Spider-Man: Far from Home

Spider-Man: Far from Home

2h 9m
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Avg Percentile 48.18% from 2957 total ratings

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Rated 19 Nov 2019
That sure was a Spider-movie. Works as light entertainment with a fun cast and breezy-ish content, but the main drawback for me was the bland enemy design and subsequent hard-to-care-about action and progression. As a kid I was a huge Mysterio fan and I guess this version was kind of okaaayyy?? [Looks over shoulder at spirit of Young Barthalen giving a tepid thumbs-up] Yeah I guess it was kind of okay. Just feels like it could've achieved more, much like how Young Barthalen thinks of me.
Rated 06 Jul 2019
I thought this was a very solid epilogue to Endgame, and just a great sequel all around. Gyllenhaal is as magnetic as always and makes for a compelling villain and Holland continues to impress. The story continues to develop Peter Parker really well. Has plenty of laughs along the way, and the action and CGI are done really well too. The post-credit scenes definitely have me anxious for the next one. Definitely worth watching, especially if you're a Spidey fan.
Rated 01 Mar 2020
I still contend that the Spider-Man property is the most dried up well that the MCU has been pumping from and while they bring the same quality and humor to this one as they do to everything else, I've still seen six different Spider-Man movies plus five seasons worth of a cartoon. Spider-Man is too ubiquitous to apply the same formula the MCU has been using for over a decade now. To add insult to injury, Keaton's well developed villian has now been traded for a cookie cutter Gyllenhaal.
Rated 12 Sep 2019
Please go back to being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and not lame avengers garbage. I hope phase 4 of the marvel strategy is to only pander to me because I’m smart and handsome.
Rated 15 Jul 2019
I recall Peter saying that he needed a holiday after the Thanos shenanigans; I felt the same, and this just about fits the bill. It's lighter in tone than Endgame, with no ever-present dread. Some of the humour didn't work for me; much of it did, though. It has genuinely impressive action sequences, and the plot itself, while requiring plenty of suspension of disbelief, ultimately works well. Holland fits the role really well, and Gyllenhaal is great. JB Smoove was misused, though. Worth seeing.
Rated 26 Sep 2019
Holograms are indeliberately the perfect metaphor here. A bunch of non-characters in non-setpieces achieving nothing. But there's stuff blinking, so everyone's staring.
Rated 11 Jul 2019
did i tell you that my wife pretended to blip? yeah, she ran away with a guy from her hiking group.
Rated 05 Aug 2019
Almost on par with the first one, but a bit long and somewhat exhausting. Peter's ostensibly hilarious bestie almost sinks the first act, but Jake Gyllenhaal and the plot points and set pieces pertaining to his character are pretty fun, and I found Holland and Zendaya's awkward flirting sweet.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
If all the jokes land for you, you may forgive the inferior script. In addition to a villain(s) whose plans for celebrity(?) are ridiculous given all they can do, the hero's spider sense literally only works when the writers need it to. Comic fans familiar w/ Mysterio are also unlikely to find the fights in the first half suspenseful & notice that Zendaya's MJ is MJ in name only. Worse, her Daria impression might amuse the glib, but it lends her none of the vulnerability of a romantic lead.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
An absolutely exhilarating blockbuster. The pace is spot-on, the choreography exuberant and unpredictable, and thankfully, it's laugh-out-loud funny. The moments with Mysterio are pure witchcraft and the moments with MJ made me remember high school cringes long forgotten. It feels like a playful Italian Spritz after the meaty Napa Cab of IW and Endgame and that's my favorite kind of happy hour.
Rated 07 Jul 2019
The actors in this are charming and doing their best, especially Gyllenhaal and Holland. Too bad the movie surrounding them is totally forgetable. I am usually a sucker for a teen romance but I was totally unmoved by this. Tries to juggle being a mind-bending superhero story and a high school comedy, ends up halfassing both. The best scene involves an extended illusory fight sequence that hints at what an awesome movie this could have been if they really utilized the villain here.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
Ups the stakes compared to Homecoming, yet even funnier and continues that movie’s best feature of still being a teen flick above all else. Holland and the rest of the kids continue to put in good performances - I loved Betty Brant’s increased role - while Gyllenhaal is absolutely fantastic, at his unhinged best. Some really gorgeous trippy visuals, and another awesome Giacchino score. A very good send-off to Phase 3 of the MCU, with some truly intriguing ending scenes.
Rated 07 Jul 2019
Gets a nice little boost with the mid/post credits scenes. Well-paced and good for a broad audience. Quite cheesy, quite shallow, but a decent cinema watch. Thought this could/should have gone Black Mirror, but yes - that would traumatise the Marvel fans.
Rated 10 Jul 2019
This is actually a very political film. From weaponized drones to fake heroes against homemade threats, this film is a great example of that a movie can be entertaining, full of action and even high school drama yet still be smart and political.
Rated 25 Jul 2019
it's hard to determine if this movie was starting to joke at how stupid we all are as consumers for indulging in this shit over and over and over and over or I just desperately want that to be true as further proof of the MCU as late capitalism. I dunno Martin Starr deserves better or maybe he doesn't he seems like the type of guy who might not. The fat sidekick still rules.
Rated 27 Sep 2019
Goes a little too far with the silliness, at least for my taste. All the superhero shenanigans aren't very interesting in this one. What works really well, though, are the characters and the actors playing them. Zendaya, Holland and Gyllenhaal especially. Which is necessary, 'cause if you're going for this kind of teen/coming-of-age stuff these things have to be tangible. So, kudos! Zendaya is definitely my favorite MJ. Her and Tom Holland are the main reason this movie works.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
I guess it's time I finally rate this one. Having been a life-long Spidey fan I'm still irked at how much this series has changed stuff and characters from the beloved comics. I mean, if nothing else, Peter is not Tony Stark's little Iron Boy. But still, I enjoyed the flick and like Tom Holland as Parker.
Rated 04 Jul 2019
The humor is so bad and predictable. It astonishes me people actually find this movie funny. The rest of the film is a generic coming of age Spider-Man story that never has any strong moments. The illusions by Mysterio were pretty cool, but it was lame how they decided to cop out on him being a hero. Frankly, this movie just reminds me of how bog standard and uninteresting Marvel movies are. Yet I keep seeing them! PLEASE HELP!
Rated 11 Jul 2019
Watchable, which is both my praise and criticism. Appropriately humorous in tone to off-set the super seriousness of the Avengers films, though some of the gags do indeed disturb my pharyngeal reflex (the drone missile "comedy" scene is powerfully stupid and misguided). Bad scenes like these sit aside some terrific scenes, such as Spiderman being bamboozled by the villain, whose crazily implausible plot is, uhhh, harking back to ye olde Spiderman days.
Rated 13 Jul 2019
IMO, this was far better than the previous Spider-Man, and one of the best solo films of the MCU. Tonally, I like that it’s not quite as lighthearted as it’s predecessor. It’s still fun, but it has serious moments and great pacing. Despite the budget being much lower than IW and Endgame, the CGI was solid. Holland and Gyllenhaal are great, and I thoroughly enjoyed both end credit scenes. I’m pleasantly surprised with how good this was, and it concludes a great year for MCU movies.
Rated 19 Jul 2019
I did dig whacko Gyllenhaal and some of the action was pretty fun for sure. I do tire a bit of Spider-Man’s seemingly perpetual sidekick status in the MCU though, to Tony for four movies and now seemingly a SHIELD errand boy. Maybe I’m a bit spoiled by his characterization in the PS4 game which I thought was spot on.
Rated 20 Jul 2019
There are some decent jokes and some eye-rolling ones, some decent action sequences and others without an edge, a moderately interesting villain (mostly prior to the twist, though his powers were unique), and a nearly compelling exploration of a teenager's struggle with the concept of "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility". Unfortunately, this latter element (the most engaging of the film) is surrounded and suffocated by mediocre Marvel content that fails to surprise or impress.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
The high school comedy stuff is an 80, it’s the comic book elements that drag it down. Similar to Dr Strange -seeking to provide logic to its complex imagery has the script opting for long-winded explanations in place of dialogue. Here it’s done in smaller doses and, with the charisma of Gyllenhaal, it almost succeeds. Still, the comedic tone and sleek visual effects make it another adequate Marvel film.
Rated 22 Sep 2019
A flat and rote first half highlights the problem that every incarnation of Spidey has: Parker's love-life is just not that interesting, though Holland and an amusingly dead-pan Zendaya do their best with the material handed to them. Picks up considerably in the second half, especially during the creatively designed reality bending sequences, and gives a nice teeth gnashing role to Gyllenhaal which he attacks with gusto. Even the expected boom-crash climax is genuinely thrilling and well-staged.
Rated 18 Sep 2019
I liked FFH. It has those glorified extra's from The Avengers who would otherwise be out of a job. The villain (basically Major Man from the Powerpuff Girls) is fairly decent. The comedy is decent. The money they threw at locations and CGI was worth it (it gets a bit too much). But it's all too convenient and they set the stakes too high. If Earth is at risk, where is everyone else? Tony didn't give Happy an override? The ex-employees are ok with killing people why exactly? It's all a bit lazy.
Rated 18 Sep 2019
Not as good as the first, but it's still pretty entertaining and Holland plays a really good Spidey. A larger role for Favreau is welcome. Gyllenhaal is a stronger villain than 90 percent of superhero movies (and this franchise's have been the best to boot of any one hero).
Rated 19 Mar 2020
Parker sets out to fight environmental hazards that threaten to raise sea levels and blaze forests only to find it's all a hoax perpetrated by deepfake mainstream media drones (which apparently can alter reality more than the *reality stone* from the previous-oh who fucking cares) and only by being heroically allergic to bullshit can your boy save the day. Also he has girl troubles I guess.
Rated 29 Aug 2019
Far From Home is not the special surprise that Homecoming turned out to be. Tom Holland carries himself amazingly and has terrific chemistry both romantically or otherwise from the well-chosen cast. In the end the inclusion of Mysterio is fantastic, despite being subjected to a little too much exposition in order to make the twists work.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
After a messy first half, it comes together pretty well for an exciting ride. The main complaints are that almost everyone outside of Spidey & Mysterio feels like a caricature and the humor is forced. Gyllenhaal does a great job though, even if his story seems a little rushed. Holland continues to show great range both emotionally and with the physical action.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
Right after Endgame, Far From Home explains what happened when things went back to normal. It focuses a great deal on character development and scenes with Peter Parker and his friends more than the actual Superhero stuff with jokes and emotion. Peter and his friends go on a school trip to various locations with personal shenanigans as subplots. Peter bumps into a new guy named Mysterio, which Jake Gyllenhaal performs rather hammy and charismatic in it. A good Post-Endgame movie start for sure.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
Far From Home is another home run. God damn it's good to be a Spider-Man fan lately.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
It's both a hilarious comedy and an exciting action adventure. The switching between both tones could've been handled a little better, but still pretty fun.
Rated 02 Jan 2020
They do a really great job in this series of capturing the real essence of Spiderman as a superhero who is as much a teenager as a hero. Gyllenhaal was a fun baddie and his powers felt like something new, difficult as that is to pull off in these Marvel movies. Also, sign me up for the spinoff film about zombie Iron Man.
Rated 31 Aug 2019
Another great installment of the latest version of Spiderman. Tom Holland wears this role like a suit. Hope nothing happens to jeopardise the partnership between Marvel and Sony...
Rated 08 Jul 2019
I think this is marginally weaker than Homecoming (and by numbers, one of the weaker entries in the MCU), but I give FFH props in a few places, not the least of which being Jake Gyllenhaal, who is nothing short of a national treasure and always fantastic in everything that he's in, full stop. We get our first glimpses at a post-Iron Man world, the weaving of some subtle political commentary in there was smartly done, and it ends on such a seismic bombshell for the character. Phase 4. Let's go.
Rated 10 Jul 2019
After a somewhat mawkish, sitcommy start, Spider-Man: Far From Home delivers a surprisingly engaging second half initiated - and highlighted - by a wild funhouse CGI sequence that recalls similarly irreverent moments from Doctor Strange and the end of Ant-Man. As far as mindless popcorn entertainment goes, this was pretty palatable.
Rated 11 Jul 2019
Top notch directing, Holland is a star in the making, and Gyllenhaal is absolutely amazing. There are a couple plot points that leave you scratching your head, but I really like the tone this umpteenth reboot of Spider-Man has set.
Rated 12 Jul 2019
A fun, smaller-scale MCU with decent twists and turns, but at the same time the humor is way too broad and the thing doesn't fully gel. Still, it makes a solid case for Holland as our best Spidey yet.
Rated 20 Jul 2019
Tom Holland continues to impress as the wall crawler, cementing his place in history as the BEST Spider-Man! I really love what Sony has done with these villains, (although it was probably Feige and Marvel's doing), first having Keaton kill it as the Vulture and now Gyllenhaal absolutely crushing it as Mysterio. He might be my new favorite big bad in the MCU. Props to Jon Watts for making fish bowl head's "powers" seem truly terrifying on the big screen.
Rated 21 Jul 2019
In a post Avengers world that sees Iron Man and Captain America out of the fold this was Marvel's chance to be more ambitious with Spider-Man, they did just that. Thanks to amazing chemistry between Holland and Zendaya the growing up aspect felt natural and real. Gyllenhaal was also very impressive as Mysterio and the CGI was probably the best in a live action Marvel adventure. A surprise cameo during the credits made the world of Spider-Man come full circle. The Multi-Verse was teased.Bring it
Rated 21 Jul 2019
This is another enjoyable entry in the Spider-Man franchise. The cast does a good job and the script has plenty of fun moments. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 22 Jul 2019
A bit of a scattered sequel, with some promising new elements not fully realized (the Endgame aftermath and emotion isn't committed to; the initially intriguing villain is sloppily developed-see the ham-fisted exposition at the bar). The awesome action and sly commentary on superhero sci-fi and spectacle ("nowadays they'll believe anything") that come with the twist are great though, as is the continuation of the coming-of-age comedy and plot from its predecessor (see the bridge awkwardness).
Rated 08 Feb 2020
At last they were able to make a Sam Raimi level Spidey movie! Easily the best one since Spider-man 2..
Rated 24 Jul 2019
They're all just a blur. One starts and another ends. Martin Starr is great
Rated 31 Jul 2019
A bit of a lighter offering, with lower stakes and less self-reflection. However, it's a bit too discordant with its shifts in tone in a way that's hard to swallow. Plotwise it's also nothing to call home about either. Still, I did laugh at Peter almost droning all his classmates.
Rated 01 Aug 2019
SM: FFH is fun, like it's predecessor, and benefits from getting out off NYC to show Spider-Man in a different setting. The film does re-tread familiar ground with its themes of responsibility, though some would argue an essential aspect of the character. The most interesting plot-points occur in the mid- & post-credit sequences. Gyllenhaal is great; and his maniacal, over-the-top performance, whilst clichéd, does work in the film, with his reveal being one of the more fun moments.
Rated 24 Sep 2019
Harmless and written like a 90210 (or Riverdale if that's the more relevant vice) episode. I wish they did more with Gyllenhaal.
Rated 11 Aug 2019
If the point of this movie is to say Spiderman, and Holland, has it in him to be the flagship of the MCU now, I'm buying it and I want more
Rated 19 Sep 2019
So cute.
Rated 31 May 2020
The way they used Mysterio was clever and there was a brisk levity to it, that made it enjoyable. ... not really much more to say I guess...
Rated 05 Jul 2019
Love me some Spidey. Lots of giggles, great CGI spectacle, Gyllenhaal was a great Mysterio. All-in-all it's better than the last! Really strong credits scenes to boot.
Rated 14 Sep 2019
Another cinematic dog's breakfast. Entertaining but nothing special.
Rated 22 Sep 2019
Mysterio is the highlight of the show here, mainly because of the way the VFX is done in his illusion world. Holland again proves that he is perfectly cast as Parker, but some of the plot turns didn't really do it for me.
Rated 13 Sep 2019
so how did they handle the wind??
Rated 04 Jul 2019
Solid blockbuster. Some really cool scenes when Peter and Mysterio fight. Too much random filler for me, but I must say it was a good movie, thoroughly entertaining.
Rated 01 Jul 2019
The first half, an overpadded teenage road trip spy movie, is cringey and boring; the second part, an unaired animated Spider-man TV episode, is better. The chemistry between Peter Parker and MJ is nice. Unfortunately, this feels too small for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and would be more successful outside of the MCU metacontext. But when you make a movie franchise as interconnected as this, you accept the pros and cons of that metanarrative. P.S. I dislike how high tech MCU Spider-man is.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
Highly enjoyable. Once again the main reason is Tom Holland being the perfect Peter Parker. It is also possible that Zendaya couldn't be better. The hologram stuff is the weak link.
Rated 03 Jul 2019
90s kid me is ecstatic to see Spider-Man continue to flourish in the hands of the MCU. I continue to be impressed with Marvel's handling of classic Spidey villains and seamlessly integrating them into their established universe. Gyllenhaal is perfect, the visuals are showstoppers, Holland is still the best of both worlds, and the script is tight and fun. It's not the perfect storm that Homecoming was, but by god it's close.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
These new Spider-man movies with Tom Holland bring something new and refreshing. I like Holland als our Spiderhero because of the wittiness and uncomplicated way of acting he shows. These Spider-mans are probably the most childish Marvel movies and this makes them actually the most enjoyable ones. Just relax and enjoy some uncomplicated and solid entertainment.
Rated 01 Dec 2019
There are a few moments and sequences that lift this above mediocrity but mostly this is just a boring generic mess.
Rated 03 Jul 2019
Far From Home ticks a lot of boxes as it remarkably manages to serve as a refreshingly scaled down epilogue to Endgame whilst being a superior sequel to Homecoming also. Tom Holland has cemented himself as the best Peter Parker to date, Jake Gyllenhaal is a blast and the supporting cast is strong throughout. I think tonally this feels the truest and most natural incarnation of Spider-Man we have seen. And I just hope the character can continue to feel as refreshing and enjoyable in the future.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
Finally, an un-convoluted Marvel blockbuster. Not totally remarkable, but innovative and direct enough for a good summer hit.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
I'm not gonna base this off anything that happened with Endgame. Strictly as a Spider Man fan, I have issues with this. I think you see the most character growth of these films. You feel for Peter and what he is going through, and the movie does provide a decent amount of laughs as well. My issue is that I feel Mysterio was the wrong character for this Spider Man story. Gyllenhaal is good, but as a whole, his character felt out of place for me. Best end credits ever though.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
Fun, which makes it a success in my book. The self-serious way in which lots of these comic book movies proceed never works for me, so I enjoy the light and flighty way that Holland plays this character.
Rated 15 Dec 2019
I've seen a million Marvel movies and all I care about right now is: was this fun? The answer is fuck yeah! Tom Holland is precious, the teen aspects work, the character dynamics work and it even touches a little on topical stuff like deepfakes, fake news and drones. And the post credit scenes add some extra dimension. Zendaya is awesome, love Gyllenhaal, Marisa Tomei is the best Aunt May. And it was nice to have Favreau around. Too bad about the trip to Europe being ruined, that's a pet peeve.
Rated 07 Jul 2019
I don't understand how these movies are still this good.
Rated 07 Jul 2019
I didn't find it as funny as the first one but everything else worked. This is the best cinematic Spider-Man, Mysterio was a great villain, the action was exciting. I thought it being after Endgame might hurt it but it did a good job of examining the fallout from everything, which means it's got some emotional depth.
Rated 08 Jul 2019
Better than Homecoming. The movie surprised be a few times, and it also has some fantastic 3D.
Rated 22 Sep 2019
Super entertaining as usual for these Superhero megabusters, but at the same time everything feels more and more like a in-joke than a proper good vs evil monster battle.
Rated 10 Jul 2019
* Enjoyable, nothing more, nothing less. Doesn't bore you for a second but doesn't offer much either, especially with a so so villian, the major problem of the MCU. Some good laughs, especially with the Zeppelin joke.
Rated 12 Jul 2019
This fits very well into post-Endgame. I really enjoyed the humor, but I am a high-schooler watching a high school movie. Jake Gyllenhaal was perfect as Mysterio, and loved MJ in this better than it's predecessor. If you love Marvel, this is definitely worth a watch.
Rated 13 Jul 2019
okay movie
Rated 14 Jul 2019
A lot better movie than homecoming, M.J. seems no longer a feminist nut case a the story flows so easily and to top it off the villain really took me by suprise.
Rated 15 Jul 2019
Just a solidly entertaining, really fun movie. It's a good superhero movie and also a good teen movie. A lot of likable characters that have compelling relationships. Holland's fantastic. The chemistry between him and Zendaya is really nice. I enjoyed Gyllenhaal's Mysterio. The action sequences were cool and the visual effects were awesome. It was really funny, and yeah, just a good time at the movies. I'd have to see it again, but I'd say this is as good as Homecoming, if not better.
Rated 15 Jul 2019
Starts off a bit slow but really ramps up as the movie progresses. Jake Gyllenhaal was amazing as usual.
Rated 20 Sep 2019
Spider-Man is on his largest quest yet to escape the sterile feel of the rest of the Marvel Universe, something he mostly succeeds at. The action is better choreographed than the first film in the series, and the school angle is also welcome as a larger part of the plot this time.
Rated 20 Jul 2019
Tom Holland is officially my new favorite Spider-Man. Zendaya also won me over with this one after showing a bit more of a "girly" side. The story is flawed but acceptable, and the whole thing is a fine and entertaining follow-up to the greatest finale in recent memory. *Good
Rated 30 Jul 2019
It's the seventh Spiderman and 23rd movie in the MCU, you know what to expect. It's fine, entertaining enough, perfectly ok.
Rated 31 Jul 2019
The MCU version of the "with great powers comes great responsibility" brings Peter toe to toe with his grief and his responsibility. You on the other hand get to see a fun adventure away from all the heavy endgame drama. Jake Gyllenhaal does fun things with Mysterio.
Rated 09 Aug 2019
Charming to the max, Far from Home is one of the surprise hits of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rated 19 Aug 2019
What a great way to end this phase for the MCU, and being all emotioned out after Endgame, this was a great treat. A likeable cast (Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man we've had), pretty good plot and fantastic special effects, it was refreshing to watch something with less of a threat looming. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that this probably has a HUGE after-credits scene that has a massive effect moving forward but you just gotta watch it, to find out.
Rated 24 Aug 2019
This was a lot of fun as a superhero adventure and as a teen romcom, although Mysterio wasn't the strongest villain in my opinion. But I walked out very happy, most fun I had with Marvel since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1, although it faded a bit with time.
Rated 25 Aug 2019
A step down. Spidey-standalones should be about the little things. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and the unfriendly neighborhood villains. This is at its best when it's about Peter struggling to be a teenager, and loses sight of itself when he has to set his main goals aside to save the world. And his heroics are a lot less clumsy than in the first film, which doesn't gel as well. The whole villain story here feels a bit out of place and on the nose. Zendaya is great.
Rated 11 Sep 2019
So disappointing. Holland is annoying and fake, the teen romance is cringeworthy, the story is written by a child and it's painful to see a potentially great bad guy get almost no room to develop once he's outed. The one-on-one illusionary fight was nicely done and Gyllenhaal did the best could, but that. was. it.
Rated 14 Nov 2019
Structurally it all feels a bit off, but the characters work, and that fishbowl basically had me erect for most of the film.
Rated 27 Oct 2019
Passes the time.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Mostly good. Though the baddie acquisition of the mcguffin was kinda dumb and a couple of the wacky kid hijinks (particularly the scene on the bus) waxed into stupid territory. But overall I liked it. Spiderman is always likeable.
Rated 09 Dec 2019
Another solid Marvel-ey entry. Not sure if there's too much to say - worth the entertainment if you like Marvel, Holland is a treat but there's not much else that stands out.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
Nice and sweet. Holland is great. Zendaya is awkward. But Gyllenhaal steals this movie. Loved him. Sadly it never rises above good.
Rated 11 Jan 2020
Pretty cool action, but everything else is just plain awful.
Rated 10 Jul 2019
Spider Man:Far From Home (72/100) çizgi romanlardan beslenen yapısı ile oldukça iyi bir Spider-Man anlatımı ortaya koyuyor Marvel'ın aşama aşama yükselltiği sinematik evrenindeki 3.Fazın kapanışı olan Far From Home Spider-Man'in dramasını filmin kötü karakteri üzerinden verip gayet iyi sekanslar eşliğinde karakterini oldukça iyi gelişimlerle ortaya koyuyor ve karakterin külliyatına çok iyi temeller atıyor.
Rated 27 Sep 2019
I can't tell anymore if the movie is boring or if I'm just done with films life this. At least the special effects were much better than in Homecoming..
Rated 17 Jul 2019
While I enjoyed many parts of this film individually, it never quite came together as a coherent whole. The highschool comedy and teenage romance work much better than the larger MCU shenanigans and the uninspired superhero action. As a follow-up to Endgame, this movie felt tonally off, but as a light summer romp the film is consistently funny and entertaining.
Rated 18 Jul 2019
I like the teen romance comedy elements of this film. Tom Holland and Zendaya are really likeable and I enjoyed watching Holland try to be a regular teen while also being Peter Spiderman. Jake Gyllenhaal is fine is a puzzling role. Since at least a really significant portion of the target audience is comic book fans, I'm not clear how the Mysterio ruse is supposed to work.
Rated 08 Aug 2020
I have mixed feelings about Gyllenhaal's villain, but I really like Holland, Zendaya, and Batalon. Oh, and J.K. Simmons! Even if it's just for a minute. It's not amazing, but really enjoyable. I'm really looking forward to the next one.
Rated 21 Jul 2019
A good movie overall, I was disappointed that Mysterio wasn't used as a chance to make a more interesting villain, and more generally found the movie to be too "haha that was funny" instead of actually making me laugh.
Rated 29 Oct 2019
Another solid but safe MCU entry that will please the existing fans but is unlikely to win any new ones. After the emotional dump of the epic but bloated Endgame, FFH is a much lighter and smaller scale tale which provides a suitable epilogue to the Avengers movie and phase three as a whole. Arguably the biggest twist comes mid credits so stay around for that, but Marvel fans already know to do this I guess!
Rated 29 Sep 2019
look like bollywood movies. very weak story. weak suspension. just good special effect
Rated 25 Jul 2019
I'm not sure this works, if you're familiar with the comics then there is no twist. But it's fun,still better than the Garfield Spiderman movies. Just not as good as Homecoming
Rated 18 Sep 2019
Way more fun if you imagine J.B Smoove as Leon. Real life adaption of The Incredibles.


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