can appreciate the emotions of the ending. Fav scene: fighting on the corner outside the home.
Rated 15 Feb 2020
02.02.2020, İstanbul
Rated 01 Mar 2020
Not my type of film tbh, and it is a bit too long. It's fine anyway.
Rated 09 Sep 2021
I really enjoyed Ford v Ferrari. I am a fan of racing and this isn't a subject that I knew much about. I am glad that they put the story of the silver screen with some really great actors in the roles. Christian Bale as Ken Miles is fantastic. He is likeable, smart, and just the kind of badass one wants a driver to be. Matt Damon as Carroll Shelby is cool, savvy, and sure of himself. They did a good job of making his character deep, not just a cocky cowboy. It's a lot of fun.
Rated 25 Mar 2020
Tightly constructed, well shot and performed. I felt like the story had more to give and some of the antagonist characterisations were a touch lazy. "Le Mans ‘66" is clearly a much better title than "Ford v Ferrari" also.
Rated 29 Mar 2020
Corona günler @beylikdüzü with memos güzel temiz hikaye klasik holivud anlatısı
Rated 30 Mar 2020
Bu filmin ruhunu anlatmaya kelimeler yetmez o yüzden hiç bir açıklama yapma gereği duymuyorum ama C.Bale sen inanılmaz bir aktörsün ya :)


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